
时间:2016-05-11 06:00:34

标签: python turtle-graphics


1 个答案:

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例如,请参阅my answer to this question,其中我定义了一个例程,该例程使用setworldcoordinates()来缩放您绘制的任何内容,而无需将任何缩放因子合并到您自己的绘图代码中。


棘手的一点是它将您的坐标系统映射到现有的窗口形状 - 因此您必须将坐标调整到窗口或重塑窗口以匹配您的坐标系。否则,您可能会发现自己的宽高比不合适。

def setworldcoordinates(self, llx, lly, urx, ury):
    """Set up a user defined coordinate-system.

    llx -- a number, x-coordinate of lower left corner of canvas
    lly -- a number, y-coordinate of lower left corner of canvas
    urx -- a number, x-coordinate of upper right corner of canvas
    ury -- a number, y-coordinate of upper right corner of canvas

    Set up user coodinat-system and switch to mode 'world' if necessary.
    This performs a screen.reset. If mode 'world' is already active,
    all drawings are redrawn according to the new coordinates.

    But ATTENTION: in user-defined coordinatesystems angles may appear
    distorted. (see Screen.mode())

    Example (for a TurtleScreen instance named screen):
    >>> screen.setworldcoordinates(-10,-0.5,50,1.5)
    >>> for _ in range(36):
    ...     left(10)
    ...     forward(0.5)
    if self.mode() != "world":
    xspan = float(urx - llx)
    yspan = float(ury - lly)
    wx, wy = self._window_size()
    self.screensize(wx-20, wy-20)
    oldxscale, oldyscale = self.xscale, self.yscale
    self.xscale = self.canvwidth / xspan
    self.yscale = self.canvheight / yspan
    srx1 = llx * self.xscale
    sry1 = -ury * self.yscale
    srx2 = self.canvwidth + srx1
    sry2 = self.canvheight + sry1
    self._setscrollregion(srx1, sry1, srx2, sry2)
    self._rescale(self.xscale/oldxscale, self.yscale/oldyscale)

我的书给出了一个奇怪的例子:setworldcoordinates(-10,0.5,   1,2),你能告诉我这个操作究竟是做什么的吗?

setworldcoordinates()的这些奇怪的例子比比皆是,但解释得很少,例如@ TessellatingHeckler的幻灯片。他们只是表明你可以用坐标做极端的事情。但是要回答你的后续问题,如果我们有一个100乘100的窗口,这就是那个特定的调用将对我们的坐标系做什么:

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