
时间:2016-04-18 20:51:28

标签: vhdl delay clock tic-tac-toe




Winning State(点击)

        library IEEE;   
    use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;  
    entity tttt1 is     
    Port (
       in1 : in  STD_LOGIC;  
       in2 : in  STD_LOGIC;  
       in3 : in  STD_LOGIC;   
       in4 : in  STD_LOGIC;  
       in5 : in  STD_LOGIC;  
       in6 : in  STD_LOGIC;  
       in7 : in  STD_LOGIC;   
       in8 : in  STD_LOGIC;   
       in9 : in  STD_LOGIC; 
       p1_play : in STD_LOGIC;
       p2_play : in STD_LOGIC;
   p1_win : out STD_LOGIC;
       p2_win : out STD_LOGIC;
   out_11 : out  STD_LOGIC;   
       out_12 : out  STD_LOGIC;   
       out_13 : out  STD_LOGIC;   
       out_21 : out  STD_LOGIC;   
       out_22 : out  STD_LOGIC;   
       out_23 : out  STD_LOGIC;   
       out_31 : out  STD_LOGIC;   
       out_32 : out  STD_LOGIC;  
       out_33 : out  STD_LOGIC);

    end entity tttt1;
    architecture Behavioral of tttt1 is
    signal temp11, temp12, temp13, temp14, temp15, temp16, temp17, temp18, temp19, temp21, temp22, temp23, temp24, temp25, temp26, temp27, temp28, temp29 :std_logic :='0';   
    signal p1win,p2win :std_logic :='0'; 
    signal o11,o12,o13,o21,o22,o23,o31,o32,o33:std_logic :='0';


-----------Start Player 1 Play-------------

if(p1_play ='1' and p2_play='0') then
if (in1= '1') then   
temp11 <='1';
temp21 <='0';

elsif(in2= '1') then   
temp12 <='1';
temp22 <='0';  

elsif(in3= '1') then
temp13 <='1';
temp23 <='0';

elsif(in4= '1') then
temp14 <='1';
temp24 <='0';

elsif(in5= '1') then
temp15 <='1';
temp25 <='0';

elsif(in6= '1') then
temp16 <='1';
temp26 <='0';

elsif(in7= '1') then
temp17 <='1';
temp27 <='0';

elsif(in8= '1') then
temp18 <='1';
temp28 <='0';

elsif(in9= '1') then
temp19 <='1';
temp29 <='0';  
end if;
end if; 
if ((temp11='1' and temp12='1' and temp13='1') or (temp14='1' and temp15='1' and temp16='1') or (temp17='1' and temp18='1' and temp19='1')
or (temp11='1' and temp14='1' and temp17='1') or (temp12='1' and temp15='1' and temp18='1') or (temp13='1' and temp16='1' and temp19='1')
or (temp11='1' and temp15='1' and temp19='1') or (temp13='1' and temp15='1' and temp17='1')) then
end if;
---------------End Player 1 Play---------------
--------------Start Player 2 Play--------------                 

if(p2_play ='1' and p1_play='0') then   
if (in1= '1')then
temp21 <='1';
temp11 <='0';  

elsif(in2= '1') then   
temp22 <='1';
temp12 <='0';

elsif(in3= '1') then
temp23 <='1';
temp13 <='0';

elsif(in4= '1') then
temp24 <='1';
temp14 <='0';

elsif(in5= '1') then
temp25 <='1';
temp15 <='0';

elsif(in6= '1') then
temp26 <='1';
temp16 <='0';

elsif(in7= '1') then
temp27 <='1';
temp17 <='0';

elsif(in8= '1') then
temp28 <='1';
temp18 <='0';

elsif(in9= '1') then
temp29 <='1';
temp19 <='0';  
end if;
end if;

if(  (temp21='1' and temp22='1' and temp23='1') or (temp24='1' and temp25='1' and temp26='1') or (temp27='1' and temp28='1' and temp29='1')
or (temp21='1' and temp24='1' and temp27='1') or (temp22='1' and temp25='1' and temp28='1') or (temp23='1' and temp26='1' and temp29='1')
or (temp21='1' and temp25='1' and temp29='1') or (temp23='1' and temp25='1' and temp27='1')) then

end if;

---------------End Player 2 Play---------------
end process;

p1_win <= p1win;
p2_win <= p2win;
out_11 <= o11;
out_12 <= o12;   
out_13 <= o13;   
out_21 <= o21;   
out_22 <= o22;   
out_23 <= o23;   
out_31 <= o31;   
out_32 <= o32;   
out_33 <= o33;

end Behavioral;

