my_pal <- {
x$y <- list()
x$y$seasons <- c(
autumn = rgb(100, 78, 139, max = 255),
spring = rgb(200, 139, 61, max = 255),
summer = rgb(54, 50, 205, max = 255),
winter = rgb(255, 193, 37, max = 255)
my_color_pal <- function(palette = "seasons") {
pal.list <- my_pal$y
if (!palette %in% c(names(pal.list), "seasons", "blah", "bluh")) {
stop(sprintf("%s is not a valid palette name", palette))
if (palette == "seasons") {
types <- pal.list[["seasons"]][seq(1, 4, by = 1)]
} else if (palette == "blah") {
types <- pal.list[["blah"]][seq(1, 8, by = 2)]
} else {
types <- pal.list[[palette]]
function(n) {
答案 0 :(得分:1)
如果将季节名称和十六进制代码存储在函数中,则可以在构建绘图时检索要显示的类型。这是一个包含my_color_pal函数中scale :: show_col的大部分内部的示例,然后允许您使用字符串值“hex”或“names”绘制名称或十六进制代码。
my_pal <- {
x <- list()
x$y <- list()
x$y$seasons <- c(
autumn = rgb(100, 78, 139, max = 255),
spring = rgb(200, 139, 61, max = 255),
summer = rgb(54, 50, 205, max = 255),
winter = rgb(255, 193, 37, max = 255)
my_color_pal <- function(palette, names_or_hex) {
pal.list <- my_pal$y
if (!palette %in% c(names(pal.list), "seasons", "blah", "bluh")) {
stop(sprintf("%s is not a valid palette name", palette))
if (palette == "seasons") {
types <- pal.list[["seasons"]][seq(1, 4, by = 1)]
} else if (palette == "blah") {
types <- pal.list[["blah"]][seq(1, 8, by = 2)]
} else {
types <- pal.list[[palette]]
# get hexs
colours <- unname(types)[seq_len(length(types))]
# get names
names_colours <- names(types)[seq_len(length(types))]
# functions internal to scales::show_col()
n <- length(colours)
ncol <- ceiling(sqrt(n))
nrow <- ceiling(n/ncol)
colours <- c(colours, rep(NA, nrow * ncol - length(colours)))
colours <- matrix(colours, ncol = ncol, byrow = TRUE)
old <- par(pty = "s", mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
size <- max(dim(colours))
plot(c(0, size), c(0, -size), type = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "",
axes = FALSE)
rect(col(colours) - 1, -row(colours) + 1, col(colours), -row(colours),
col = colours)
# add condtional plotting of hex codes or names
if (names_or_hex == "hex") {
text(col(colours) - 0.5, -row(colours) + 0.5, colours)
} else if(names_or_hex == "names"){
text(col(colours) - 0.5, -row(colours) + 0.5, names_colours)
# plot and display hex codes
my_color_pal(palette = "seasons",
names_or_hex = "hex")
# plot and display names
my_color_pal(palette = "seasons",
names_or_hex = "names")