
时间:2016-05-24 20:50:13

标签: scala akka akka-stream

你如何在最新的Akka(2.4.6)中限制流量?我想限制Http客户端流量,以限制每秒3个请求的请求数。我在网上找到了以下示例,但它是针对旧Akka和akka-streams API的变化太大,以至于我无法弄清楚如何重写它。

def throttled[T](rate: FiniteDuration): Flow[T, T] = {
  val tickSource: Source[Unit] = TickSource(rate, rate, () => ())
  val zip = Zip[T, Unit]
  val in = UndefinedSource[T]
  val out = UndefinedSink[T]
  PartialFlowGraph { implicit builder =>
    import FlowGraphImplicits._
    in ~> zip.left ~> Flow[(T, Unit)].map { case (t, _) => t } ~> out
    tickSource ~> zip.right
  }.toFlow(in, out)


def throttleFlow[T](rate: FiniteDuration) = Flow.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create() { implicit builder =>
  import GraphDSL.Implicits._

  val ticker = Source.tick(rate, rate, Unit)

  val zip = builder.add(Zip[T, Unit.type])
  val map = Flow[(T, Unit.type)].map { case (value, _) => value }
  val messageExtractor = builder.add(map)

  val in = Inlet[T]("Req.in")
  val out = Outlet[T]("Req.out")

  out ~> zip.in0
  ticker ~> zip.in1
  zip.out ~> messageExtractor.in

  FlowShape.of(in, messageExtractor.out)


private val queueHttp = Source.queue[(HttpRequest, (Any, Promise[(Try[HttpResponse], Any)]))](1000, OverflowStrategy.backpressure)
  .mapAsync(4) {
    case (util.Success(resp), any) =>
      val strictFut = resp.entity.toStrict(5 seconds)
      strictFut.map(ent => (util.Success(resp.copy(entity = ent)), any))
    case other =>
    case (triedResp, (value: Any, p: Promise[(Try[HttpResponse], Any)])) =>
      p.success(triedResp -> value)
    case _ =>
      throw new RuntimeException()



Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: requirement failed: The output port [Req.out] is not part of the underlying graph.
    at scala.Predef$.require(Predef.scala:219)
    at akka.stream.impl.StreamLayout$Module$class.wire(StreamLayout.scala:204)

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

这是尝试使用@Qingwei提到的节流方法。关键是不要使用bindAndHandle(),而是在处理它们之前使用bind()并限制传入连接的流量。代码取自implementation of bindAndHandle(),但为了简单起见,省略了一些错误处理。请不要在生产中这样做。

implicit val system = ActorSystem("test")
implicit val mat = ActorMaterializer()
import system.dispatcher
val maxConcurrentConnections = 4

val handler: Flow[HttpRequest, HttpResponse, NotUsed] = complete(LocalDateTime.now().toString)

def handleOneConnection(incomingConnection: IncomingConnection): Future[Done] =

Http().bind("", 8080)
  .throttle(3, 1.second, 1, ThrottleMode.Shaping)