
时间:2016-05-20 05:34:54

标签: c# regex string windows performance


public String Roll()
    Random rnd = new Random();
    int roll = rnd.Next(1, 100000);
    if (Regex.IsMatch(roll.ToString(), @"(.)\1{1,}$"))
        return "doubles";
    return "none";


public String Roll()
    Random rnd = new Random();
    int roll = rnd.Next(1, 100000);
    if (roll.ToString().EndsWith("11") || roll.ToString().EndsWith("22")  || roll.ToString().EndsWith("33")  || roll.ToString().EndsWith("44")  || roll.ToString().EndsWith("55")  || roll.ToString().EndsWith("66")  || roll.ToString().EndsWith("77")  || roll.ToString().EndsWith("88")  || roll.ToString().EndsWith("99")  || roll.ToString().EndsWith("00"))
        return "doubles";
    return "none";


7 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:34)


以下是文本处理的性能摘要 - 从最快到最慢(10百万循环[首选/非首选32位] - 排名基于两者中最快的排序):

  1. 大查找快速随机UInt(不计入赏金):219/273 ms - Mine, improved from Evk's
  2. 大型查找优化随机:228/273毫秒 - Ivan Stoev's Alternate Solution
  3. 大查找快速随机:238/294毫秒 - Evk's Alternative Solution
  4. 大型查询无参数随机:248/287毫秒 - Thomas Ayoub


    1. 此解决方案向小数字(< 100000)引用0.0039%偏差(参考:Eric Lippert's blog post,由Lucas Trzesniewski链接)
    2. 在测试时是否会生成与其他人相同的数字序列(参考:Michael Liu' s comment) - 因为它改变了使用方式{ {1}}(从RandomRandom.Next(int)),用于测试本身。

    3. 虽然无法使用与此方法完全相同的数字序列执行测试(而mentionedPhil1970),但我有两点要做:

      1. 有些人可能有兴趣看一下Random.Next() vs Random.Next(int)的实现,以了解为什么此解决方案 仍然会更快 即使相同使用了数字序列
      2. 真实案例中使用Random.Next()将(大部分时间)不假设数字序列相同(或可预测) - 仅适用于测试我们的方法我们希望Random序列相同(用于公平单元测试目的)。此方法的预期更快结果不能完全从测试结果单独派生,而是通过查看Random实现。
    4. 大查询:320/284毫秒 - Evk

    5. 最快的优化随机修改:286/333毫秒Ivan Stoev
    6. Lookup Optimized Modded:315/329 ms - Corak
    7. 优化修改:471/330毫秒 - Stian Standahl
    8. 优化的Modded +常数:472/337 - Gjermund Grøneng
    9. 最快的优化模式:345/340毫秒 - Gjermund Grøneng
    10. 修改时间:496/370毫秒 - Corak +可能Alexei Levenkov
    11. 数字:537/408毫秒 - Alois Kraus
    12. 简单:1668/1176毫秒 - Mine
    13. HashSet包含:2138/1609 ms - Dandré
    14. 列表包含:3013/2465毫秒 - Another Mine
    15. 已编译的正则表达式:8956/7675毫秒 - Radin Gospodinov
    16. Regex:15032/16640 ms - OP's Solution 1
    17. EndsWith:24763/20702 ms - OP's Solution 2
    18. 以下是我的简单测试用例:

      Next() vs Next(int)

