这两个应用程序都运行一个调度程序,用于查询此表中的列以查找" QUEUED" string(标记要发送的电子邮件),创建和发送电子邮件,最后更新," QUEUED"到" SENT"所以这些电子邮件不会再被发送
String jpql = "SELECT m FROM Email m WHERE m.status = :status";
return em.createQuery(jpql, Email.class)
.setParameter("status", "QUEUED")
13:06:02,160 | MailQueueMonitor_1| Found 0 email(s) to be sent. // No rows returned from app1
13:06:03,813 | MailQueueMonitor_2| Found 0 email(s) to be sent. // No rows returned from app2
13:06:12,180 | MailQueueMonitor_1| Found 1 email(s) to be sent. // 1 mail returned from app1
13:06:12,190 | MailQueueMonitor_1| Mailer will sleep for 30s // App1 will sleep for 30s
// At this point, app2 tries to execute query but freezes as app1 has the keys to the rows
13:06:42,191 | MailQueueMonitor_1| Mailer woke up and will try to send mails // App1 wakes up
13:06:46,796 | MailQueueMonitor_1| Mailer sent mail // App1 sent mail
13:06:46,798 | MailQueueMonitor_1| Mailer changed mail status to SENT // App1 update status from QUEUED to SENT
// At this point, app1 releases the locks and app2 unfreezes and executes query looking for QUEUED rows which should not exist at this point since they where updated to SENT.
13:06:46,809 | MailQueueMonitor_2| Found 1 email(s) to be sent. // App2 queries and finds 1 row! It is like it queried a snapshot of the database before app2 updated all rows.
13:06:46,836 | MailQueueMonitor_2| Mailer will sleep for 30s // App2 will sleep for 30s
13:07:16,836 | MailQueueMonitor_2| Mailer woke up and will try to send mails // App2 wakes up
13:07:21,457 | MailQueueMonitor_2| Mailer sent mails // App2 sent mail. This is re-senting above email occuring to duplicate emails.
13:07:21,458 | MailQueueMonitor_2| Mailer changed mail status SENT // App2 update status from QUEUED to SENT, again!
问题是,为什么app2不会读取更新的行,即使在锁定释放后执行查询。 为什么app2尝试查询锁定的行时不会抛出异常? 我应该如何锁定行被读取或更新,并且在锁定释放后,将查询数据库的下一个应用程序将看到更新的数据?
2.如果我通过两个ORACLE SQL DEVELOPER实例手动运行上述过程,则行为符合预期,即:
SQL_DEV_1: SELECT * FROM T_MAIL WHERE STATUS = 'QUEUED' FOR UPDATE; // Returns 1 row, locks the row
SQL_DEV_2: SELECT * FROM T_MAIL WHERE STATUS = 'QUEUED' FOR UPDATE; // Doesn't return anything but keeps waiting for locks to be released
SQL_DEV_1: UPDATE T_MAIL SET STATUS = 'SENT'; // Returns 1 row, locks the row
SQL_DEV_1: COMMIT; // Commit update, locks are released
SQL_DEV_2: // waiting query is executed, returns no rows since one and only row was update to SENT
答案 0 :(得分:1)
dat = data.frame(x=c(0,100), ymin=0, y=c(100,0), ymax=100)
ggplot(dat) +
geom_ribbon(aes(x, ymin=y, ymax=ymax), fill="blue") +
geom_ribbon(aes(x, ymin=ymin, ymax=y), fill="red") +
geom_abline(aes(intercept=100, slope=-1)) +
#geom_line(aes(x,y), lwd=1) + # If you just want a line with the same extent as the data