package minesweeper;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import java.awt.Container;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class mineBoard {
static int bombsRemaining = 0;
static int width = 600;
static int height = 600;
public static void main(String[]args){
// boolean gameOver = false;
//instantiates all gui items
JFrame frame = new JFrame();
JButton newGameButton = new JButton("New Game");
JPanel headingPanel = new JPanel();
Container contentPane = new Container();
JLabel bombsRemainLabel = new JLabel();
//sets defaults of JFrame
frame.setTitle("USA Minesweeper");
//sets defaults of container
contentPane.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
//adds the components to the heading panel
contentPane.add(headingPanel, BorderLayout.PAGE_START);
//function that occurs when the newGameButton is pressed; creates a fresh board
newGameButton.addMouseListener(new MouseListener()
public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e){
//removes previous bomb screen
//generates new bomb screen
mineScreen screen = new mineScreen();
//calculates the total number of initial bombs
bombsRemaining = screen.countInitialBombs(screen.list);
//sets label for how many bombs remain
bombsRemainLabel.setText("Total Bombs: " + bombsRemaining);
//adds the new bomb screen to the container
contentPane.add(screen, BorderLayout.CENTER);
//unused mouse methods
public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e){}
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e){}
public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e){}
public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e){}
// bombsRemaining = setBombsLabel(new mineScreen(), bombsRemaining);
// bombsRemainLabel.setText("Bombs Remaining: " + bombsRemaining);
//detects when a button is pressed and deducts 1 from bombsRemaining; adds 1 if the button is pressed again
/*public static int setBombsLabel(mineScreen screen, int bombsLeft){
for(int i=0; i<screen.list.size(); i++){
if (screen.list.get(i).getClicked() == 1){
if (screen.list.get(i).getClicked() == 9){
return bombsLeft;
package minesweeper;
import java.awt.GridLayout;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import javax.swing.JButton;
public class mineScreen extends JPanel{
private int w = 600;
private int h = 600;
int diffWidth = 16;
int diffHeight = 16;
Random gen = new Random();
int bombChance = 0;
int bombs = 0;
mineButton testForMine = new mineButton();
ArrayList<generalButton>list = new ArrayList<generalButton>(diffWidth*diffHeight);
public mineScreen(){
//creates the panel that holds the bomb grid
setLayout(new GridLayout(diffWidth,diffHeight));
//sets the analogous array list and fills bomb grid
genBombs(list, diffWidth, diffHeight, bombs, gen);
bombAmountSetter(list, diffWidth, diffHeight, testForMine, bombs);
//adds the mine and nonMine buttons to the mineScreen panel
addButtons(list, diffWidth, diffHeight);
//sets the original revealed locations
setOriginals(list, diffWidth, diffHeight, testForMine);
//allows the finished bomb panel to be seen and adds it to the JFrame mineScreen
//detects when a button is pressed and deducts 1 from bombsRemaining; adds 1 if the button is pressed again
/*public static int setBombsLabel(ArrayList<generalButton>list, int bombsLeft){
for(int i=0; i<list.size(); i++){