      额外的Random rnd = new Random(10000); FastRandom fastRnd = new FastRandom(10000); //OP's Solution 2 public String RollRegex() { int roll = rnd.Next(1, 100000); if (Regex.IsMatch(roll.ToString(), @"(.)\1{1,}$")) { return "doubles"; } else { return "none"; } } //Radin Gospodinov's Solution Regex optionRegex = new Regex(@"(.)\1{1,}$", RegexOptions.Compiled); public String RollOptionRegex() { int roll = rnd.Next(1, 100000); string rollString = roll.ToString(); if (optionRegex.IsMatch(roll.ToString())) { return "doubles"; } else { return "none"; } } //OP's Solution 1 public String RollEndsWith() { int roll = rnd.Next(1, 100000); if (roll.ToString().EndsWith("11") || roll.ToString().EndsWith("22") || roll.ToString().EndsWith("33") || roll.ToString().EndsWith("44") || roll.ToString().EndsWith("55") || roll.ToString().EndsWith("66") || roll.ToString().EndsWith("77") || roll.ToString().EndsWith("88") || roll.ToString().EndsWith("99") || roll.ToString().EndsWith("00")) { return "doubles"; } else { return "none"; } } //My Solution public String RollSimple() { int roll = rnd.Next(1, 100000); string rollString = roll.ToString(); return roll > 10 && rollString[rollString.Length - 1] == rollString[rollString.Length - 2] ? "doubles" : "none"; } //My Other Solution List<string> doubles = new List<string>() { "00", "11", "22", "33", "44", "55", "66", "77", "88", "99" }; public String RollAnotherSimple() { int roll = rnd.Next(1, 100000); string rollString = roll.ToString(); return rollString.Length > 1 && doubles.Contains(rollString.Substring(rollString.Length - 2)) ? "doubles" : "none"; } //Dandré's Solution HashSet<string> doublesHashset = new HashSet<string>() { "00", "11", "22", "33", "44", "55", "66", "77", "88", "99" }; public String RollSimpleHashSet() { int roll = rnd.Next(1, 100000); string rollString = roll.ToString(); return rollString.Length > 1 && doublesHashset.Contains(rollString.Substring(rollString.Length - 2)) ? "doubles" : "none"; } //Corak's Solution - hinted by Alexei Levenkov too public string RollModded() { int roll = rnd.Next(1, 100000); return roll % 100 % 11 == 0 ? "doubles" : "none"; } //Stian Standahl optimizes modded solution public string RollOptimizedModded() { return rnd.Next(1, 100000) % 100 % 11 == 0 ? "doubles" : "none"; } //Gjermund Grøneng's method with constant addition private const string CONST_DOUBLES = "doubles"; private const string CONST_NONE = "none"; public string RollOptimizedModdedConst() { return rnd.Next(1, 100000) % 100 % 11 == 0 ? CONST_DOUBLES : CONST_NONE; } //Gjermund Grøneng's method after optimizing the Random (The fastest!) public string FastestOptimizedModded() { return (rnd.Next(99999) + 1) % 100 % 11 == 0 ? CONST_DOUBLES : CONST_NONE; } //Corak's Solution, added on Gjermund Grøneng's private readonly string[] Lookup = { "doubles", "none", "none", "none", "none", "none", "none", "none", "none", "none", "none" }; public string RollLookupOptimizedModded() { return Lookup[(rnd.Next(99999) + 1) % 100 % 11]; } //Evk's Solution, large Lookup private string[] LargeLookup; private void InitLargeLookup() { LargeLookup = new string[100000]; for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) { LargeLookup[i] = i % 100 % 11 == 0 ? "doubles" : "none"; } } public string RollLargeLookup() { return LargeLookup[rnd.Next(99999) + 1]; } //Thomas Ayoub's Solution public string RollLargeLookupParameterlessRandom() { return LargeLookup[rnd.Next() % 100000]; } //Alois Kraus's Solution public string RollNumbers() { int roll = rnd.Next(1, 100000); int lastDigit = roll % 10; int secondLastDigit = (roll / 10) % 10; if (lastDigit == secondLastDigit) { return "doubles"; } else { return "none"; } } //Ivan Stoev's Solution public string FastestOptimizedRandomModded() { return ((int)(rnd.Next() * (99999.0 / int.MaxValue)) + 1) % 100 % 11 == 0 ? CONST_DOUBLES : CONST_NONE; } //Ivan Stoev's Alternate Solution public string RollLargeLookupOptimizedRandom() { return LargeLookup[(int)(rnd.Next() * (99999.0 / int.MaxValue))]; } //Evk's Solution using FastRandom public string RollLargeLookupFastRandom() { return LargeLookup[fastRnd.Next(99999) + 1]; } //My Own Test, using FastRandom + NextUInt public string RollLargeLookupFastRandomUInt() { return LargeLookup[fastRnd.NextUInt() % 99999 + 1]; } 类:



