OpenCV videoCapture为iOS应用文档目录

时间:2016-04-20 21:26:40

标签: c++ ios opencv video-capture


VideoCapture cap(fileIn); // open the video file for reading

if ( !cap.isOpened() )  // if not success, exit program
    cout << "Cannot open the video file" << endl;
    return -1;
    cout << "File Open " << fileIn << endl;

  double dFps = cap.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FPS); //get the frames per seconds of the video
  cout << "Frames per second = " << dFps << endl;

  double dWidth = cap.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH); //get the width of frames of the video
  double dHeight = cap.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT); //get the height of frames of the video
  cout << "Frame Size = " << dWidth << "x" << dHeight << endl;

  Size frameSize(static_cast<int>(dWidth), static_cast<int>(dHeight));

  double dFrameCount = cap.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT);
  cout << "Frame count = " << dFrameCount << endl;

  VideoWriter oVideoWriter (fileOut, CV_FOURCC('m','p', '4', 'v'), dFps, frameSize, true); //initialize the VideoWriter object

  if ( !oVideoWriter.isOpened() ) //if not initialize the VideoWriter successfully, exit the program
    cout << "ERROR: Failed to write the video" << endl;
    return -1;
    cout << "Output file open." << endl;


File Open /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/7CEE8B87-BD50-4172-8F62-A74AD7F3C45A/Documents/
Frames per second = 1
Frame Size = 1x1
Frame count = 1
Output file open.


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

至少在最近两年(OpenCV on iOS - VideoCapture properties always return 1),这似乎是一个问题,并且iOS版本的视频捕捉根本不适用于打开文件。

我找到了另一种方法(使用apple apis打开视频,然后将每个帧转换为opencv Mat),但一般来说,opencv的iOS端口似乎远非完整且几乎完全没有记录。

答案 1 :(得分:0)


   func imagePickerController(_ picker: UIImagePickerController, didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo info: [UIImagePickerController.InfoKey : Any])
    picker.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)

    let url = info[UIImagePickerController.InfoKey.mediaURL] as? NSURL
    let asset   = AVURLAsset.init(url: url! as URL)

    let mainstoryBoard = UIStoryboard(name:"Main", bundle: nil)
    let viewcontroller = mainstoryBoard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier:"ViewController") as! ViewController
    viewcontroller.url = url
    viewcontroller.asset = asset
    self.navigationController?.pushViewController(viewcontroller, animated: true)



- (void)openVideoFile:(NSURL *)fileName {

NSString *filename = fileName.path;
std::string filePath = [filename UTF8String];

cv::VideoCapture capture(filePath);

if (!capture.isOpened()) {
    printf("@Error Opening video file");
    // failed, print error message
else {
    printf("File Opened");
