
时间:2016-04-05 16:44:24

标签: vb.net function optional-parameters


Public Shared Function SetVariables(msg As String, Optional name As String = "", Optional target As String = "", Optional amount As Decimal = 0, Optional cost As String = "0", Optional keyword As String = "", Optional time As String = "", Optional reward As String = "", Optional participantList As String = "", Optional participantCount As Integer = 0, Optional game As String = "", Optional viewers As String = "", Optional followers As String = "", Optional link As String = "", Optional _options As String = "", Optional Year As String = "", Optional Month As String = "", Optional Day As String = "", Optional Hour As String = "", Optional Minute As String = "", Optional grpname As String = "")
    Dim balance As Decimal
    Dim holdings As Decimal
    If name > "" Then
        If Options.Accounts.ContainsKey(name) Then
            If Options.Holdings.ContainsKey(Options.Accounts.Item(name)) Then
                holdings = Options.Holdings.Item(Options.Accounts.Item(name))
            End If
            balance = Options.Accounts.Item(name).Points
        End If
    End If
    msg = msg.Replace("[name]", StrConv(name, VbStrConv.ProperCase))
    If holdings > 0 Then
        msg = msg.Replace("[balance]", balance & "[" & holdings & "]")
        msg = msg.Replace("[balance]", balance)
    End If
    msg = msg.Replace("[channel]", Subs.UppercaseFirstLetter(Options.Channel.TrimStart("#")))
    msg = msg.Replace("[target]", Subs.UppercaseFirstLetter(target))
    msg = msg.Replace("[amount]", amount)
    msg = msg.Replace("[cost]", cost)
    msg = msg.Replace("[keyword]", keyword)
    msg = msg.Replace("[time]", time)
    msg = msg.Replace("[reward]", reward)
    msg = msg.Replace("[participantList]", participantList)
    msg = msg.Replace("[participantCount]", participantCount)
    msg = msg.Replace("[botname]", Subs.UppercaseFirstLetter(Options.User))
    If msg.Contains("[groups]") Then msg = msg.Replace("[groups]", GetSortedGroups(name))
    If msg.Contains("[group]") Then msg = msg.Replace("[group]", GetSortedGroups(name, True))
    msg = msg.Replace("[game]", StrConv(game, VbStrConv.ProperCase))
    msg = msg.Replace("[viewers]", viewers)
    msg = msg.Replace("[followers]", followers)
    msg = msg.Replace("[link]", link)
    msg = msg.Replace("[options]", options.ToUpper)
    msg = msg.Replace("[years]", Year)
    msg = msg.Replace("[months]", Month)
    msg = msg.Replace("[days]", Day)
    msg = msg.Replace("[hours]", Hour)
    msg = msg.Replace("[minutes]", Minute)
    msg = msg.Replace("[grpname]", StrConv(grpname, VbStrConv.ProperCase))

    If balance = 1 Or amount = 1 Then
        msg = msg.Replace("[currency]", Options.PName)
        msg = msg.Replace("[currency]", Options.PNames)
    End If
    Return msg
End Function

基本上我将一个字符串传递给这个函数,它包含一些:[name] [keyword]等,用其他东西替换。有时我还必须传递数据以替换那些问题开始的地方。我希望这些功能在同一个功能中,但我现在可以使用很多参数了。我从不在函数的单次调用中使用所有这些参数,随着时间的推移,我将增加更多的参数。


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

你这样做的方式相当昂贵。 Strings是不可变的,所以这样的一行:

msg = msg.Replace("[followers]", followers)

...撕开原来的msg,然后从碎片和替换品中创建一个新的。我已经完成了用户创建的用于指定文本块布局的短字符串的确切内容,但StringBuilder对于更长的字符串和/或大量替换将更快更高效。 This post is an extreme example使用1MB字符串(SB将时间从5分钟切换到86毫秒)。


Public Class MessageMaker
    Public Property Name As String
    Public Property Target As String
    Public Property Amount As Nullable(Of Decimal)
    Public Property Cost As String          ' string? Really?

    ' illustration
    Public Property Participants As List(Of String)
    ' ergo participantCount==Participants.COunt()

    Public Property GroupName As String
    ' etc ad nauseum

    Public Sub New()
        Participants = New List(Of String)
    End Sub

    Public Function GetFormattedMsg() As String
        Dim sb As New StringBuilder

        sb.AppendFormat("The Name: {0}; ", Name)
        ' or...this will only append the name when lengh>0
        'sb.AppendFormat(If(String.IsNullOrEmpty(Name), "", TitleCase(Name) & "; "))

        If Amount.HasValue Then
            sb.AppendFormat("amt = {0}; ", Amount.Value.ToString("C2"))
        End If

        Dim p As String = ""
        If Participants.Count > 0 Then
            sb.AppendFormat("Participant Count: {0}; ", Participants.Count)
            ' convert names to TitleCase, sort
            p = String.Join(", ", Participants.OrderBy(Function(x) x).
                             Select(Function(j) TitleCase(j)))

            sb.AppendFormat("Participant Names: {0}; ", p)
        End If

        sb.Append(If(String.IsNullOrEmpty(GroupName), "",
                                   String.Format("Grp: {0}; ", TitleCase(GroupName))))

        Return sb.ToString

    End Function

    Private Function TitleCase(str As String) As String
        Return CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(str.ToLower)
    End Function

End Class

请注意,AmountNullable(Of Decimal)(或可写为As Decimal?)。如果您想省略它,除非给出它,您可以使用.HasValue来确定。这可以防止误导数字:Amount: 0是真的意味着0还是意味着它没有被指定。除非重要,否则不要打扰Nullable<T>



Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
    ' all the code
    Return msg
End Function


Dim mm As New MessageMaker
mm.Name = "April Gala Festival"
mm.Amount = 1.23D
mm.Participants = New List(Of String) From {"ziggy", "zOEy", "HOOveR", "josh"}

Dim msg = mm.GetFormattedMsg()
' or
Dim msg = mm.ToString()



“名称:四月联欢节; amt = $ 1.23;参与者人数:4;参与者姓名:Hoover,Josh,Ziggy,Zoey;”

我猜测结果字符串有一些标题和分隔符。该方法在每个段或元素之后使用"; "