      //FastRandom's part used for the testing
      public class FastRandom {
          // The +1 ensures NextDouble doesn't generate 1.0
          const double REAL_UNIT_INT = 1.0 / ((double)int.MaxValue + 1.0);
          const double REAL_UNIT_UINT = 1.0 / ((double)uint.MaxValue + 1.0);
          const uint Y = 842502087, Z = 3579807591, W = 273326509;
          uint x, y, z, w;
          #region Constructors
          /// <summary>
          /// Initialises a new instance using time dependent seed.
          /// </summary>
          public FastRandom() {
              // Initialise using the system tick count.
          /// <summary>
          /// Initialises a new instance using an int value as seed.
          /// This constructor signature is provided to maintain compatibility with
          /// System.Random
          /// </summary>
          public FastRandom(int seed) {
          #region Public Methods [Reinitialisation]
          /// <summary>
          /// Reinitialises using an int value as a seed.
          /// </summary>
          /// <param name="seed"></param>
          public void Reinitialise(int seed) {
              // The only stipulation stated for the xorshift RNG is that at least one of
              // the seeds x,y,z,w is non-zero. We fulfill that requirement by only allowing
              // resetting of the x seed
              x = (uint)seed;
              y = Y;
              z = Z;
              w = W;
          #region Public Methods [System.Random functionally equivalent methods]
          /// <summary>
          /// Generates a random int over the range 0 to int.MaxValue-1.
          /// MaxValue is not generated in order to remain functionally equivalent to System.Random.Next().
          /// This does slightly eat into some of the performance gain over System.Random, but not much.
          /// For better performance see:
          /// Call NextInt() for an int over the range 0 to int.MaxValue.
          /// Call NextUInt() and cast the result to an int to generate an int over the full Int32 value range
          /// including negative values. 
          /// </summary>
          /// <returns></returns>
          public int Next() {
              uint t = (x ^ (x << 11));
              x = y; y = z; z = w;
              w = (w ^ (w >> 19)) ^ (t ^ (t >> 8));
              // Handle the special case where the value int.MaxValue is generated. This is outside of 
              // the range of permitted values, so we therefore call Next() to try again.
              uint rtn = w & 0x7FFFFFFF;
              if (rtn == 0x7FFFFFFF)
                  return Next();
              return (int)rtn;
          /// <summary>
          /// Generates a random int over the range 0 to upperBound-1, and not including upperBound.
          /// </summary>
          /// <param name="upperBound"></param>
          /// <returns></returns>
          public int Next(int upperBound) {
              if (upperBound < 0)
                  throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("upperBound", upperBound, "upperBound must be >=0");
              uint t = (x ^ (x << 11));
              x = y; y = z; z = w;
              // The explicit int cast before the first multiplication gives better performance.
              // See comments in NextDouble.
              return (int)((REAL_UNIT_INT * (int)(0x7FFFFFFF & (w = (w ^ (w >> 19)) ^ (t ^ (t >> 8))))) * upperBound);
          /// <summary>
          /// Generates a random int over the range lowerBound to upperBound-1, and not including upperBound.
          /// upperBound must be >= lowerBound. lowerBound may be negative.
          /// </summary>
          /// <param name="lowerBound"></param>
          /// <param name="upperBound"></param>
          /// <returns></returns>
          public int Next(int lowerBound, int upperBound) {
              if (lowerBound > upperBound)
                  throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("upperBound", upperBound, "upperBound must be >=lowerBound");
              uint t = (x ^ (x << 11));
              x = y; y = z; z = w;
              // The explicit int cast before the first multiplication gives better performance.
              // See comments in NextDouble.
              int range = upperBound - lowerBound;
              if (range < 0) {   // If range is <0 then an overflow has occured and must resort to using long integer arithmetic instead (slower).
                  // We also must use all 32 bits of precision, instead of the normal 31, which again is slower.  
                  return lowerBound + (int)((REAL_UNIT_UINT * (double)(w = (w ^ (w >> 19)) ^ (t ^ (t >> 8)))) * (double)((long)upperBound - (long)lowerBound));
              // 31 bits of precision will suffice if range<=int.MaxValue. This allows us to cast to an int and gain
              // a little more performance.
              return lowerBound + (int)((REAL_UNIT_INT * (double)(int)(0x7FFFFFFF & (w = (w ^ (w >> 19)) ^ (t ^ (t >> 8))))) * (double)range);
          /// <summary>
          /// Generates a random double. Values returned are from 0.0 up to but not including 1.0.
          /// </summary>
          /// <returns></returns>
          public double NextDouble() {
              uint t = (x ^ (x << 11));
              x = y; y = z; z = w;
              // Here we can gain a 2x speed improvement by generating a value that can be cast to 
              // an int instead of the more easily available uint. If we then explicitly cast to an 
              // int the compiler will then cast the int to a double to perform the multiplication, 
              // this final cast is a lot faster than casting from a uint to a double. The extra cast
              // to an int is very fast (the allocated bits remain the same) and so the overall effect 
              // of the extra cast is a significant performance improvement.
              // Also note that the loss of one bit of precision is equivalent to what occurs within 
              // System.Random.
              return (REAL_UNIT_INT * (int)(0x7FFFFFFF & (w = (w ^ (w >> 19)) ^ (t ^ (t >> 8)))));
          /// <summary>
          /// Fills the provided byte array with random bytes.
          /// This method is functionally equivalent to System.Random.NextBytes(). 
          /// </summary>
          /// <param name="buffer"></param>
          public void NextBytes(byte[] buffer) {
              // Fill up the bulk of the buffer in chunks of 4 bytes at a time.
              uint x = this.x, y = this.y, z = this.z, w = this.w;
              int i = 0;
              uint t;
              for (int bound = buffer.Length - 3; i < bound; ) {
                  // Generate 4 bytes. 
                  // Increased performance is achieved by generating 4 random bytes per loop.
                  // Also note that no mask needs to be applied to zero out the higher order bytes before
                  // casting because the cast ignores thos bytes. Thanks to Stefan Troschьtz for pointing this out.
                  t = (x ^ (x << 11));
                  x = y; y = z; z = w;
                  w = (w ^ (w >> 19)) ^ (t ^ (t >> 8));
                  buffer[i++] = (byte)w;
                  buffer[i++] = (byte)(w >> 8);
                  buffer[i++] = (byte)(w >> 16);
                  buffer[i++] = (byte)(w >> 24);
              // Fill up any remaining bytes in the buffer.
              if (i < buffer.Length) {
                  // Generate 4 bytes.
                  t = (x ^ (x << 11));
                  x = y; y = z; z = w;
                  w = (w ^ (w >> 19)) ^ (t ^ (t >> 8));
                  buffer[i++] = (byte)w;
                  if (i < buffer.Length) {
                      buffer[i++] = (byte)(w >> 8);
                      if (i < buffer.Length) {
                          buffer[i++] = (byte)(w >> 16);
                          if (i < buffer.Length) {
                              buffer[i] = (byte)(w >> 24);
              this.x = x; this.y = y; this.z = z; this.w = w;
          //      /// <summary>
          //      /// A version of NextBytes that uses a pointer to set 4 bytes of the byte buffer in one operation
          //      /// thus providing a nice speedup. The loop is also partially unrolled to allow out-of-order-execution,
          //      /// this results in about a x2 speedup on an AMD Athlon. Thus performance may vary wildly on different CPUs
          //      /// depending on the number of execution units available.
          //      /// 
          //      /// Another significant speedup is obtained by setting the 4 bytes by indexing pDWord (e.g. pDWord[i++]=w)
          //      /// instead of adjusting it dereferencing it (e.g. *pDWord++=w).
          //      /// 
          //      /// Note that this routine requires the unsafe compilation flag to be specified and so is commented out by default.
          //      /// </summary>
          //      /// <param name="buffer"></param>
          //      public unsafe void NextBytesUnsafe(byte[] buffer)
          //      {
          //          if(buffer.Length % 8 != 0)
          //              throw new ArgumentException("Buffer length must be divisible by 8", "buffer");
          //          uint x=this.x, y=this.y, z=this.z, w=this.w;
          //          fixed(byte* pByte0 = buffer)
          //          {
          //              uint* pDWord = (uint*)pByte0;
          //              for(int i=0, len=buffer.Length>>2; i < len; i+=2) 
          //              {
          //                  uint t=(x^(x<<11));
          //                  x=y; y=z; z=w;
          //                  pDWord[i] = w = (w^(w>>19))^(t^(t>>8));
          //                  t=(x^(x<<11));
          //                  x=y; y=z; z=w;
          //                  pDWord[i+1] = w = (w^(w>>19))^(t^(t>>8));
          //              }
          //          }
          //          this.x=x; this.y=y; this.z=z; this.w=w;
          //      }
          #region Public Methods [Methods not present on System.Random]
          /// <summary>
          /// Generates a uint. Values returned are over the full range of a uint, 
          /// uint.MinValue to uint.MaxValue, inclusive.
          /// This is the fastest method for generating a single random number because the underlying
          /// random number generator algorithm generates 32 random bits that can be cast directly to 
          /// a uint.
          /// </summary>
          /// <returns></returns>
          public uint NextUInt() {
              uint t = (x ^ (x << 11));
              x = y; y = z; z = w;
              return (w = (w ^ (w >> 19)) ^ (t ^ (t >> 8)));
          /// <summary>
          /// Generates a random int over the range 0 to int.MaxValue, inclusive. 
          /// This method differs from Next() only in that the range is 0 to int.MaxValue
          /// and not 0 to int.MaxValue-1.
          /// The slight difference in range means this method is slightly faster than Next()
          /// but is not functionally equivalent to System.Random.Next().
          /// </summary>
          /// <returns></returns>
          public int NextInt() {
              uint t = (x ^ (x << 11));
              x = y; y = z; z = w;
              return (int)(0x7FFFFFFF & (w = (w ^ (w >> 19)) ^ (t ^ (t >> 8))));
          // Buffer 32 bits in bitBuffer, return 1 at a time, keep track of how many have been returned
          // with bitBufferIdx.
          uint bitBuffer;
          uint bitMask = 1;
          /// <summary>
          /// Generates a single random bit.
          /// This method's performance is improved by generating 32 bits in one operation and storing them
          /// ready for future calls.
          /// </summary>
          /// <returns></returns>
          public bool NextBool() {
              if (bitMask == 1) {
                  // Generate 32 more bits.
                  uint t = (x ^ (x << 11));
                  x = y; y = z; z = w;
                  bitBuffer = w = (w ^ (w >> 19)) ^ (t ^ (t >> 8));
                  // Reset the bitMask that tells us which bit to read next.
                  bitMask = 0x80000000;
                  return (bitBuffer & bitMask) == 0;
              return (bitBuffer & (bitMask >>= 1)) == 0;


