
时间:2016-04-22 01:30:50

标签: java datetime


This is the desired Output I want :)

**This is what I've done so far based on master MadProgrammer**.

LocalTime openingTime = LocalTime.of(8, 0);
LocalTime closingTime = LocalTime.of(18, 0);
LocalDateTime jobStartAt = LocalDateTime.of(2012, 7, 31, 8, 0);
LocalDateTime closingAt = LocalDateTime.of(2012, 7, 31, 18, 0);
long minutesDuration = (long) 12*60;

System.out.println("start is " + printDateTime(jobStartAt));
jobStartAt = GetSpilledTime(openingTime, closingTime, closingAt, jobStartAt, minutesDuration);
System.out.println("end is " + printDateTime(jobStartAt)); 

private static LocalDateTime GetSpilledTime(LocalTime openingTime,
        LocalTime closingTime, LocalDateTime closingAt,
        LocalDateTime jobStartAt, long minutesDuration) {

    LocalDateTime estimatedEndTime = jobStartAt

    if (estimatedEndTime.isAfter(closingAt)
            || estimatedEndTime.isEqual(closingAt)) {
        LocalDateTime fallOverStartAt = jobStartAt;
        do {
            Duration duration = Duration.between(closingAt,
            estimatedEndTime = LocalDateTime.of(
                    fallOverStartAt.toLocalDate(), closingTime);

            fallOverStartAt = fallOverStartAt.plusDays(1);
            fallOverStartAt = LocalDateTime.of(
                    fallOverStartAt.toLocalDate(), openingTime);
            estimatedEndTime = fallOverStartAt

            closingAt = closingAt.plusDays(1);
        } while (estimatedEndTime.isAfter(closingAt));

    } else {
        // Job will start on/at jobStartAt
        // and will end on/at estimatedEndTime

    jobStartAt = estimatedEndTime;

    return jobStartAt;

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

首先熟悉Java 8的Time API,java.time框架。



  • A"开始日期" (01/01/2017
  • A"开始营业"时间(08:00am
  • A"业务结束"时间(06:00pm
  • A"持续时间以小时为单位"每项任务



LocalTime openingTime = LocalTime.of(8, 0);
LocalTime closingTime = LocalTime.of(18, 0);

LocalDate startAt = LocalDate.of(2017, Month.JANUARY, 1);


LocalDateTime estimatedEndTime = jobStartAt.plusHours(task.getDurationInHours());
if (estimatedEndTime.isAfter(closingAt) || estimatedEndTime.isEqual(closingAt)) {
    LocalDateTime fallOverStartAt = jobStartAt;
    do {
        Duration duration = Duration.between(closingAt, estimatedEndTime);
        estimatedEndTime = LocalDateTime.of(fallOverStartAt.toLocalDate(), closingTime);

        fallOverStartAt = fallOverStartAt.plusDays(1);
        fallOverStartAt = LocalDateTime.of(fallOverStartAt.toLocalDate(), openingTime);
        estimatedEndTime = fallOverStartAt.plusHours(duration.toHours());
        closingAt = closingAt.plusDays(1);
    } while (estimatedEndTime.isAfter(closingAt));
    // Job will start on/at jobStartAt
    // and will end on/at estimatedEndTime
} else {
    // Job will start on/at jobStartAt
    // and will end on/at estimatedEndTime

// The next job starts here
jobStartAt = estimatedEndTime;





如果营业时间有多个条目怎么样?假设我有这些:上午8:00到下午12:00和下午2:00:下午6点到下午6点。 - 我如何调整您的代码?





    LocalTime openingTime = LocalTime.of(8, 0);
    LocalTime closingTime = LocalTime.of(18, 0);
    // This is a list of all the breaks, starting at to ending at
    // This way, you can add more breaks
    List<LocalTime[]> breaks = new ArrayList<>();
    breaks.add(new LocalTime[]{LocalTime.of(12, 0), LocalTime.of(14, 0)});

    LocalDate startAt = LocalDate.of(2017, Month.JANUARY, 1);

    LocalDateTime startDateTime = startAt.atTime(openingTime);


    Duration wholeDay = Duration.between(openingTime, closingTime);
    for (LocalTime[] hole : breaks) {
        wholeDay = wholeDay.minus(Duration.between(hole[0], hole[1]));


public LocalDateTime getDateTimeToFit(long duration, Duration wholeDay, LocalDateTime jobStartAt, LocalTime openingTime, LocalTime closingTime) {

    LocalDateTime estimatedEndTime = jobStartAt;
    do {
        // Basically, we're going to calculate out the
        // number of days and hours the job would
        // require to be completed within the available
        // time of a whole day...
        int days = (int) (duration / wholeDay.toHours());
        int hours = (int) (duration % wholeDay.toHours());
        if (hours == 0) {
            hours += wholeDay.toHours();

        estimatedEndTime = jobStartAt.plusDays(days).plusHours(hours);
        LocalDateTime closingAt = estimatedEndTime.toLocalDate().atTime(closingTime);
        // This is how much overflow there is at the end of the
        // day, if it's more than 0, we need to cycle around
        // again and squeeze some more time of the next day
        Duration fallOver = Duration.between(closingAt, estimatedEndTime);
        duration = fallOver.toHours();

        // We increment the day here simply because it's convenient
        // to do so, if we exit the loop, it won't make any
        // difference
        jobStartAt = estimatedEndTime.plusDays(1).toLocalDate().atTime(openingTime);

    } while (duration > 0);

    return estimatedEndTime;


根据您int[] durations = new int[]{12, 8, 15};的可用持续时间,这会给我以下输出...

2017-01-01T08:00 - 2017-01-02T12:00
2017-01-02T12:00 - 2017-01-03T10:00
2017-01-03T10:00 - 2017-01-04T17:00