if (list.get(i).getClicked() == 1){
if (list.get(i).getClicked() == 9){
return bombsLeft;
public int countInitialBombs(ArrayList<generalButton>list){
int BOMBS = 0;
for (int i=0; i<list.size(); i++){
if(list.get(i).getID() == 2){
return BOMBS;
public static void genBombs(ArrayList<generalButton>list, int width, int height, int bombs, Random gen){
for (int i=0; i<width*height; i++){
if(gen.nextInt(5) == 4){
list.add(new mineButton());
list.add(new nonMineButton(bombs));
public static void bombAmountSetter(ArrayList<generalButton>list, int width, int height, mineButton mine, int bombs){
for (int i=0; i<width*height; i++){
if(list.get(i).getID() == 1){
int total = setBombsNum(list, i, mine, bombs, width, height);
list.set(i, new nonMineButton(total));
public void addButtons(ArrayList<generalButton>list, int width, int height){
for (int i=0; i<width*height; i++){
this.add((JButton) list.get(i));
public static void setOriginals(ArrayList<generalButton>list, int width, int height, mineButton mine){
int y = (-width)-(width/3);
for (int j = ((width*height)/2)-y; j<((width*height)/2)-y+(width/3); j++){
if(list.get(j).getID() == 1){
public static int setBombsNum(ArrayList<generalButton>list, int i, mineButton mineB, int bTotal, int dWidth, int dHeight){
bTotal = bombTopLeft(list,i,mineB,bTotal,dWidth);
else if(i>0 && i<dWidth-1){
bTotal = bombTopRow(list,i,mineB,bTotal,dWidth);
else if(i==dWidth-1){
bTotal = bombTopRight(list,i,mineB,bTotal,dWidth);
else if(i==(dWidth*dHeight)-dWidth){
bTotal = bombBottomLeft(list,i,mineB,bTotal,dWidth);
else if(i>(dWidth*dHeight)-dWidth && i<(dWidth*dHeight)-1){
bTotal = bombBottomRow(list,i,mineB,bTotal,dWidth);
else if(i==(dWidth*dHeight)-1){
bTotal = bombBottomRight(list,i,mineB,bTotal,dWidth);
else if(i==dWidth||i==dWidth*2||i==dWidth*3||i==dWidth*4
bTotal = bombLeftCol(list,i,mineB,bTotal,dWidth);
else if(i==((dWidth*2)-1)||i==((dWidth*3)-1)||i==((dWidth*4)-1)
bTotal = bombRightCol(list,i,mineB,bTotal,dWidth);
bTotal = bombElsewhere(list,i,mineB,bTotal,dWidth);
return bTotal;
/*public static int setBombsNum(ArrayList<generalButton>list, int i, mineButton mineB, int bTotal, int dWidth){
bTotal = bombTopLeft(list,i,mineB,bTotal,dWidth);
else if(i>0 && i<15){
bTotal = bombTopRow(list,i,mineB,bTotal,dWidth);
else if(i==15){
bTotal = bombTopRight(list,i,mineB,bTotal,dWidth);
else if(i==240){
bTotal = bombBottomLeft(list,i,mineB,bTotal,dWidth);
else if(i>240 && i<255){
bTotal = bombBottomRow(list,i,mineB,bTotal,dWidth);
else if(i==255){
bTotal = bombBottomRight(list,i,mineB,bTotal,dWidth);
else if(i==16||i==32||i==48||i==64||i==80||i==96||i==112||i==128||i==144||i==160||i==176||i==192||i==208||i==224||i==240){
bTotal = bombLeftCol(list,i,mineB,bTotal,dWidth);
else if(i==31||i==47||i==63||i==79||i==95||i==111||i==127||i==143||i==159||i==175||i==191||i==207||i==223||i==239||i==255){
bTotal = bombRightCol(list,i,mineB,bTotal,dWidth);
bTotal = bombElsewhere(list,i,mineB,bTotal,dWidth);
return bTotal;
public static int bombTopLeft(ArrayList<generalButton>list, int i, mineButton mineB, int bTotal, int dWidth){
if (list.get(i+1).getID() == 2){
bTotal = bTotal + 1;
if (list.get(i+dWidth).getID() == 2){
bTotal = bTotal + 1;
if (list.get(i+dWidth+1).getID() == 2){
bTotal = bTotal + 1;
return bTotal;