      public delegate string RollDelegate();
      private void Test() {
          List<string> rollMethodNames = new List<string>(){
              "Large Lookup Fast Random UInt",
              "Large Lookup Fast Random",
              "Large Lookup Optimized Random",
              "Fastest Optimized Random Modded",
              "Large Lookup Parameterless Random",
              "Large Lookup",
              "Lookup Optimized Modded",
              "Fastest Optimized Modded",
              "Optimized Modded Const",
              "Optimized Modded",
              "Another simple with HashSet",
              "Another Simple",
              "Option (Compiled) Regex",
          List<RollDelegate> rollMethods = new List<RollDelegate>{
          int trial = 10000000;
          for (int k = 0; k < rollMethods.Count; ++k) {
              rnd = new Random(10000);
              fastRnd = new FastRandom(10000);
              for (int i = 0; i < trial; ++i)
              logBox.WriteTimedLogLine(rollMethodNames[k] + ": " + logBox.GetTimeLapse());


      [2016-05-30 08:20:54.056 UTC] Large Lookup Fast Random UInt: 219 ms
      [2016-05-30 08:20:54.296 UTC] Large Lookup Fast Random: 238 ms
      [2016-05-30 08:20:54.524 UTC] Large Lookup Optimized Random: 228 ms
      [2016-05-30 08:20:54.810 UTC] Fastest Optimized Random Modded: 286 ms
      [2016-05-30 08:20:55.347 UTC] Numbers: 537 ms
      [2016-05-30 08:20:55.596 UTC] Large Lookup Parameterless Random: 248 ms
      [2016-05-30 08:20:55.916 UTC] Large Lookup: 320 ms
      [2016-05-30 08:20:56.231 UTC] Lookup Optimized Modded: 315 ms
      [2016-05-30 08:20:56.577 UTC] Fastest Optimized Modded: 345 ms
      [2016-05-30 08:20:57.049 UTC] Optimized Modded Const: 472 ms
      [2016-05-30 08:20:57.521 UTC] Optimized Modded: 471 ms
      [2016-05-30 08:20:58.017 UTC] Modded: 496 ms
      [2016-05-30 08:20:59.685 UTC] Simple: 1668 ms
      [2016-05-30 08:21:01.824 UTC] Another simple with HashSet: 2138 ms
      [2016-05-30 08:21:04.837 UTC] Another Simple: 3013 ms
      [2016-05-30 08:21:13.794 UTC] Option (Compiled) Regex: 8956 ms
      [2016-05-30 08:21:28.827 UTC] Regex: 15032 ms
      [2016-05-30 08:21:53.589 UTC] EndsWith: 24763 ms


      enter image description here

答案 1 :(得分:12)


private const string CONST_DOUBLES = "doubles";
private const string CONST_NONE = "none";
public string FastestOptimizedModded()
    return (rnd.Next(99999)+1) % 100 % 11 == 0 ? CONST_DOUBLES : CONST_NONE;

答案 2 :(得分:4)


在Q / A中我没有得到满意的一件事就是为什么正则表达式在这种情况下优于EndsWith。我觉得有必要解释这些差异,以便人们意识到哪种解决方案在哪种情况下可能会更好。



bool EndsWith(string haystack, string needle)
    bool equal = haystack.Length >= needle.Length;
    for (int i=0; i<needle.Length && equal; ++i)
        equal = s[i] == needle[needle.Length - haystack.Length + i];
    return equal;

