
时间:2016-04-29 21:47:15

标签: functional-programming ocaml binary-search-tree

假设我们想要更小的值。它将转到Node (insert x left, k, right) 当函数insert被声明为只接受一个参数时,我不明白我们如何能够insert x left。怎么还可以传递插入功能?

type 'a bst_t =  
| Leaf
| Node of 'a bst_t * 'a * 'a bst_t

let rec insert x = function  
  | Leaf -> Node (Leaf, x, Leaf) 
  | Node (left, k, right) ->
    if x < k then Node (insert x left, k, right) 
    else Node (left, k, insert x right) 

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

Ocaml有一个REPL,即一个对实验和与ocaml 进行对话的交互式环境。

$ ocaml
        OCaml version 4.02.3

# type 'a bst_t =
| Leaf
| Node of 'a bst_t * 'a * 'a bst_t    ;;
type 'a bst_t = Leaf | Node of 'a bst_t * 'a * 'a bst_t
# let rec insert x = function
  | Leaf -> Node (Leaf, x, Leaf)
  | Node (left, k, right) ->
    if x < k then Node (insert x left, k, right)
    else Node (left, k, insert x right)         ;;
val insert : 'a -> 'a bst_t -> 'a bst_t = <fun>



答案 1 :(得分:0)



let rec insert x node =
  match node with
  | Leaf -> Node (Leaf, x, Leaf) 
  | Node (left, k, right) ->
    if x < k then Node (insert x left, k, right) 
    else Node (left, k, insert x right) 

答案 2 :(得分:0)

虽然初看起来似乎如此,但是函数function getValueByKey(array $a, $key) { $keyList = explode('.', $key); $returnValue = $a; do { $currentKey = array_shift($keyList); // Found the value if ($currentKey === null) { break; } // No more depth to traverse or no such key if (!is_array($returnValue) || !array_key_exists($currentKey, $returnValue)) { return null; } $returnValue = $returnValue[$currentKey]; } while (true); return $returnValue; } var_dump(getValueByKey($a, $key)); // outputs: int(16418) 只有两个参数 - 一个是你所说的插入键,第二个是要插入的bst_t键。

在OCaml中,强烈建议使用Point-free programming的概念,因为它可以应用它,而这正是插入函数所发生的情况。您的函数版本只是以下函数的简写符号(用正常,详细的语法编写):


其中bst是执行插入的树,即函数与let rec insert x bst = match bst with | Leaf -> Node (Leaf, x, Leaf) | Node (left, k, right) -> if x < k then Node (insert x left, k, right) else Node (left, k, insert x right) 模式匹配的树。