所以我有以下代码,我在其中创建了一个constuctor,它使用数组初始化二进制搜索树。构造函数传递数组,对其进行排序,并将其转换为二进制函数。在我的主要功能中,我有一个包含不同案例的菜单,可以对二叉搜索树执行不同的操作。我添加了一系列输出语句来确定错误,我认为当我调用root = findMedian(...)时,我的构造函数存在问题。下面我有构造函数,findMedian函数以及在main中调用它的情况。当我在gdb中运行它时程序不断中止。如果有人可以提供帮助,我将非常感谢,谢谢!
//custom constructor that takes an array and turns it into a binary search tree
TreeType::TreeType( ItemType a[], int len )
//sort array
bubbleSort( a, len );
//call recursive function
int left = 0;
int right = len - 1;
cout << "in constructor, setting root." << endl;
root = findMedian(a,left,right);
//function that finds median
TreeNode * TreeType::findMedian ( ItemType a[], int left, int right )
if ( left > right )
return NULL;
TreeNode *tree = new TreeNode;
int mid = (left+right)/2;
cout << "Creating a treenode" << endl;
cout << "a[mid} is: " << a[mid] << endl;
tree -> info = a[mid];
tree -> left = findMedian( a, left, mid - 1);//recursively call the left subtree
tree -> right = findMedian(a, mid + 1, right );//recursively call the right subtree
return tree;
//in main
case 'O':
cout << "Enter a string: ";
cin >> words;
TreeType optimalTree( words, strlen(words));
cout << endl;
//sample run
Enter a string: YHGTRFB
len is: 7
in constructor, setting root.
left is: 0
right is: 6
Creating a treenode
a[mid} is: F
left is: 0
right is: 2
Creating a treenode
a[mid} is: F
left is: 0
right is: 0
Creating a treenode
a[mid} is: F
left is: 0
right is: -1
left is: 1
right is: 0
left is: 2
right is: 2
Creating a treenode
a[mid} is: F
left is: 2
right is: 1
left is: 3
right is: 2
left is: 4
right is: 6
Creating a treenode
a[mid} is: F
left is: 4
right is: 4
Creating a treenode
a[mid} is: F
left is: 4
right is: 3
left is: 5
right is: 4
left is: 6
right is: 6
Creating a treenode
a[mid} is: B
left is: 6
right is: 5
left is: 7
right is: 6
/ \
/ \ / \