代码很简单;我们只需要取第一个字符,看它是否匹配,然后是下一个等等 - 直到我们到达字符串的末尾。








bool Matches(string haystack)
    char _1;
    int index = 0;

    // match (.)
    if (index >= haystack.Length) 
        goto stateFail;
    _1 = haystack[index]; 
    state = 1;
    goto state1;

    // match \1{1}
    if (index >= haystack.Length) 
        goto stateFail;
    if (_1 == haystack[index])
        goto state2;
    goto stateFail;

    // match \1{2,*}$ -- usually optimized away because it always succeeds
    if (index >= haystack.Length) 
        goto stateSuccess;
    if (_1 == haystack[index])
        goto state2;
    goto stateSuccess;

    return true;

    return false;


嗯,这取决于。从表达式确定NFA / DFA,编译程序以及查找程序并对其进行评估的每次调用都存在开销。对于非常简单的情况,EndsWith胜过正则表达式。在这种情况下,它是EndsWith中的'OR',使其比正则表达式慢。


答案 3 :(得分:3)


private string[] LargeLookup;
private void Init() {
    LargeLookup = new string[100000];
    for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
        LargeLookup[i] = i%100%11 == 0 ? "doubles" : "none";


public string RollLargeLookup() {
    return LargeLookup[rnd.Next(99999) + 1];

虽然看起来有点受欢迎 - 经常使用这样的方法。例如,最快的已知扑克手评估器预先生成巨大的阵列,数千个条目(非常聪明的技巧),然后在这个阵列上进行几次简单的查找,以评估一个扑克牌的强度而不是另一个扑克牌的强度。时间。

通过使用其他随机数生成器,您可以更快地做到更快。例如,如果将System.Random替换为this FastRandom类实现(基于xorshift算法) - 它将快两倍。

如果实现大型查找表和FastRandom - 在我的计算机上显示100ms vs 220ms的RollLookupOptimizedModded。


public class FastRandom
    // The +1 ensures NextDouble doesn't generate 1.0
    const double REAL_UNIT_INT = 1.0 / ((double)int.MaxValue + 1.0);
    const double REAL_UNIT_UINT = 1.0 / ((double)uint.MaxValue + 1.0);
    const uint Y = 842502087, Z = 3579807591, W = 273326509;

    uint x, y, z, w;

    #region Constructors

    /// <summary>
    /// Initialises a new instance using time dependent seed.
    /// </summary>
    public FastRandom()
        // Initialise using the system tick count.

    /// <summary>
    /// Initialises a new instance using an int value as seed.
    /// This constructor signature is provided to maintain compatibility with
    /// System.Random
    /// </summary>
    public FastRandom(int seed)


    #region Public Methods [Reinitialisation]

    /// <summary>
    /// Reinitialises using an int value as a seed.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="seed"></param>
    public void Reinitialise(int seed)
        // The only stipulation stated for the xorshift RNG is that at least one of
        // the seeds x,y,z,w is non-zero. We fulfill that requirement by only allowing
        // resetting of the x seed
        x = (uint)seed;
        y = Y;
        z = Z;
        w = W;


    #region Public Methods [System.Random functionally equivalent methods]

    /// <summary>
    /// Generates a random int over the range 0 to int.MaxValue-1.
    /// MaxValue is not generated in order to remain functionally equivalent to System.Random.Next().
    /// This does slightly eat into some of the performance gain over System.Random, but not much.
    /// For better performance see:
    /// Call NextInt() for an int over the range 0 to int.MaxValue.
    /// Call NextUInt() and cast the result to an int to generate an int over the full Int32 value range
    /// including negative values. 
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public int Next()
        uint t = (x ^ (x << 11));
        x = y; y = z; z = w;
        w = (w ^ (w >> 19)) ^ (t ^ (t >> 8));

        // Handle the special case where the value int.MaxValue is generated. This is outside of 
        // the range of permitted values, so we therefore call Next() to try again.
        uint rtn = w & 0x7FFFFFFF;
        if (rtn == 0x7FFFFFFF)
            return Next();
        return (int)rtn;

    /// <summary>
    /// Generates a random int over the range 0 to upperBound-1, and not including upperBound.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="upperBound"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public int Next(int upperBound)
        if (upperBound < 0)
            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("upperBound", upperBound, "upperBound must be >=0");

        uint t = (x ^ (x << 11));
        x = y; y = z; z = w;

        // The explicit int cast before the first multiplication gives better performance.
        // See comments in NextDouble.
        return (int)((REAL_UNIT_INT * (int)(0x7FFFFFFF & (w = (w ^ (w >> 19)) ^ (t ^ (t >> 8))))) * upperBound);

    /// <summary>
    /// Generates a random int over the range lowerBound to upperBound-1, and not including upperBound.
    /// upperBound must be >= lowerBound. lowerBound may be negative.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="lowerBound"></param>
    /// <param name="upperBound"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public int Next(int lowerBound, int upperBound)
        if (lowerBound > upperBound)
            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("upperBound", upperBound, "upperBound must be >=lowerBound");

        uint t = (x ^ (x << 11));
        x = y; y = z; z = w;

        // The explicit int cast before the first multiplication gives better performance.
        // See comments in NextDouble.
        int range = upperBound - lowerBound;
        if (range < 0)
        {   // If range is <0 then an overflow has occured and must resort to using long integer arithmetic instead (slower).
            // We also must use all 32 bits of precision, instead of the normal 31, which again is slower.  
            return lowerBound + (int)((REAL_UNIT_UINT * (double)(w = (w ^ (w >> 19)) ^ (t ^ (t >> 8)))) * (double)((long)upperBound - (long)lowerBound));

