
时间:2016-06-02 05:20:21

标签: graph graph-algorithm breadth-first-search

我正在解决IOI 2007 - FLOOD中提出的问题,问题也在SPOJ上。


我为解决方案想了很多。后来我才知道 -

Step 0: Converting a region into a node and 
Step 1: Connecting two nodes with edges only if corresponding regions share at least a segment. 
Step 2: And then running a BFS on this will simplify the problem.

我仍然无法考虑端到端解决方案,但后来我想让我们试试第0步& 1。 我也失败了。如果前面有图像,我可以很容易地看到区域,但不能以编程方式查看。

The input would be end co-ordinate points of segments.

我附上图片供参考。 enter image description here

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

当然有很多不同的方法可以解决这个问题。一种可能的方法是使用 Computational Geometry 领域的技术。以下两个概念尤其有用:

  • Doubly-connected edge list (DCEL):这种数据结构在处理平面图时常用。基本思想是扩展每条边以保存对边旁边区域(也称为“面”)的引用。


  • Sweep lining:这类算法在处理平面结构时被广泛使用。从概念上讲,它通过在平面上移动“扫描线”来工作,同时保持一些中间结果。每次扫描线击中平面上的对象时,中间结果都会根据该对象进行更新。当最终对象被扫过后,最终结果应该可以从中间结果推导出来。

    在更实际的术语中,这通常是通过按坐标对输入点进行排序来实现的(即首先按 y 坐标,如果两个点具有相同的 y 坐标,则按其 x 坐标)。然后通过对排序点进行迭代来完成“扫描”。

为了给您更多参考,我从 Voronoi diagrams 的构造中熟悉了这些技术。特别是,如果您研究 Fortune's algorithm,您会发现它与我在此处描述的方法有一些相似之处(即它也使用 DCEL 和扫描线)。此外,我很喜欢阅读这篇关于计算几何的 book,它更详细地描述了这些技术。

我将在下面的部分中描述如何将这些技术应用于 FLOOD 问题。完整代码在答案末尾。



using v_index_t = uint32_t;
using e_index_t = uint32_t;
using f_index_t = uint32_t;

constexpr e_index_t NULL_EDGE = 0;
constexpr f_index_t OUTER_PLANE = 0;

每个顶点存储它的位置以及哪些边与顶点相关。 由于输入图的边是轴对齐的,因此每个顶点最多可以有四个边。出于这个原因,对于四个方向中的每一个,我都使用了一个具有四个元素的固定大小数组。如果顶点在某个方向上没有边,则使用特殊索引 NULL_EDGE

struct Vertex {
  int x;
  int y;

  std::array<e_index_t, 4> incident;

边缘按照 DCEL 方法存储。每条边都是有向的,并持有对其右侧面的引用和对其对等边的引用:

struct Edge {
  v_index_t a;
  v_index_t b;

  e_index_t peer;
  f_index_t faceRight;


struct Face {
  std::vector<e_index_t> edges;


struct Graph {
  std::vector<Vertex> vertices;
  std::vector<Edge> edges;
  std::vector<Face> faces;



  • 按坐标对顶点进行排序。

  • 初始化一个 union-find data structure,它最初将每个顶点分配给它自己的分区。分区用于指示哪些顶点可以相互到达。

  • 迭代已排序的顶点。对于每个顶点,检查从该顶点开始的边的方向。对于每条向左或向下的边,检查当前顶点和该边的端点是否在同一个分区中(使用联合查找数据结构的查找操作)。

    • 如果是,边关闭一个内部循环(因为顶点在同一分区中,如果它们可以相互到达)。创造一张新面孔。从当前边开始,通过始终采用最右侧的后继边来跟随包围面的边。对于每个访问过的边,将右侧面的 DCEL 参考设置为指向新创建的面。

    • 如果不是,则在 union-find 数据结构中加入两个分区,以表明这两个顶点可以相互到达(从而可以从其中一个顶点到达已知的每个顶点也可以从另一个)。

假设您已经实现了一个用于顶点排序的辅助函数 getSortedVertices、一个实现联合查找数据结构的辅助类 VertexPartition 和一个沿边移动的辅助函数 applyFaceRightwards通过始终取最右边的后继边来包围人脸,识别人脸的主要程序如下所示:

void Graph::createFaceGraph() {

  // Sort vertices by coordinate
  auto indices{getSortedVertices()};

  // Initialize union-find data structure with one partition for each vertex.
  VertexPartition partition(vertices.size());

