
时间:2016-05-29 16:04:06

标签: java libgdx real-time multiplayer kryonet




  1. 如何构建简单可靠的UDP缓冲区?我们尝试使用发送时间和到达时间之间的时间差来延迟接收端的数据包执行50ms。但要么我们做错了,要么插值本身就有缺陷,因为抖动变得更糟。

  2. 如何正确地线性插入旅行轨迹?

  3. 以下代码是我们的插值方法的片段。

    //Called every time a UDP packet has arrived adding it to the queue.
    public void addEntityPacket(EntityPacket pkt){
    //Called each Gdx update (60times/s). Linearly interpolates (lerp)
    //the entity with the next entityState in queue using getAlpha().
    public void updateEntityState(){
        if (entityStates.size > 0) {
            EntityPacket pkt = entityStates.pop();
            currentPos.set(body.getPosition()); // sets currentPos to the entitys current position.
            targetPos.set(pkt.xp, pkt.yp); // sets the targeted to the next state position retrieved from the queue.
            interpolatedPos.set(currentPos).lerp(targetPos, getAlpha()); // calculates the linear interpolation using getAlpha().
            body.setTransform(interpolatedPos, 0); // Moves the entity to the calculated position
            body.setLinearVelocity(pkt.xf, pkt.yf); // Sets the velocity
    //Called when calculating interpolation.
    public float getAlpha(){
        long now = TimeUtils.millis(); // current time
        float alpha = (now - lastUpdateTime) / 30f; // time difference divided by update frequency.
        lastUpdateTime = now;
        return MathUtils.clamp(alpha, 0f, 1.0f); // We do not want the alpha to be less than 0 or greater than 1 or the interpolation will behave strangely.

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