public static int bombTopRight(ArrayList<generalButton>list, int i, mineButton mineB, int bTotal, int dWidth){
if (list.get(i-1).getID() == 2){
bTotal = bTotal + 1;
if (list.get(i+dWidth).getID() == 2){
bTotal = bTotal + 1;
if (list.get(i+dWidth-1).getID() == 2){
bTotal = bTotal + 1;
return bTotal;
public static int bombTopRow(ArrayList<generalButton>list, int i, mineButton mineB, int bTotal, int dWidth){
if (list.get(i+1).getID() == 2){
bTotal = bTotal + 1;
if (list.get(i-1).getID() == 2){
bTotal = bTotal + 1;
if (list.get(i+dWidth).getID() == 2){
bTotal = bTotal + 1;
if (list.get(i+dWidth+1).getID() == 2){
bTotal = bTotal + 1;
if (list.get(i+dWidth-1).getID() == 2){
bTotal = bTotal + 1;
return bTotal;
public static int bombBottomRight(ArrayList<generalButton>list, int i, mineButton mineB, int bTotal, int dWidth){
if (list.get(i-1).getID() == 2){
bTotal = bTotal + 1;
if (list.get(i-dWidth).getID() == 2){
bTotal = bTotal + 1;
if (list.get(i-dWidth-1).getID() == 2){
bTotal = bTotal + 1;
return bTotal;
public static int bombBottomLeft(ArrayList<generalButton>list, int i, mineButton mineB, int bTotal, int dWidth){
if (list.get(i+1).getID() == 2){
bTotal = bTotal + 1;
if (list.get(i-dWidth).getID() == 2){
bTotal = bTotal + 1;
if (list.get(i-dWidth+1).getID() == 2){
bTotal = bTotal + 1;
return bTotal;
public static int bombBottomRow(ArrayList<generalButton>list, int i, mineButton mineB, int bTotal, int dWidth){
if (list.get(i+1).getID() == 2){
bTotal = bTotal + 1;
if (list.get(i-1).getID() == 2){
bTotal = bTotal + 1;
if (list.get(i-dWidth).getID() == 2){
bTotal = bTotal + 1;
if (list.get(i-dWidth+1).getID() == 2){
bTotal = bTotal + 1;
if (list.get(i-dWidth-1).getID() == 2){
bTotal = bTotal + 1;
return bTotal;
public static int bombLeftCol(ArrayList<generalButton>list, int i, mineButton mineB, int bTotal, int dWidth){
if (list.get(i+1).getID() == 2){
bTotal = bTotal + 1;
if (list.get(i+dWidth).getID() == 2){
bTotal = bTotal + 1;
if (list.get(i+dWidth+1).getID() == 2){
bTotal = bTotal + 1;
if (list.get(i-dWidth).getID() == 2){
bTotal = bTotal + 1;
if (list.get(i-dWidth+1).getID() == 2){
bTotal = bTotal + 1;
return bTotal;
public static int bombRightCol(ArrayList<generalButton>list, int i, mineButton mineB, int bTotal, int dWidth){
if (list.get(i-1).getID() == 2){
bTotal = bTotal + 1;
if (list.get(i+dWidth).getID() == 2){
bTotal = bTotal + 1;
if (list.get(i+dWidth-1).getID() == 2){
bTotal = bTotal + 1;
if (list.get(i-dWidth).getID() == 2){
bTotal = bTotal + 1;
if (list.get(i-dWidth-1).getID() == 2){
bTotal = bTotal + 1;
return bTotal;
public static int bombElsewhere(ArrayList<generalButton>list, int i, mineButton mineB, int bTotal, int dWidth){
if (list.get(i+1).getID() == 2){
bTotal = bTotal + 1;
if (list.get(i-1).getID() == 2){
bTotal = bTotal + 1;
if (list.get(i+dWidth).getID() == 2){
bTotal = bTotal + 1;
if (list.get(i-dWidth).getID() == 2){
bTotal = bTotal + 1;
if (list.get(i+dWidth+1).getID() == 2){
bTotal = bTotal + 1;
if (list.get(i+dWidth-1).getID() == 2){
bTotal = bTotal + 1;
if (list.get(i-dWidth+1).getID() == 2){
bTotal = bTotal + 1;
if (list.get(i-dWidth-1).getID() == 2){
bTotal = bTotal + 1;
return bTotal;
public int getHeight(){
return h;
public int getWidth(){
return w;
package minesweeper;
import java.awt.event.MouseListener;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