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

延迟看到p2_win的原因是temp11到temp13,temp21到temp 23和temp31到temp33不在进程敏感性列表中(也不应该)。在过程灵敏度列表中有信号事件之前,不会发生p1_win或p2_win的更新,在这种情况下是in3和in9的转换。




library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity tttt1 is
    port (
        in1:        in  std_logic;
        in2:        in  std_logic;
        in3:        in  std_logic;
        in4:        in  std_logic;
        in5:        in  std_logic;
        in6:        in  std_logic;
        in7:        in  std_logic;
        in8:        in  std_logic;
        in9:        in  std_logic;
        p1_play:    in  std_logic;
        p2_play:    in  std_logic;
        p1_win:     out std_logic;
        p2_win:     out std_logic;
        out_11:     out std_logic;
        out_12:     out std_logic;
        out_13:     out std_logic;
        out_21:     out std_logic;
        out_22:     out std_logic;
        out_23:     out std_logic;
        out_31:     out std_logic;
        out_32:     out std_logic;
        out_33:     out std_logic
end entity tttt1;

architecture behavioral of tttt1 is
    signal temp11, temp12,
           temp13, temp14,
           temp15, temp16,
           temp17, temp18,
           temp19, temp21,
           temp22, temp23,
           temp24, temp25,
           temp26, temp27,
           temp28, temp29:     std_logic := '0';
    signal p1win,p2win:        std_logic := '0';
    signal o11,o12,o13,o21,
           o33:                std_logic := '0';


    process (in1,in2,in3,in4,in5,in6,in7,in8,in9)

-----------Start Player 1 Play-------------

        if p1_play = '1' and p2_play = '0' then
            if in1 = '1' then
                temp11 <= '1';
                temp21 <= '0';
                o11 <= '1';

            elsif in2 = '1' then
                temp12 <= '1';
                temp22 <= '0';
                o12 <= '1';

            elsif in3 = '1' then
                temp13 <= '1';
                temp23 <= '0';
                o13 <= '1';

            elsif in4 = '1' then
                temp14 <= '1';
                temp24 <= '0';
                o21 <= '1';

            elsif in5 = '1' then
                temp15 <= '1';
                temp25 <= '0';
                o22 <= '1';

            elsif in6 = '1' then
                temp16 <= '1';
                temp26 <= '0';
                o23<= '1';

            elsif in7 = '1' then
                temp17 <= '1';
                temp27 <= '0';
                o31<= '1';

            elsif in8 = '1' then
                temp18 <= '1';
                temp28 <= '0';
                o32 <= '1';

            elsif in9 = '1' then
                temp19 <= '1';
                temp29 <= '0';
                o33 <= '1';
            end if;
        end if;

        -- if  (temp11 = '1' and temp12 = '1' and temp13 = '1') or
        --     (temp14 = '1' and temp15 = '1' and temp16 = '1') or
        --     (temp17 = '1' and temp18 = '1' and temp19 = '1') or
        --     (temp11 = '1' and temp14 = '1' and temp17 = '1') or
        --     (temp12 = '1' and temp15 = '1' and temp18 = '1') or
        --     (temp13 = '1' and temp16 = '1' and temp19 = '1') or
        --     (temp11 = '1' and temp15 = '1' and temp19 = '1') or
        --     (temp13 = '1' and temp15 = '1' and temp17 = '1') then
        --     p1win <= '1';
        -- end if;

---------------End Player 1 Play---------------

--------------Start Player 2 Play--------------

        if p2_play = '1' and p1_play = '0' then
            if in1 = '1' then
                temp21 <= '1';
                temp11 <= '0';
                o11 <= '1';

            elsif in2 = '1' then
                temp22 <= '1';
                temp12 <= '0';
                o12 <= '1';

            elsif in3 = '1' then
                temp23 <= '1';
                temp13 <= '0';
                o13 <= '1';

            elsif in4 = '1' then
                temp24 <= '1';
                temp14 <= '0';
                o21 <= '1';

            elsif in5 = '1' then
                temp25 <= '1';
                temp15 <= '0';
                o22 <= '1';

            elsif in6 = '1' then
                temp26 <= '1';
                temp16 <= '0';
                o23 <= '1';

            elsif in7 = '1' then
                temp27 <= '1';
                temp17 <= '0';
                o31 <= '1';

            elsif in8 = '1' then
                temp28 <= '1';
                temp18 <= '0';
                o32 <= '1';

            elsif in9 = '1' then
                temp29 <= '1';
                temp19 <= '0';
                o33 <= '1';
            end if;
        end if;