        // 31 bits of precision will suffice if range<=int.MaxValue. This allows us to cast to an int and gain
        // a little more performance.
        return lowerBound + (int)((REAL_UNIT_INT * (double)(int)(0x7FFFFFFF & (w = (w ^ (w >> 19)) ^ (t ^ (t >> 8))))) * (double)range);

    /// <summary>
    /// Generates a random double. Values returned are from 0.0 up to but not including 1.0.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public double NextDouble()
        uint t = (x ^ (x << 11));
        x = y; y = z; z = w;

        // Here we can gain a 2x speed improvement by generating a value that can be cast to 
        // an int instead of the more easily available uint. If we then explicitly cast to an 
        // int the compiler will then cast the int to a double to perform the multiplication, 
        // this final cast is a lot faster than casting from a uint to a double. The extra cast
        // to an int is very fast (the allocated bits remain the same) and so the overall effect 
        // of the extra cast is a significant performance improvement.
        // Also note that the loss of one bit of precision is equivalent to what occurs within 
        // System.Random.
        return (REAL_UNIT_INT * (int)(0x7FFFFFFF & (w = (w ^ (w >> 19)) ^ (t ^ (t >> 8)))));

    /// <summary>
    /// Fills the provided byte array with random bytes.
    /// This method is functionally equivalent to System.Random.NextBytes(). 
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="buffer"></param>
    public void NextBytes(byte[] buffer)
        // Fill up the bulk of the buffer in chunks of 4 bytes at a time.
        uint x = this.x, y = this.y, z = this.z, w = this.w;
        int i = 0;
        uint t;
        for (int bound = buffer.Length - 3; i < bound;)
            // Generate 4 bytes. 
            // Increased performance is achieved by generating 4 random bytes per loop.
            // Also note that no mask needs to be applied to zero out the higher order bytes before
            // casting because the cast ignores thos bytes. Thanks to Stefan Troschьtz for pointing this out.
            t = (x ^ (x << 11));
            x = y; y = z; z = w;
            w = (w ^ (w >> 19)) ^ (t ^ (t >> 8));

            buffer[i++] = (byte)w;
            buffer[i++] = (byte)(w >> 8);
            buffer[i++] = (byte)(w >> 16);
            buffer[i++] = (byte)(w >> 24);

        // Fill up any remaining bytes in the buffer.
        if (i < buffer.Length)
            // Generate 4 bytes.
            t = (x ^ (x << 11));
            x = y; y = z; z = w;
            w = (w ^ (w >> 19)) ^ (t ^ (t >> 8));

            buffer[i++] = (byte)w;
            if (i < buffer.Length)
                buffer[i++] = (byte)(w >> 8);
                if (i < buffer.Length)
                    buffer[i++] = (byte)(w >> 16);
                    if (i < buffer.Length)
                        buffer[i] = (byte)(w >> 24);
        this.x = x; this.y = y; this.z = z; this.w = w;

    //      /// <summary>
    //      /// A version of NextBytes that uses a pointer to set 4 bytes of the byte buffer in one operation
    //      /// thus providing a nice speedup. The loop is also partially unrolled to allow out-of-order-execution,
    //      /// this results in about a x2 speedup on an AMD Athlon. Thus performance may vary wildly on different CPUs
    //      /// depending on the number of execution units available.
    //      /// 
    //      /// Another significant speedup is obtained by setting the 4 bytes by indexing pDWord (e.g. pDWord[i++]=w)
    //      /// instead of adjusting it dereferencing it (e.g. *pDWord++=w).
    //      /// 
    //      /// Note that this routine requires the unsafe compilation flag to be specified and so is commented out by default.
    //      /// </summary>
    //      /// <param name="buffer"></param>
    //      public unsafe void NextBytesUnsafe(byte[] buffer)
    //      {
    //          if(buffer.Length % 8 != 0)
    //              throw new ArgumentException("Buffer length must be divisible by 8", "buffer");
    //          uint x=this.x, y=this.y, z=this.z, w=this.w;
    //          fixed(byte* pByte0 = buffer)
    //          {
    //              uint* pDWord = (uint*)pByte0;
    //              for(int i=0, len=buffer.Length>>2; i < len; i+=2) 
    //              {
    //                  uint t=(x^(x<<11));
    //                  x=y; y=z; z=w;
    //                  pDWord[i] = w = (w^(w>>19))^(t^(t>>8));
    //                  t=(x^(x<<11));
    //                  x=y; y=z; z=w;
    //                  pDWord[i+1] = w = (w^(w>>19))^(t^(t>>8));
    //              }
    //          }
    //          this.x=x; this.y=y; this.z=z; this.w=w;
    //      }


    #region Public Methods [Methods not present on System.Random]

    /// <summary>
    /// Generates a uint. Values returned are over the full range of a uint, 
    /// uint.MinValue to uint.MaxValue, inclusive.
    /// This is the fastest method for generating a single random number because the underlying
    /// random number generator algorithm generates 32 random bits that can be cast directly to 
    /// a uint.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public uint NextUInt()
        uint t = (x ^ (x << 11));
        x = y; y = z; z = w;
        return (w = (w ^ (w >> 19)) ^ (t ^ (t >> 8)));

    /// <summary>
    /// Generates a random int over the range 0 to int.MaxValue, inclusive. 
    /// This method differs from Next() only in that the range is 0 to int.MaxValue
    /// and not 0 to int.MaxValue-1.
    /// The slight difference in range means this method is slightly faster than Next()
    /// but is not functionally equivalent to System.Random.Next().
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public int NextInt()
        uint t = (x ^ (x << 11));
        x = y; y = z; z = w;
        return (int)(0x7FFFFFFF & (w = (w ^ (w >> 19)) ^ (t ^ (t >> 8))));

