
时间:2016-04-12 16:51:34

标签: sql function aggregate common-table-expression



create table orders (  
 id int primary key,  
 itemID int foreign key references items.id,  
 datePlaced datetime,  
 salesRep int foreign key references salesReps.id,  
 price int,  
 amountShipped int);


select itemName, sum(price) as totalSales, sum(totalShipped) as totalShipped
 from orders
 join items on items.id = orders.itemID
 where orders.salesRep = '1234'
 group by itemName


    select itemName, price, sum(price) as totalSales, sum(totalShipped) as totalShipped
     from orders
 join items on items.id = orders.itemID
 where orders.salesRep = '1234'
 group by itemName, price


select itemName, price, sum(price) as totalSales, sum(totalShipped) as totalShipped  
 from orders  
 join items on items.id = orders.itemID  
 where orders.salesRep = '1234'  
  and orderDate between 150101 and 151231  
 group by itemName, price  


with totals as (  
 select itemName, price, sum(price) as totalSales, sum(totalShipped) as totalShipped, orderDate as startDate, orderDate as endDate  
  from orders  
   join items on items.id = orders.itemID  
  where orders.salesRep = '1234'  
   and orderDate between startDate and endDate  
 group by itemName, price, startDate, endDate  
select totals_2015.itemName as itemName_2015, totals_2015.price as price_2015, ...  
 totals_2016.itemName as itemName_2016, ...  
 from (  
 select * from totals  
 where startDate = 150101 and endDate = 151231  
) totals_2015  
 join (  
 select *  
 from totals  
 where startDate = 160101 and endDate = 160412  
) totals_2016  
on totals_2015.itemName = totals_2016.itemName  

现在,CTE的分组已经过时了,而不仅仅是增加价格。我已经考虑过将价格查询分解为CTE中自己的子查询,但我无法逃避需要按日期分组才能获得日期范围。任何人都可以看到这个方法吗?我希望我已经说清楚了。这是针对IBM iSeries机器运行的。谢谢!

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


fName = (FirstName + "..").subString(0,2);

答案 1 :(得分:0)


with cte as (
select id,rep, sum(sales) sls, count(distinct itemid) did, count(*) cnt from sommewhere 
where date between x and y
group by id,rep
) select * from cte order by rep


with cte as (
select id,rep, sum(sales) sls, count(distinct itemid) did, count(*) cnt from sommewhere 
where date between x and y
group by id,rep
) select * from cte join reps on cte.rep = reps.rep order by sls desc

答案 2 :(得分:0)