  // Sweep over the sorted vertices
  for (v_index_t current : indices) {

    // Check leftwards and downwards edges. The rightwards and upwards edges
    // are handled from the vertex at the other side.
    for (Direction direction : {Direction::Left, Direction::Down}) {
      e_index_t edgeIndex{vertices[current].incident[direction]};

      if (edgeIndex == NULL_EDGE) {

      Edge &edge{edges[edgeIndex]};
      v_index_t other = edge.other(current);

      // Use the union-find structure to join the partitions of the current
      // vertex and the vertex at the other side of the edge.
      bool success = partition.joinPartitions(other, current);

      // If the partitions were joined successfully, no action is needed.
      if (success) {

      // If the vertices were already in the same partition,
      // a loop has been found. Create a new face and travel rightwards
      // from the current edge to apply the face index to all edge
      // that are enclosing the face.
      f_index_t faceIndex = faces.size() - 1;
      applyFaceRightwards(other, current, faceIndex);

  // Add all unprocessed edges to the outer plane.
  for (size_t i = 1; i < edges.size(); i++) {
    if (edges[i].faceRight == OUTER_PLANE) {

一旦您构建了人脸图,您就可以在人脸图上使用 BFS,如您在问题中所述。对于每个面,您将遍历包围该面的边。对于每条边,您将获得双边并将双边引用的面添加到 BFS 队列中。您将记录每个人脸的 BFS 等级。要找到在洪水期间可能会倒塌的墙,您需要确定不同 BFS 等级的面之间的边。


enter image description here


enter image description here


enter image description here

所以如果你真的想构建全脸图,这个结果是错误的。例如,您可以通过添加第二个扫描通道来跟踪面部嵌套来解决此问题。然而,对于 FLOOD 问题,这是不需要的:对于最终结果,我们对具体的 BFS 级别不感兴趣,而只对相邻面之间是否存在 BFS 级别差异感兴趣。要获得此信息,内矩形的面是附加到外矩形的面还是附加到外平面都没有关系。用更实际的术语来说:如果一个结构完全封闭在另一个结构内,则内部结构的壁将按照结构移动到外平面时的顺序破裂。当将结构移动到外平面时,它的壁当然会更快地破裂,但它们破裂的顺序是相同的。因此最终结果不会改变。


完整代码(SPOJ 100%'d):

#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <cstdint>
#include <iostream>
#include <numeric>
#include <queue>
#include <vector>

 * Aliases to make it clear which object type is referenced by an index.
using v_index_t = uint32_t;
using e_index_t = uint32_t;
using f_index_t = uint32_t;

 * The edge index 0 is used to indicate "no edge".
constexpr e_index_t NULL_EDGE = 0;

 * The face index 0 is used to indicate the outer plane.
constexpr f_index_t OUTER_PLANE = 0;

 * The four direction used in the axis-aligned input graph.
enum Direction { Up, Right, Down, Left };

 * Data structure for a vertex.
struct Vertex {

   * Position of the vertex.
  const int x;
  const int y;

   * The edges incident to the vertex in the four direction.
   * If the vertex does not have an edge for some direction, NULL_EDGE is used.
  std::array<e_index_t, 4> incident;

   * Create a new vertex at the given position.
  Vertex(int x, int y);

   * Get the direction that vertex "to" is, relative to this vertex.
  Direction getDirection(const Vertex &to) const;

 * Data structure for an edge, using the DCEL approach
struct Edge {

   * Starting vertex of the edge.
  v_index_t a;

   * End vertex of the edge.
  v_index_t b;

   * The peer edge, meaning the directed edge b->a.
  e_index_t peer;

   * The face to the right of the edge
   * (from the perspective of the starting vertex).
  f_index_t faceRight{OUTER_PLANE};

   * Default-constructed, needed for the NULL_EDGE.
  Edge() = default;

   * Create a new edge a->b.
  Edge(v_index_t a, v_index_t b);

   * Get the other vertex of the edge. If "from" is "a" then "b" is returned,
   * if "from" is "b" then "a" is returned.
  v_index_t other(v_index_t from) const;

 * Data structure for a face (meaning a region in the plane).
struct Face {
   * List of edges that enclose this face.
  std::vector<e_index_t> edges;

 * Data structure for a graph.
struct Graph {

   * List of vertices in the graph.
  std::vector<Vertex> vertices;

   * List of edges in the graph.
  std::vector<Edge> edges;

   * List of faces in the graph.
  std::vector<Face> faces;

   * Create the empty graph.