    // Buffer 32 bits in bitBuffer, return 1 at a time, keep track of how many have been returned
    // with bitBufferIdx.
    uint bitBuffer;
    uint bitMask = 1;

    /// <summary>
    /// Generates a single random bit.
    /// This method's performance is improved by generating 32 bits in one operation and storing them
    /// ready for future calls.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public bool NextBool()
        if (bitMask == 1)
            // Generate 32 more bits.
            uint t = (x ^ (x << 11));
            x = y; y = z; z = w;
            bitBuffer = w = (w ^ (w >> 19)) ^ (t ^ (t >> 8));

            // Reset the bitMask that tells us which bit to read next.
            bitMask = 0x80000000;
            return (bitBuffer & bitMask) == 0;

        return (bitBuffer & (bitMask >>= 1)) == 0;



Random rnd = new Random(10000);
FastRandom fastRnd = new FastRandom(10000);


public string RollLargeLookup() {
    return LargeLookup[fastRnd.Next(99999) + 1];

答案 4 :(得分:3)

由于此时主题已转移到Random方法微优化,我将专注于 LargeLookup 实现。

首先,除了偏见之外的RollLargeLookupParameterlessRandom解决方案还有另一个问题。所有其他实现检查范围[1,99999] 包含中的随机数,即总共99999个数字,而% 100000生成范围[0,99999],即总共100000个数字。


private string[] LargeLookup;
private void InitLargeLookup()
    LargeLookup = new string[99999];
    for (int i = 0; i < LargeLookup.Length; i++)
        LargeLookup[i] = (i + 1) % 100 % 11 == 0 ? "doubles" : "none";

public string RollLargeLookup()
    return LargeLookup[rnd.Next(99999)];

public string RollLargeLookupParameterlessRandom()
    return LargeLookup[rnd.Next() % 99999];


return (int)((Next() * (1.0 / int.MaxValue)) * maxValue);

请注意,1.0 / int.MaxValue是在编译时计算的常量。我的想法是将1.0替换为maxValue(在我们的例子中也是常量99999),从而消除了一次乘法。因此产生的功能是:

public string RollLargeLookupOptimizedRandom()
    return LargeLookup[(int)(rnd.Next() * (99999.0 / int.MaxValue))];



public string FastestOptimizedRandomModded()
    return ((int)(rnd.Next() * (99999.0 / int.MaxValue)) + 1) % 100 % 11 == 0 ? CONST_DOUBLES : CONST_NONE;


for (int n = 0; n < int.MaxValue; n++)
    var n1 = (int)((n * (1.0 / int.MaxValue)) * 99999);
    var n2 = (int)(n * (99999.0 / int.MaxValue));
    Debug.Assert(n1 == n2);


64 OS,发布版本,首选32位= True

Large Lookup Optimized Random: 149 ms
Large Lookup Parameterless Random: 159 ms
Large Lookup: 179 ms
Lookup Optimized Modded: 231 ms
Fastest Optimized Random Modded: 219 ms
Fastest Optimized Modded: 251 ms
Optimized Modded Const: 412 ms
Optimized Modded: 416 ms
Modded: 419 ms
Simple: 1343 ms
Another simple with HashSet: 1805 ms
Another Simple: 2690 ms
Option (Compiled) Regex: 8538 ms
Regex: 14861 ms
EndsWith: 39117 ms

64 OS,发布版本,首选32位=错误

Large Lookup Optimized Random: 121 ms
Large Lookup Parameterless Random: 126 ms
Large Lookup: 156 ms
Lookup Optimized Modded: 168 ms
Fastest Optimized Random Modded: 154 ms
Fastest Optimized Modded: 186 ms
Optimized Modded Const: 178 ms
Optimized Modded: 180 ms
Modded: 202 ms
Simple: 795 ms
Another simple with HashSet: 1287 ms
Another Simple: 2178 ms
Option (Compiled) Regex: 7246 ms
Regex: 17090 ms
EndsWith: 36554 ms

答案 5 :(得分:3)


    public static String RollNumbers()
        int roll = rnd.Next(1, 100000);

        int lastDigit = roll % 10;
        int secondLastDigit = (roll / 10) % 10;

        if( lastDigit == secondLastDigit )
            return "doubles";
            return "none";


如果你仔细观察LargeLookup实现,你会发现它的大部分性能都是因为它不使用字符串作为键而作弊,但它使用初始随机数和一些计算作为索引。 如果您尝试我的解决方案,它很可能会运行得更快,因为查找表往往具有错误的缓存一致性,这使得内存访问更加昂贵。

答案 6 :(得分:2)


return LargeLookup[rnd.Next() % 100000];

它比原版快20%,因为它避免了分割(查看Next()代码与Next(int maxValue))。


TL; DR; 这里是直板:

|RollLargeLookup                     |    108|    122|    110,2|
|RollLookupOptimizedModded           |    141|    156|    145,5|
|RollOptimizedModdedConst            |    156|    159|    156,7|
|RollOptimizedModded                 |    158|    163|    159,8|
|RollNumbers                         |    197|    214|    200,9|
|RollSimple                          |  1 242|  1 304|  1 260,8|
|RollSimpleHashSet                   |  1 635|  1 774|  1 664,6|
|RollAnotherSimple                   |  2 544|  2 732|  2 603,2|
|RollOptionRegex                     |  9 137|  9 605|  9 300,6|
|RollRegex                           | 17 510| 18 873| 17 959  |
|RollEndsWith                        | 20 725| 22 001| 21 196,1|


