
时间:2016-05-06 16:16:51

标签: objective-c 3d scenekit




art.scnassets - _models:Cube.scn - _textures:cubeFaces01.png,cubeFaces02.png,...


#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import <SceneKit/SceneKit.h>

@interface GameViewController : UIViewController



//  GameViewController.m
//  PuzzleCube
//  Created by Robert Lee on 2016-04-30.
//  Copyright (c) 2016 Robert Lee. All rights reserved.

#import "GameViewController.h"

@implementation GameViewController{

    // Scene
    SCNScene *_scene;

    // Manipulation Nodes
    SCNNode *_floorNode;
    SCNNode *_backdropNode;
    SCNNode *_cubeHandle;
    SCNNode *_cameraHandle;


- (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated
    [super viewDidAppear:animated];
    [self setup];

#pragma mark - Setup

- (void)setup
    SCNView *sceneView = (SCNView *)self.view;

    // Redraw forever
    sceneView.playing = YES;
    sceneView.loops = YES;
    sceneView.showsStatistics = YES;
    sceneView.backgroundColor = [UIColor blackColor];

    // Setup the scene
    [self setupScene];

    // Initial Point of View
    sceneView.pointOfView = _cameraHandle;

    // Present the scene
    sceneView.scene = _scene;


- (void)setupScene
    _scene = [SCNScene scene];

    [self setupEnvironment];
    [self setupMainSceneElements];

- (void)setupEnvironment
    // Setup Main Floor Node
    SCNFloor *mainFloor = [SCNFloor floor];
    _floorNode = [SCNNode node];
    _floorNode.geometry = mainFloor;

    // Add to Main Scene
    [_scene.rootNode addChildNode:_floorNode];

# pragma mark - Setup Main Scene

- (void)setupMainSceneElements
    // Scene Environment Elements

    // Setup Main Backdrop Node
    SCNPlane *mainBackdrop = [SCNPlane planeWithWidth:20 height:20];
    _backdropNode = [SCNNode node];
    _backdropNode.geometry = mainBackdrop;
    _backdropNode.position = SCNVector3Make(200, 100, -200);

    // Character Elements

    // Cube Node
    [self setupCubeNodeCharacter];

    // Static Elements

    // Lighting Elements

    // Spot Light Node
    [self setupBasicLightingNodeLight];

    // Camera Elements

    // Main Camera Node
    [self setupCameraNodeCamera];

    // Add to Main Scene

    [_scene.rootNode addChildNode:_backdropNode];


# pragma mark -Character Elements

- (void)setupCubeNodeCharacter

    /*  Element Hierarchy:

          |_ cubeRotationY
           |_ cubePivot
            |_ cubeNode   

    SCNScene *modelScene = [SCNScene sceneNamed:@"Cube.scn" inDirectory:@"assets.scnassets/_models" options:nil];
    SCNNode *_cubeNode = [modelScene.rootNode childNodeWithName:@"CubeGeometry" recursively:YES];

    SCNNode *cubeMesh = _cubeNode.childNodes[0];
    cubeMesh.hidden = YES;

    SCNNode *_cubePivot = [SCNNode node];
    SCNNode *_cubeRotationY = [SCNNode node];
    _cubeHandle = [SCNNode node];

    _cubeHandle.position =  SCNVector3Make(0, 0, 0);
    _cubeNode.position = SCNVector3Make(0, 0, 0);

    // Configure Element Hierarchy
    [_cubePivot addChildNode:_cubeNode];
    [_cubeRotationY addChildNode:_cubePivot];
    [_cubeHandle addChildNode:_cubeRotationY];

    // Offset Cube Handle position
    _cubeHandle.position = SCNVector3Make(_cubeHandle.position.x, _cubeHandle.position.y, _cubeHandle.position.z-50);

    // Add to Main Scene

    [_scene.rootNode addChildNode:_cubeHandle];


# pragma mark -Lighting Elements

    /*  Element Hierarchy:

     |_ spotLight01Node
     |_ spotLight02Node
     |_ spotLight03Node
     |_ spotLight04Node


    // Model file with Lights
    SCNScene *modelScene = [SCNScene sceneNamed:@"Cube.scn" inDirectory:@"assets.scnassets/_models" options:nil];

    // Light Group Container
    SCNNode *_lightGroupNode = [SCNNode node];
    _lightGroupNode.position = SCNVector3Make(0, 300, 0);

    // SpotLight Node 01
    SCNNode *_spotLight01Node = [modelScene.rootNode childNodeWithName:@"cubeSpotLight01" recursively:YES];

    // SpotLight Node 02
    SCNNode *_spotLight02Node = [modelScene.rootNode childNodeWithName:@"cubeSpotLight02" recursively:YES];

    // SpotLight Node 03
    SCNNode *_spotLight03Node = [modelScene.rootNode childNodeWithName:@"cubeSpotLight03" recursively:YES];

    // SpotLight Node 04
    SCNNode *_spotLight04Node = [modelScene.rootNode childNodeWithName:@"cubeSpotLight04" recursively:YES];

    // Configure Element Hierarchy
    [_lightGroupNode addChildNode:_spotLight01Node];
    [_lightGroupNode addChildNode:_spotLight02Node];
    [_lightGroupNode addChildNode:_spotLight03Node];
    [_lightGroupNode addChildNode:_spotLight04Node];

    // Add to Main Camera

    [_cameraHandle addChildNode:_lightGroupNode];


# pragma mark -Camera Elements
    /*  Element Hierarchy:

           |_ cameraOrientation
            |_ cameraNode   */

    // Attach camera from cube model file
    SCNScene *cubeModelScene = [SCNScene sceneNamed:@"Cube.scn" inDirectory:@"assets.scnassets/_models" options:nil];
    SCNNode *_cameraNode = [cubeModelScene.rootNode childNodeWithName:@"cubeCamera01" recursively:YES];
    SCNNode *_cameraOrientation = [SCNNode node];
    _cameraHandle = [SCNNode node];

    // Configure Element Hierarchy
    [_cameraOrientation addChildNode:_cameraNode];
    [_cameraHandle addChildNode:_cameraOrientation];

    // Add to Main Scene

    [_scene.rootNode addChildNode:_cameraHandle];



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