import javax.swing.JButton;
public class mineButton extends JButton implements MouseListener, generalButton{
ImageIcon bombIcon, flag;
int clickCount = 1;
// int clicked = 0;
public mineButton(){
bombIcon = new ImageIcon("C:\\Users\\User\\Desktop\\ECLIPSE_JAVA\\minesweeper_image_files\\mineSweepBomb.png");
flag = new ImageIcon("C:\\Users\\User\\Desktop\\ECLIPSE_JAVA\\minesweeper_image_files\\flag.jpg");
/*public void setClicked(int c){
clicked = c;
public int getClicked(){
return clicked;
public int getID(){
return 2;
public int iconSetter(){
return 1;
public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e){
if (clickCount == 1){
// clicked++;
if (clickCount == 2)
//unused mouse methods
public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e){}
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e){}
public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e){}
public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e){}
package minesweeper;
import java.awt.event.MouseListener;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
import javax.swing.JButton;
public class nonMineButton extends JButton implements MouseListener, generalButton{
ImageIcon flag, numZero, numOne, numTwo, numThree, numFour, numFive, numSix, numSeven, numEight;
int numBombs = 0;
int clickCount = 1;
// int clicked = 0;
public nonMineButton(int bombTotal){
numZero = new ImageIcon("C:\\Users\\User\\Desktop\\ECLIPSE_JAVA\\minesweeper_image_files\\numZero.jpg");
numOne = new ImageIcon("C:\\Users\\User\\Desktop\\ECLIPSE_JAVA\\minesweeper_image_files\\mineSweepOne.png");
numTwo = new ImageIcon("C:\\Users\\User\\Desktop\\ECLIPSE_JAVA\\minesweeper_image_files\\mineSweepTwo.png");
numThree = new ImageIcon("C:\\Users\\User\\Desktop\\ECLIPSE_JAVA\\minesweeper_image_files\\mineSweepThree.png");
numFour = new ImageIcon("C:\\Users\\User\\Desktop\\ECLIPSE_JAVA\\minesweeper_image_files\\mineSweepFour.png");
numFive = new ImageIcon("C:\\Users\\User\\Desktop\\ECLIPSE_JAVA\\minesweeper_image_files\\mineSweepFive.png");
numSix = new ImageIcon("C:\\Users\\User\\Desktop\\ECLIPSE_JAVA\\minesweeper_image_files\\mineSweepSix.png");
numSeven = new ImageIcon("C:\\Users\\User\\Desktop\\ECLIPSE_JAVA\\minesweeper_image_files\\mineSweepSeven.png");
numEight = new ImageIcon("C:\\Users\\User\\Desktop\\ECLIPSE_JAVA\\minesweeper_image_files\\mineSweepEight.png");
numBombs = bombTotal;
flag = new ImageIcon("C:\\Users\\User\\Desktop\\ECLIPSE_JAVA\\minesweeper_image_files\\flag.jpg");
/* public void setClicked(int c){
clicked = c;
public int getClicked(){
return clicked;
public int getID(){
return 1;
public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e){
if (clickCount == 1){
// clicked++;
if (clickCount == 2){
// clicked++;
public int iconSetter(){
if(numBombs == 0){
if(numBombs == 1){
if(numBombs == 2){
if(numBombs == 3){
if(numBombs == 4){
if(numBombs == 5){
if(numBombs == 6){
if(numBombs == 7){
if(numBombs == 8){
return 1;
//unused mouse methods
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e){}
public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e){}
public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e){}
public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e){}
package minesweeper;
interface generalButton{
int getID();
// int getClicked();
// void setClicked(int c);
int iconSetter();