        -- if  (temp21 = '1' and temp22 = '1' and temp23 = '1') or
        --     (temp24 = '1' and temp25 = '1' and temp26 = '1') or
        --     (temp27 = '1' and temp28 = '1' and temp29 = '1') or
        --     (temp21 = '1' and temp24 = '1' and temp27 = '1') or
        --     (temp22 = '1' and temp25 = '1' and temp28 = '1') or
        --     (temp23 = '1' and temp26 = '1' and temp29 = '1') or
        --     (temp21 = '1' and temp25 = '1' and temp29 = '1') or
        --     (temp23 = '1' and temp25 = '1' and temp27 = '1') then
        --     p2win <= '1';
        -- end if;
---------------End Player 2 Play---------------
    end process;

    p1win <= (temp11 and temp12 and temp13) or
             (temp14 and temp15 and temp16) or
             (temp17 and temp18 and temp19) or
             (temp11 and temp14 and temp17) or
             (temp12 and temp15 and temp18) or
             (temp13 and temp16 and temp19) or
             (temp11 and temp15 and temp19) or
             (temp13 and temp15 and temp17);

     p2win <= (temp21 and temp22 and temp23) or
              (temp24 and temp25 and temp26) or
              (temp27 and temp28 and temp29) or
              (temp21 and temp24 and temp27) or
              (temp22 and temp25 and temp28) or
              (temp23 and temp26 and temp29) or
              (temp21 and temp25 and temp29) or
              (temp23 and temp25 and temp27);

    p1_win <= p1win;
    p2_win <= p2win;
    out_11 <= o11;
    out_12 <= o12;
    out_13 <= o13;
    out_21 <= o21;
    out_22 <= o22;
    out_23 <= o23;
    out_31 <= o31;
    out_32 <= o32;
    out_33 <= o33;

end architecture behavioral;



library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity tttt1_tb is
end entity;

architecture foo of tttt1_tb is
    signal in1:        std_logic := '0';
    signal in2:        std_logic := '0';
    signal in3:        std_logic := '0';
    signal in4:        std_logic := '0';
    signal in5:        std_logic := '0';
    signal in6:        std_logic := '0';
    signal in7:        std_logic := '0';
    signal in8:        std_logic := '0';
    signal in9:        std_logic := '0';
    signal p1_play:    std_logic := '0';
    signal p2_play:    std_logic := '0';

    signal p1_win:     std_logic;
    signal p2_win:     std_logic;
    signal out_11:     std_logic;
    signal out_12:     std_logic;
    signal out_13:     std_logic;
    signal out_21:     std_logic;
    signal out_22:     std_logic;
    signal out_23:     std_logic;
    signal out_31:     std_logic;
    signal out_32:     std_logic;
    signal out_33:     std_logic;

    entity work.tttt1
        port map (
            in1 => in1,
            in2 => in2,
            in3 => in3,
            in4 => in4,
            in5 => in5,
            in6 => in6,
            in7 => in7,
            in8 => in8,
            in9 => in9,
            p1_play => p1_play,
            p2_play => p2_play,

            p1_win => p1_win,
            p2_win => p2_win,
            out_11 => out_11,
            out_12 => out_12,
            out_13 => out_13,
            out_21 => out_21,
            out_22 => out_22,
            out_23 => out_23,
            out_31 => out_31,
            out_32 => out_32,
            out_33 => out_33
        in1 <= '1';
        p1_play <= '1';
        wait for 100 ns; 
        in1 <= '0';
        in2 <= '1';
        p1_play <= '0';
        p2_play <= '1';
        wait for 100 ns;
        in2 <= '0';
        in9 <= '1';
        p1_play <= '1';
        p2_play <= '0';
        wait for 100 ns;
        in5 <= '1';
        in9 <= '0';
        p1_play <= '0';
        p2_play <= '1';
        wait for 100 ns;
        in5 <= '0';
        in7 <= '1';
        p1_play <= '1';
        p2_play <= '0';
        wait for 100 ns;
        in7 <= '0';
        in8 <= '1';
        p1_play <= '0';
        p2_play <= '1';
        wait for 100 ns;
        in3 <= '1';
        in8 <= '0';
        p1_play <= '1';
        p2_play <= '0';
        wait for 100 ns;

    end process;
end architecture;

