
时间:2016-04-23 02:08:13

标签: python algorithm linear-regression gradient-descent convergence


我正在使用的数据如下。 sales是因变量(以美元计),temp是自变量(摄氏度)(想想冰淇淋销售与温度或类似情况)。

sales   temp
215     14.20
325     16.40
185     11.90
332     15.20
406     18.50
522     22.10
412     19.40
614     25.10
544     23.40
421     18.10
445     22.60
408     17.20


sales        temp 
0.06993007  0.174242424
0.326340326 0.340909091
0           0
0.342657343 0.25
0.515151515 0.5
0.785547786 0.772727273
0.529137529 0.568181818
1           1
0.836829837 0.871212121
0.55011655  0.46969697
0.606060606 0.810606061
0.51981352  0.401515152


import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy import stats

class SLRegression(object):
    def __init__(self, learnrate = .01, tolerance = .000000001, max_iter = 10000):

        # Initialize learnrate, tolerance, and max_iter.
        self.learnrate = learnrate
        self.tolerance = tolerance
        self.max_iter = max_iter

    # Define the gradient descent algorithm.
    def fit(self, data):
        # data   :   array-like, shape = [m_observations, 2_columns] 

        # Initialize local variables.
        converged = False
        m = data.shape[0]

        # Track number of iterations.
        self.iter_ = 0

        # Initialize theta0 and theta1.
        self.theta0_ = 0
        self.theta1_ = 0

        # Compute the cost function.
        J = (1.0/(2.0*m)) * sum([(self.theta0_ + self.theta1_*data[i][1] - data[i][0])**2 for i in range(m)])
        print('J is: ', J)

        # Iterate over each point in data and update theta0 and theta1 on each pass.
        while not converged:
            diftemp0 = (1.0/m) * sum([(self.theta0_ + self.theta1_*data[i][1] - data[i][0]) for i in range(m)])
            diftemp1 = (1.0/m) * sum([(self.theta0_ + self.theta1_*data[i][1] - data[i][0]) * data[i][1] for i in range(m)])

            # Subtract the learnrate * partial derivative from theta0 and theta1.
            temp0 = self.theta0_ - (self.learnrate * diftemp0)
            temp1 = self.theta1_ - (self.learnrate * diftemp1)

            # Update theta0 and theta1.
            self.theta0_ = temp0
            self.theta1_ = temp1

            # Compute the updated cost function, given new theta0 and theta1.
            new_J = (1.0/(2.0*m)) * sum([(self.theta0_ + self.theta1_*data[i][1] - data[i][0])**2 for i in range(m)])
            print('New J is: %s') % (new_J)

            # Test for convergence.
            if abs(J - new_J) <= self.tolerance:
                converged = True
                print('Model converged after %s iterations!') % (self.iter_)

            # Set old cost equal to new cost and update iter.
            J = new_J
            self.iter_ += 1

            # Test whether we have hit max_iter.
            if self.iter_ == self.max_iter:
                converged = True
                print('Maximum iterations have been reached!')

        return self

    def point_forecast(self, x):
        # Given feature value x, returns the regression's predicted value for y.
        return self.theta0_ + self.theta1_ * x

# Run the algorithm on a data set.
if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Load in the .csv file.
    data = np.squeeze(np.array(pd.read_csv('sales_normalized.csv')))

    # Create a regression model with the default learning rate, tolerance, and maximum number of iterations.
    slregression = SLRegression()

    # Call the fit function and pass in the data.

    # Print out the results.
    print('After %s iterations, the model converged on Theta0 = %s and Theta1 = %s.') % (slregression.iter_, slregression.theta0_, slregression.theta1_)
    # Compare our model to scipy linregress model.
    slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, slope_std_error = stats.linregress(data[:,1], data[:,0])
    print('Scipy linear regression gives intercept: %s and slope = %s.') % (intercept, slope)

    # Test the model with a point forecast.
    print('As an example, our algorithm gives y = %s given x = .87.') % (slregression.point_forecast(.87)) # Should be about .83.
    print('The true y-value for x = .87 is about .8368.')

我无法准确理解允许算法收敛的内容与完全错误的返回值。给定learnrate = .01tolerance = .0000000001max_iter = 10000,结合规范化数据,我可以得到梯度下降算法来收敛。但是,当我使用非标准化数据时,最小的我可以在没有返回NaN的算法的情况下使学习率为.005。这会将成本函数的变化从迭代变为迭代,直到614左右,但我不能让它变得更低。



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


给定学习率= .01,容差= .0000000001和max_iter = 10000,结合归一化数据,我可以得到梯度下降算法收敛。但是,当我使用非标准化数据时,最小的I可以在不返回NaN的算法的情况下提高学习率.005


数据的标准化使得最佳拟合的y轴截距 0.0。否则,你可以从起始猜测中获得数千个单位的y截距,并且在你真正开始优化部分之前你必须在那里跋涉。






应用您对原始数据应用的任何转换,以将规范化数据转换为新的x值。 (规范化的代码超出了您的显示范围)。如果此测试点落在原始数据的(minx,maxx)范围内,则一旦转换,它应该落在0 <= x <= 1之内。一旦有了这个标准化的测试点,将其插入到你的θ方程中一行(记住,你的thet是m,b是一个直线方程的y截距形式)。





  • 您的步长太小,
  • 你的容忍度太小,
  • 您的最大迭代次数太小,
  • 你的出发点选择不当


这样做的问题在于,通过增加步长以更快地到达感兴趣的区域,也可以使它更容易更少 - 一旦到达那里就能找到收敛。

