
时间:2016-05-19 20:47:02

标签: encryption cryptography rsa sha python-3.5


                # RSA Cipher
            # http://inventwithpython.com/hacking (BSD Licensed)

            import sys, os
            import hashlib
            # IMPORTANT: The block size MUST be less than or equal to the key size!
            # (Note: The block size is in bytes, the key size is in bits. There
            # are 8 bits in 1 byte.)
            DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE = 128 # 128 bytes
            BYTE_SIZE = 256 # One byte has 256 different values.

            def main():
                # Runs a test that encrypts a message to a file or decrypts a message
                # from a file.
                filename = 'encrypted_file.txt' # the file to write to/read from
                eord = "encrypt or decrypt?"
                mode = (input(eord)) # set to 'encrypt' or 'decrypt'
                secure = 'Please enter public key'
                ath = eval(input(secure))
                if mode == 'encrypt':
                    if ath == 615:
                        message = input('What is your message?')
                        pubKeyFilename = 'al_sweigart_pubkey.txt'

                        print('Encrypting and writing to %s...' % (filename))
                        encryptedText = encryptAndWriteToFile(filename, pubKeyFilename, message)
                        mystring = filename
                        # Assumes the default UTF-8
                        hash_object = hashlib.md5(mystring.encode())
                        print('Encrypted text:')
                        print('incorrect public key try again')
                elif mode == 'decrypt':
                    privKeyFilename = 'al_sweigart_privkey.txt'
                    print('Reading from %s and decrypting...' % (filename))
                    decryptedText = readFromFileAndDecrypt(filename, privKeyFilename)

                    print('Decrypted text:')

            def getBlocksFromText(message, blockSize=DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE):
                # Converts a string message to a list of block integers. Each integer
                # represents 128 (or whatever blockSize is set to) string characters.

                messageBytes = message.encode('ascii') # convert the string to bytes

                blockInts = []
                for blockStart in range(0, len(messageBytes), blockSize):
                    # Calculate the block integer for this block of text
                    blockInt = 0
                    for i in range(blockStart, min(blockStart + blockSize, len(messageBytes))):
                        blockInt += messageBytes[i] * (BYTE_SIZE ** (i % blockSize))
                return blockInts

            def getTextFromBlocks(blockInts, messageLength, blockSize=DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE):
                # Converts a list of block integers to the original message string.
                # The original message length is needed to properly convert the last
                # block integer.
                message = []
                for blockInt in blockInts:
                    blockMessage = []
                    for i in range(blockSize - 1, -1, -1):
                        if len(message) + i < messageLength:
                            # Decode the message string for the 128 (or whatever
                            # blockSize is set to) characters from this block integer.
                            asciiNumber = blockInt // (BYTE_SIZE ** i)
                            blockInt = blockInt % (BYTE_SIZE ** i)
                            blockMessage.insert(0, chr(asciiNumber))
                return ''.join(message)

            def encryptMessage(message, key, blockSize=DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE):
                # Converts the message string into a list of block integers, and then
                # encrypts each block integer. Pass the PUBLIC key to encrypt.
                encryptedBlocks = []
                n, e = key

                for block in getBlocksFromText(message, blockSize):
                    # ciphertext = plaintext ^ e mod n
                    encryptedBlocks.append(pow(block, e, n))
                return encryptedBlocks

            def decryptMessage(encryptedBlocks, messageLength, key, blockSize=DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE):
                # Decrypts a list of encrypted block ints into the original message
                # string. The original message length is required to properly decrypt
                # the last block. Be sure to pass the PRIVATE key to decrypt.
                decryptedBlocks = []
                n, d = key
                for block in encryptedBlocks:
                    # plaintext = ciphertext ^ d mod n
                    decryptedBlocks.append(pow(block, d, n))
                return getTextFromBlocks(decryptedBlocks, messageLength, blockSize)

            def readKeyFile(keyFilename):
                # Given the filename of a file that contains a public or private key,
                # return the key as a (n,e) or (n,d) tuple value.
                fo = open(keyFilename)
                content = fo.read()
                keySize, n, EorD = content.split(',')
                return (int(keySize), int(n), int(EorD))

            def encryptAndWriteToFile(messageFilename, keyFilename, message, blockSize=DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE):
                # Using a key from a key file, encrypt the message and save it to a
                # file. Returns the encrypted message string.
                keySize, n, e = readKeyFile(keyFilename)

                # Check that key size is greater than block size.
                if keySize < blockSize * 8: # * 8 to convert bytes to bits
                    sys.exit('ERROR: Block size is %s bits and key size is %s bits. The RSA cipher requires the block size to be equal to or greater than the key size. Either decrease the block size or use different keys.' % (blockSize * 8, keySize))

                # Encrypt the message
                encryptedBlocks = encryptMessage(message, (n, e), blockSize)

                # Convert the large int values to one string value.
                for i in range(len(encryptedBlocks)):
                    encryptedBlocks[i] = str(encryptedBlocks[i])
                encryptedContent = ','.join(encryptedBlocks)

                # Write out the encrypted string to the output file.
                encryptedContent = '%s_%s_%s' % (len(message), blockSize, encryptedContent)
                fo = open(messageFilename, 'w')
                # Also return the encrypted string.
                return encryptedContent

            def readFromFileAndDecrypt(messageFilename, keyFilename):
                # Using a key from a key file, read an encrypted message from a file
                # and then decrypt it. Returns the decrypted message string.
                keySize, n, d = readKeyFile(keyFilename)

                # Read in the message length and the encrypted message from the file.
                fo = open(messageFilename)
                content = fo.read()
                messageLength, blockSize, encryptedMessage = content.split('_')
                messageLength = int(messageLength)
                blockSize = int(blockSize)

                # Check that key size is greater than block size.
                if keySize < blockSize * 8: # * 8 to convert bytes to bits
                    sys.exit('ERROR: Block size is %s bits and key size is %s bits. The RSA cipher requires the block size to be equal to or greater than the key size. Did you specify the correct key file and encrypted file?' % (blockSize * 8, keySize))

                # Convert the encrypted message into large int values.
                encryptedBlocks = []
                for block in encryptedMessage.split(','):

                # Decrypt the large int values.
                return decryptMessage(encryptedBlocks, messageLength, (n, d), blockSize)

            # If rsaCipher.py is run (instead of imported as a module) call
            # the main() function.
            if __name__ == '__main__':

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