I want my app to be able to intercept urls when opened in an external application. I managed to get it working on android using the android.xintent_filter build hint with the url scheme "http". However it does not work on ios. I added this build hint exactly as instructed here: http://www.codenameone.com/blog/intercepting-urls-on-ios-android.html ...
<key>CFBundleURLTypes</key> <array> <dict>
</dict> <dict> <key>CFBundleURLSchemes</key>
<array> <string>http</string> </array>
</dict> </array>
I even tried changing the url scheme to "myapp" because I read somewhere that ios does not allow apps to intercept http url schemes however it still didn't work. What am I doing wrong?
And on another note. Is what I read true about ios and http url schemes. Because when I try changing the url scheme in my android.xintent build hint to "myapp" android phones don't pick up the text as a link and therefore cannot open them so I am forced to use the http url scheme. But if that doesn't work for ios then I am in a bit of a problem. How do I work around this?
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您使用的是Facebook集成check this out。
但是,如果您使用,可能会与Facebook集成冲突 FacebookConnect需要访问这些计划。解决它 你可以使用构建提示ios.urlScheme例如:
答案 1 :(得分:0)
这在iOS上是不可能的。可以使用info.plist的url schemes部分中定义的网址直接从其他应用程序打开应用程序,但它无法拦截来自其他应用程序的http调用。
唯一的其他选项(如果网址链接到您拥有的网站)是使用通用链接,iOS 9中引入了通用链接,可以在此处找到文档:https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/General/Conceptual/AppSearch/UniversalLinks.html
请注意,Universal Links仅适用于您拥有的网站,而不适用于您不拥有的网站。