   * Add an undirected edge a<->b.
  void add_edge(v_index_t a, v_index_t b);

   * Get the right-most edge that follows the edge parent->current.
  e_index_t getRightMostEdge(v_index_t current, v_index_t parent);

   * Sort the vertices by their coordinate.
  std::vector<v_index_t> getSortedVertices();

   * Travel right-wards along the successor edges of from->to.
   * Apply the faceIndex to each visited edge.
  void applyFaceRightwards(v_index_t to, v_index_t from, f_index_t faceIndex);

   * Use sweep-lining to construct the face graph.
  void createFaceGraph();

   * Use BFS on the face graph to identify which collapsing walls.
  void findCollapsedWalls();

 * Union-find data structure.
struct VertexPartition {

   * Maps each vertex to the representive of its partition.
  std::vector<v_index_t> parent;

   * Tracks the rank of each vertex in the union-find tree structure.
  std::vector<int> rank;

   * Initialize the union-find structure such that each vertex
   * is in its own partition.
  VertexPartition(size_t size);

   * Find the representive of the partition in which the vertex is contained.
  v_index_t findPartition(v_index_t vertex);

   * Join the partitions containing the vertices a and b.
  bool joinPartitions(v_index_t a, v_index_t b);

Vertex::Vertex(int x, int y) : x{x}, y{y}, incident{} {}

Direction Vertex::getDirection(const Vertex &to) const {
  bool left = (x > to.x);
  bool right = (x < to.x);
  bool up = (y < to.y);
  bool down = (y > to.y);

  if (!up && !down) {
    if (right) {
      return Direction::Right;
    } else if (left) {
      return Direction::Left;

  if (!left && !right) {
    if (up) {
      return Direction::Up;
    } else if (down) {
      return Direction::Down;

  throw std::runtime_error{"Invalid alignment!"};

Edge::Edge(v_index_t a, v_index_t b) : a{a}, b{b} {}

v_index_t Edge::other(v_index_t from) const {
  if (from == a) {
    return b;

  if (from == b) {
    return a;

  throw std::runtime_error{"Vertex not incident to edge!"};

VertexPartition::VertexPartition(size_t size) : parent(size), rank(size) {
  std::iota(parent.begin(), parent.end(), 0);

v_index_t VertexPartition::findPartition(v_index_t vertex) {
  // Pass 1: Find the representive of the partition containing vertex
  v_index_t top = vertex;
  while (parent[top] != top) {
    top = parent[top];

  // Pass 2: Compress path to speed up future queries.
  while (parent[vertex] != vertex) {
    v_index_t next = parent[vertex];
    parent[vertex] = top;
    vertex = next;

  return top;

bool VertexPartition::joinPartitions(v_index_t a, v_index_t b) {
  v_index_t aParent = findPartition(a);
  v_index_t bParent = findPartition(b);

  if (aParent == bParent) {
    return false;

  // Make the representive with maximum rank the representive of the joined
  // partition.
  int aParentRank = rank[aParent];
  int bParentRank = rank[bParent];

  if (aParentRank < bParentRank) {
    v_index_t tmp = aParentRank;
    aParentRank = bParentRank;
    bParentRank = tmp;

  parent[bParent] = aParent;
  if (aParentRank == bParentRank) {
    rank[aParent] += 1;

  return true;

Graph::Graph() {
  faces.emplace_back(); // Create default face, representing the outer plane.
  edges.emplace_back(); // Create null edge, so that index 0 means "no edge".

void Graph::add_edge(v_index_t a, v_index_t b) {
  edges.emplace_back(a, b);
  edges.emplace_back(b, a);

  e_index_t indexAtoB = edges.size() - 2;
  e_index_t indexBtoA = edges.size() - 1;

  edges[indexAtoB].peer = indexBtoA;
  edges[indexBtoA].peer = indexAtoB;

  Direction directionAtoB{vertices[a].getDirection(vertices[b])};
  Direction directionBtoA{vertices[b].getDirection(vertices[a])};

  vertices[a].incident[directionAtoB] = indexAtoB;
  vertices[b].incident[directionBtoA] = indexBtoA;

e_index_t Graph::getRightMostEdge(v_index_t parent, v_index_t current) {
  Direction direction{vertices[current].getDirection(vertices[parent])};

