I'm analyzing the agreement between two judges scoring the same item using Cohen's Kappa. To do it I'm using R and the Kappa.test() function from the fmsb package. When I run it in R console I don't get an error, but in Jupyter I do.
In R Console
RD <- c(1,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,1,0)
BA <- c(1,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,1,0)
Kappa.test(RD, BA, conf.level=0.95)
Estimate Cohen's kappa statistics and test the null hypothesis that the
extent of agreement is same as random (kappa=0)
data: RD and BA
Z = 1.7723, p-value = 0.03817
95 percent confidence interval:
0.06683747 1.09982919
sample estimates:
[1] 0.5833333
[1] "Moderate agreement"
But in Jupyter I get
Error in vapply(seq_along(mapped), function(i) {: values must be length 1,
but FUN(X[[1]]) result is length 0