我已经在使用Variance Shadow Maps,所以我调整了我的代码以使用ESM。
#version 150 core
uniform float Exponential; // Exponential multiplier term of the ESM equation
out float FragColor;
float map_01(float x, float v0, float v1)
return (x - v0) / (v1 - v0);
void main()
float depthDivisor = (1.0 / gl_FragCoord.z);
float mappedDivisor = map_01(depthDivisor, 0.1f, 20.0f); // Since my light is a directional light I force the near and far planes to 0.1 and 20.0
FragColor = exp(Exponential * mappedDivisor);
// VSM float depth = gl_FragCoord.z;
// VSM float dx = dFdx(depth);
// VSM float dy = dFdy(depth);
// VSM float moment2 = depth * depth + 0.25 * (dx * dx + dy * dy);
// VSM FragColor = vec4(depth, moment2, 0.0, 1.0);
in vec3 _position;
uniform mat4 ProjectionViewMatrix; // Projection-View matrix of the light
layout(std140) uniform MOD
mat4 AModelMatrix[20];
void main()
gl_Position = ProjectionViewMatrix * AModelMatrix[gl_InstanceID] * vec4(_position, 1.0);
uniform mat4 InverseProjectionViewMatrix; // Inverse of the camera projection-view matrix
uniform float Exponential; // Exponential multiplier term of the ESM equation (same as shadow map fragment shader)
uniform mat4 ProjectionViewMatrix; // Light projection view matrix
void main()
vec3 genPos = vec3((gl_FragCoord.x * InverseScreenSize.x), (gl_FragCoord.y * InverseScreenSize.y), 0.0f);
genPos.z = texture(PrepassBuffer_DepthMap, genPos.xy).r;
vec4 clip = InverseProjectionViewMatrix * vec4(genPos * 2.0f - 1.0f, 1.0f);
vec3 pos = clip.xyz / clip.w;
vec4 shadowCoord = ProjectionViewMatrix * vec4(pos, 1.0f);
shadowCoord /= shadowCoord.w;
shadowCoord.xyz = shadowCoord.xyz * vec3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f) + vec3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
float occluder = texture(DILShadowMap, shadowCoord.xy).r;
float reciever = map_01(shadowCoord.z, 0.1f, 20.0f);
float shadowAmount = saturate(occluder * exp(-Exponential * reciever));
// Shadow map fragment shader
float depthDivisor = (1.0 / gl_FragCoord.z); // <- changed gl_FragCoord.z (originally was gl_FragCoord.w)
// Directional light fragment shader
float reciever = map_01(shadowCoord.z, 0.1f, 20.0f); // <- changed shadowCoord.z (originally was shadowCoord.w)