  // Check the directions following the current direction in counter-clockwise
  // order. Note that in the last iteration of the loop, the direction
  // current->parent is checked. 
  for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++) {
    int directionAsIntShifted{direction - i};
    if (directionAsIntShifted < 0) {
      directionAsIntShifted += 4;
    Direction directionShifted{static_cast<Direction>(directionAsIntShifted)};
    e_index_t edge{vertices[current].incident[directionShifted]};

    if (edge != NULL_EDGE) {
      return edge;

  return NULL_EDGE;

std::vector<v_index_t> Graph::getSortedVertices() {
  std::vector<v_index_t> indices(vertices.size());
  std::iota(indices.begin(), indices.end(), 0);

  auto key = [&](v_index_t i, v_index_t j) -> bool {
    return (vertices[i].y < vertices[j].y) ||
           (vertices[i].y == vertices[j].y && vertices[i].x < vertices[j].x);

  std::sort(indices.begin(), indices.end(), key);

  return indices;

void Graph::applyFaceRightwards(v_index_t current, v_index_t parent,
                                f_index_t faceIndex) {
  for (;;) {
    e_index_t edgeIndex{getRightMostEdge(parent, current)};

    if (!edgeIndex) {

    Edge &edge{edges[edgeIndex]};
    v_index_t next{edge.other(current)};

    if (edge.faceRight != OUTER_PLANE) {

    edge.faceRight = faceIndex;

    parent = current;
    current = next;

void Graph::createFaceGraph() {

  // Sort vertices by coordinate
  auto indices{getSortedVertices()};

  // Initialize union-find data structure with one partition for each vertex.
  VertexPartition partition(vertices.size());

  // Sweep over the sorted vertices
  for (v_index_t current : indices) {

    // Check leftwards and downwards edges. The rightwards and upwards edges
    // are handled from the vertex at the other side.
    for (Direction direction : {Direction::Left, Direction::Down}) {
      e_index_t edgeIndex{vertices[current].incident[direction]};

      if (edgeIndex == NULL_EDGE) {

      Edge &edge{edges[edgeIndex]};
      v_index_t other = edge.other(current);

      // Use the union-find structure to join the partitions of the current
      // vertex and the vertex at the other side of the edge.
      bool success = partition.joinPartitions(other, current);

      // If the partitions were joined successfully, no action is needed.
      if (success) {

      // If the vertices were already in the same partition,
      // a loop has been found. Create a new face and travel rightwards
      // from the current edge to apply the face index to all edge
      // that are enclosing the face.
      f_index_t faceIndex = faces.size() - 1;
      applyFaceRightwards(other, current, faceIndex);

  // Add all unprocessed edges to the outer plane.
  for (size_t i = 1; i < edges.size(); i++) {
    if (edges[i].faceRight == OUTER_PLANE) {

void Graph::findCollapsedWalls() {

  // Perform BFS on face graph
  std::queue<f_index_t> queue{};
  std::vector<bool> visited(faces.size());
  std::vector<int> rank(faces.size());

  auto processFace = [&](f_index_t next, int nextRank) {
    if (visited[next]) {

    visited[next] = true;
    rank[next] = nextRank;

  processFace(OUTER_PLANE, 0);

  while (!queue.empty()) {
    f_index_t current{queue.front()};

    int nextRank = rank[current] + 1;

    for (e_index_t edge : faces[current].edges) {
      e_index_t peer = edges[edge].peer;
      processFace(edges[peer].faceRight, nextRank);

  // Check which edges are next to faces with equal BFS rank
  auto isWallStanding = [&](e_index_t i) {
    e_index_t j = edges[i].peer;

    return rank[edges[i].faceRight] == rank[edges[j].faceRight];

  // Print the final result. Since the edge list contains each edge
  // twice, once for each direction, we skip over every second edge.
  // We also skip the NULL_EDGE.
  size_t wallCount = 0;
  for (size_t i = 2; i < edges.size(); i += 2) {
    if (isWallStanding(i)) {

  std::cout << wallCount << std::endl;
  for (size_t i = 2; i < edges.size(); i += 2) {
    if (isWallStanding(i)) {
      std::cout << i / 2 << std::endl;

int main() {

  Graph graph{};

  // Read input graph from stdin
  size_t corners{};
  std::cin >> corners;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < corners; i++) {
    int x;
    int y;
    std::cin >> x >> y;
    graph.vertices.emplace_back(x, y);

  size_t walls{};
  std::cin >> walls;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < walls; i++) {
    size_t indexA;
    size_t indexB;
    std::cin >> indexA >> indexB;
    graph.add_edge(indexA - 1, indexB - 1);


  return 0;