
时间:2016-04-26 13:51:19

标签: vhdl

我使用Xlinix ISE 14.1编写以下代码。

我发现语法是正确的,但xilinx IDE在第27行和第30行显示错误。





“错误:HDLC编译器:806 B:/gxgyVHDL.vhd”第27行:“返回”附近的语法错误。
  “错误:HDLCompiler:806 - ”B:/gxgyVHDL.vhd“第30行:”,“附近的语法错误”。





enter code here
library IEEE;
use IEEE.numeric_std.ALL;
use IEEE.math_real.ALL;

entity getGxGy is
  generic (width : natural := 66; 
           height : natural := 130); --width and height of the image window.

Port( pxl : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0);
        clk : in bit;
         fv : out real); --need to configure 'fv' signal properly to appropriate bit vector.
end getHOGfv;

architecture behave of getGxGy is

function by2i (b : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0)) return natural is
  variable num : natural;
    num := 0;
    for i in b'Range loop
      if b(i) = '1' then
        num := num + 2**i;
      end if;
    end loop
   return num
end by2i;

type bufarr is array (1 to height, 1 to width) of natural;
type gxgy is array (1 to height-2, 1 to width-2) of integer;

--signal tempfv : mat4;

process(clk, pxl)
variable buf: bufarr;
variable gx, gy: gxgy;

  --Buffer to store/create 64*128 pixels/widthindowidth
  for h in 2 to height-1 loop
    for w in 2 to width-1 loop
      buf(h)(w) := by2i(pxl);
    end loop;
  end loop;

  --1pixel padding
  for w in 1 to width loop
    buf(1)(w) := 0;
  end loop;
  for w in 1 to width loop
    buf(height)(w) := 0;
  end loop;
  for h in 2 to height-1 loop
    buf(h)(1) := 0;
  end loop;
  for h in 2 to height-1 loop
    buf(h)(width) := 0;
  end loop;

  --compute gradients
  for h in 2 to height-1 loop
    for w in 2 to width-1 loop
      gx(h)(w) := buf(h+1)(w)-buf(h-1)(w);
      gy(h)(w) := buf(h)(w+1)-buf(h)(w-1);
      mag(h)(w) := abs(gx(h)(w)+gy(h)(w));
      ang(h)(w) := gy(h)(w)/gx(h)(w);
    end loop;
  end loop;

  end process;

  end behave;

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


  1. 您的实体名称不匹配。也就是说,entity getGxGyend getHOGfv;
  2. 不匹配
  3. 您在;
  4. end loop上遗漏了by2i
  5. 您在;
  6. 的回复中错过了by2i
  7. 您的体系结构中缺少begin语句(type gxgyprocess(clk, pxl)之间
  8. 您使用多维数组的语法是错误的。而不是buf(1)(w),它应该是buf(1, 2)
  9. magang都未定义。
  10. 当您遇到大量错误时,可能很难找到确切原因。通常,编译器会在报告错误时感到困惑。从第一个开始,修复它,然后重新编译。继续,直到事情清理。


    还有一点。不要同时使用std_logic_unsignednumeric_stdnumeric_std是使用有符号和无符号数字的标准方法。 std_logic_unsigned是特定于供应商的扩展,不是标准扩展。


    type bufarr is array (1 to height, 1 to width) of natural;

    这很好。如上所述,您必须使用buf(h, w)语法。但是你可以用不同的方式定义它,例如:

    type width_array is array(1 to width) of natural;
    type bufarr is array(1 to height) of width_array;



答案 1 :(得分:1)



library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
-- use ieee.numeric_std.all;
-- use ieee.math_real.all;

entity getgxgy is
  generic (width : natural := 66; 
           height : natural := 130); -- width and height of the image window.

port( pxl : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
        clk : in bit;
         fv : out real); -- need to configure 'fv' signal properly to appropriate bit vector.
end getgxgy;            -- WAS gethogfv;

architecture behave of getgxgy is

    function by2i (b : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)) return natural is
        variable num : natural;
        num := 0;
        for i in b'range loop
            if b(i) = '1' then
              num := num + 2 ** i;
            end if;
        end loop;  -- MISSING ';'
       return num; -- MISSING ';'
    end function by2i;

    type bufarr is array (1 to height, 1 to width) of natural;
    type gxgy is array (1 to height - 2, 1 to width - 2) of integer;

    --signal tempfv : mat4;

begin  -- for architecture modiy WAS MISSING

    process (clk, pxl)
        variable buf: bufarr;
        variable gx, gy: gxgy;
        variable mag, ang: gxgy;  -- MISSING DECLARATIONS

      --buffer to store/create 64*128 pixels/widthindowidth
        for h in 2 to height - 1 loop
            for w in 2 to width - 1 loop
                buf(h, w) := by2i(pxl);  -- WAS  buf(h)(w)
            end loop;
        end loop;