  • 预先计算要测试的数字,以便使用相同的数字集测试每个方法(取出随机生成战争和我介绍的biais);
  • 以随机顺序运行每个方法10次;
  • 在每个函数中引入了一个参数;
  • 删除了傻瓜。


public class MethodToTest
    public delegate string RollDelegate(int number);

    public RollDelegate MethodDelegate { get; set; }
    public List<long> timeSpent { get; set; }

    public MethodToTest()
        timeSpent = new List<long>();

    public string TimeStats()
        return string.Format("Min: {0}ms, Max: {1}ms, Avg: {2}ms", timeSpent.Min(), timeSpent.Max(),


private static void Test()
    List<MethodToTest> methodList = new List<MethodToTest>
        new MethodToTest{ MethodDelegate = RollNumbers},
        new MethodToTest{ MethodDelegate = RollLargeLookup},
        new MethodToTest{ MethodDelegate = RollLookupOptimizedModded},
        new MethodToTest{ MethodDelegate = RollOptimizedModdedConst},
        new MethodToTest{ MethodDelegate = RollOptimizedModded},
        new MethodToTest{ MethodDelegate = RollSimple},
        new MethodToTest{ MethodDelegate = RollSimpleHashSet},
        new MethodToTest{ MethodDelegate = RollAnotherSimple},
        new MethodToTest{ MethodDelegate = RollOptionRegex},
        new MethodToTest{ MethodDelegate = RollRegex},
        new MethodToTest{ MethodDelegate = RollEndsWith},

    Stopwatch s = new Stopwatch();
    Random rnd = new Random();
    List<int> Randoms = new List<int>();

    const int trial = 10000000;
    const int numberOfLoop = 10;
    for (int j = 0; j < numberOfLoop; j++)
        Console.Out.WriteLine("Loop: " + j);
        for (int i = 0; i < trial; ++i)
            Randoms.Add(rnd.Next(1, 100000));

        // Shuffle order
        foreach (MethodToTest method in methodList.OrderBy(m => new Random().Next()))
            for (int i = 0; i < trial; ++i)

            Console.Out.WriteLine("\tMethod: " +method.MethodDelegate.Method.Name);

    File.WriteAllLines(@"C:\Users\me\Desktop\out.txt", methodList.OrderBy(m => m.timeSpent.Average()).Select(method => method.MethodDelegate.Method.Name + ": " + method.TimeStats()));


//OP's Solution 2
public static String RollRegex(int number)
    return Regex.IsMatch(number.ToString(), @"(.)\1{1,}$") ? "doubles" : "none";

//Radin Gospodinov's Solution
static readonly Regex OptionRegex = new Regex(@"(.)\1{1,}$", RegexOptions.Compiled);
public static String RollOptionRegex(int number)
    return OptionRegex.IsMatch(number.ToString()) ? "doubles" : "none";

//OP's Solution 1
public static String RollEndsWith(int number)
    if (number.ToString().EndsWith("11") || number.ToString().EndsWith("22") || number.ToString().EndsWith("33") ||
        number.ToString().EndsWith("44") || number.ToString().EndsWith("55") || number.ToString().EndsWith("66") ||
        number.ToString().EndsWith("77") || number.ToString().EndsWith("88") || number.ToString().EndsWith("99") ||
        return "doubles";
    return "none";

//Ian's Solution   
public static String RollSimple(int number)
    string rollString = number.ToString();
    return number > 10 && rollString[rollString.Length - 1] == rollString[rollString.Length - 2] ?
        "doubles" : "none";

//Ian's Other Solution
static List<string> doubles = new List<string>() { "00", "11", "22", "33", "44", "55", "66", "77", "88", "99" };
public static String RollAnotherSimple(int number)

    string rollString = number.ToString();
    return rollString.Length > 1 && doubles.Contains(rollString.Substring(rollString.Length - 2)) ?
        "doubles" : "none";

//Dandré's Solution
static HashSet<string> doublesHashset = new HashSet<string>() { "00", "11", "22", "33", "44", "55", "66", "77", "88", "99" };
public static String RollSimpleHashSet(int number)
    string rollString = number.ToString();
    return rollString.Length > 1 && doublesHashset.Contains(rollString.Substring(rollString.Length - 2)) ?
        "doubles" : "none";

//Stian Standahl optimizes modded solution
public static string RollOptimizedModded(int number) { return number % 100 % 11 == 0 ? "doubles" : "none"; }

//Gjermund Grøneng's method with constant addition
private const string CONST_DOUBLES = "doubles";
private const string CONST_NONE = "none";
public static string RollOptimizedModdedConst(int number) { return number % 100 % 11 == 0 ? CONST_DOUBLES : CONST_NONE; }

//Corak's Solution, added on Gjermund Grøneng's
private static readonly string[] Lookup = { "doubles", "none", "none", "none", "none", "none", "none", "none", "none", "none", "none" };
public static string RollLookupOptimizedModded(int number) { return Lookup[number % 100 % 11]; }

//Evk's Solution, large Lookup
private static string[] LargeLookup;
private static void InitLargeLookup()
    LargeLookup = new string[100000];
    for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
        LargeLookup[i] = i % 100 % 11 == 0 ? "doubles" : "none";
public static string RollLargeLookup(int number) { return LargeLookup[number]; }

//Alois Kraus's Solution
public static string RollNumbers(int number)
    int lastDigit = number % 10;
    int secondLastDigit = (number / 10) % 10;

    return lastDigit == secondLastDigit ? "doubles" : "none";