
时间:2016-04-19 12:29:58

标签: algorithm scala code-generation


// read lines of file into plan
for (x <- plan) {

  val temp : myDataType

  x match {
    case "Func_A" => temp = myData.map(y => funcA(y))
    case "Func_B" => temp = myData.map(y => funcB(y))

  myData = temp

myDataType不可变的集合,迫使我使用这些临时变量。 plan可能包含20行/函数标识符,这将导致大量复制操作。所以我正在寻找更好的解决方案。我的梦想是将所有map函数链接起来,其中write只是一个收集统计信息并将其写入光盘的函数,不需要临时变量:

plan match {
  case "Plan_A" => myData.map(x => funcB(x)).map(x => funcA(x)).map(...).write
  case "Plan_B" => myData.map(x => funcA(x)).map(...).map(x => funcA(x)).write



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


  1. 将功能链接在一起
  2. 获取一系列功能
  3. 注意:为简单起见,我假设您在Int上操作,因此函数类型为Int => Int。你说你要映射到相同的类型。



    val plan: Seq[Int => Int] = ... // see my second point
    val myData = List(1, 2, 3, 4) // immutable List
    // Can use compose instead of andThen
    val compositeFunc = plan.foldLeft((i: Int) => i)(_ andThen _)
    val newData = myData map compositeFunc





    • 在代码中的某个地图中定义它们
    • 在代码中定义它们并使用反射
    • 选择它们
    • 在运行时编译它们


    class MyFunctions {
      def f1(i: Int): Int = i * 2
      def f2(i: Int): Int = i * i
      def f3(i: Int): Int = i * i * i
      // Hardcoded map from string to function name
      // Avoids any reflection
      val funMap = Map[String, (Int) => Int](
        "f1" -> f1,
        "f2" -> f2,
        "f3" -> f3
    val funcs = new MyFunctions
    val myData = List(1, 2, 3, 4) // immutable List
    // Assume you read these from your file
    val planFromFile = List("f1", "f3", "f2") // String function names
    // Get functions using the hardcoded map
    val plan = planFromFile map (name => funcs.funMap(name))
    // Can use compose instead of andThen
    val compositeFunc = plan.foldLeft((i: Int) => i)(_ andThen _)
    // Map the function composition to your data
    val newData = myData map compositeFunc


    import scala.reflect.runtime.{universe => ru}
    class MyFunctions {
      def f1(i: Int): Int = i * 2
      def f2(i: Int): Int = i * i
      def f3(i: Int): Int = i * i * i
    val funcs = new MyFunctions
    val myData = List(1, 2, 3, 4) // immutable List
    // Assume you read these from your file
    val planFromFile = List("f1", "f3", "f2") // String function names
    // Acts as a function wrapper that wraps a MethodMirror
    // Note that all functions in Scala are objects ((Int => Int) is shorthand for Function1 ...)
    class WrappedFunction(mirror: reflect.runtime.universe.MethodMirror) extends (Int => Int) {
      override def apply(v1: Int): Int = mirror(v1).asInstanceOf[Int]
    // Returns function wrappers for each string
    // Note for simplicity there is no code dealing with missing function , errors etc.
    def getFunctions(names: Seq[String]): Seq[Int => Int] =
      names.map(s => new WrappedFunction(ru.runtimeMirror(funcs.getClass.getClassLoader)
    val reflectedFunctions = getFunctions(planFromFile)
    // Compose them from the generated functions
    val compositeFunc2 = reflectedFunctions.foldLeft((i: Int) => i)(_ andThen _)
    // Generate data
    val newData2 = myData map compositeFunc2




    def fromName(name: String): Int => Int = name match {
        case "f1" => f1
        case "f2" => f2
        case "f3" => f3
        case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("booooom!")