        --1pixel padding
        for w in 1 to width loop
            buf(1, w) := 0;                -- WAS buf(1)(w)
        end loop;
        for w in 1 to width loop
            buf(height, w) := 0;           -- WAS buf(height)(w)
        end loop;
        for h in 2 to height - 1 loop
            buf(h, 1) := 0;                -- WAS buf(h)(1)
        end loop;
        for h in 2 to height - 1 loop
            buf(h, width) := 0;            -- WAS buf(h)(width)
        end loop;

    --compute gradients
        for h in 2 to height - 1 loop
            for w in 2 to width - 1 loop
                gx(h, w) := buf(h + 1, w) - buf(h - 1, w); -- WAS gx(h)(w), buf(h+1)(w) and buf(h-1)(w) 
                gy(h, w) := buf(h, w + 1) - buf(h, w - 1);  -- WAS gy(h)(w), buf(h)(w+1) and buf(h)(w-1)
                mag(h, w) := abs(gx(h, w) + gy(h, w)); -- WAS mag(h)(w), x(h)(w) and gy(h)(w)
                ang(h, w) := gy(h, w) / gx(h, w); --WAS ang(h)(w), gy(h)(w) and gx(h)(w)
            end loop;
        end loop;

    end process;

end architecture behave;




    process (clk) --  pxl NOT NEEDED , pxl)
        variable buf: bufarr;
        variable gx, gy: gxgy;
        variable mag, ang: gxgy;  -- MISSING DECLARATIONS

        if clk'event and clk = '1' then
          --buffer to store/create 64*128 pixels/widthindowidth
            for h in 2 to height - 1 loop
                for w in 2 to width - 1 loop
                    buf(h, w) := conv_integer(pxl);  -- WAS  buf(h)(w)
                end loop;            -- CHANGED to use conv_integer
            end loop;

            --1pixel padding
            for w in 1 to width loop
                buf(1, w) := 0;                -- WAS buf(1)(w)
            end loop;
            for w in 1 to width loop
                buf(height, w) := 0;           -- WAS buf(height)(w)
            end loop;
            for h in 2 to height - 1 loop
                buf(h, 1) := 0;                -- WAS buf(h)(1)
            end loop;
            for h in 2 to height - 1 loop
                buf(h, width) := 0;            -- WAS buf(h)(width)
            end loop;

        --compute gradients
            for h in 2 to height - 1 loop
                for w in 2 to width - 1 loop
                    gx(h, w) := buf(h + 1, w) - buf(h - 1, w); -- WAS gx(h)(w), buf(h+1)(w) and buf(h-1)(w) 
                    gy(h, w) := buf(h, w + 1) - buf(h, w - 1);  -- WAS gy(h)(w), buf(h)(w+1) and buf(h)(w-1)
                    mag(h, w) := abs(gx(h, w) + gy(h, w)); -- WAS mag(h)(w), x(h)(w) and gy(h)(w)
                    ang(h, w) := gy(h, w) / gx(h, w); --WAS ang(h)(w), gy(h)(w) and gx(h)(w)
                end loop;
            end loop;
        end if;

    end process;




library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity getgxgy_tb is
end entity;

architecture foo of getgxgy_tb is
    signal pxl:  std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := (others => '0');
    signal clk:  bit;
    signal fv:   real; 

    entity work.getgxgy
        port map (
            pxl => pxl,
            clk => clk,
            fv => fv

        wait for 10 ns;
        clk <= not clk;
        if now > 120 ns then
        end if;
    end process;

end architecture;




    gx(h, w) := buf(h + 1, w) - buf(h - 1, w); -- WAS gx(h)(w), buf(h+1)(w) and buf(h-1)(w) 

时点击w = 65引起的
    type gxgy is array (1 to height - 2, 1 to width - 2) of integer;

类型gxgyw对应的第二个维度的范围为width - 2,而w的范围超出width - 1


您打算注册的内容并不是特别清楚。如果它只是fv可能在不同的流程中发生,当前流程的敏感性列表设置为pxlgxgy,{{1 }和mag制成信号。

所有的abs,multiplies和div都可能不适合目标FPGA,需要使用公共资源进行算术运算,将操作分布在一定数量的时钟上。 VHDL描述了硬件,每个操作员调用或函数调用都可以暗示它自己的硬件。

在综合中,循环语句具有它的语句序列&#39;展开&#39;并且在没有找到相互依赖性的地方产生单独的硬件。对于h在2到高度 - 1和w在2到宽度 - 嵌套循环中的1个范围,您的通用值意味着anggx的每个减去8001次减法,{{1并且gy除以{,更改mag的值。这告诉我们,如果没有在一定数量的时钟上共享资源,时间和空间的权衡,你的硬件就不适合任何FPGA。

