Calling overridable methods like Swing's add() in constructor

时间:2016-04-04 18:30:34

标签: java swing constructor override

I know that calling overridable methods from constructors is a bad idea. But I also see that it's being done everywhere with Swing, where code like add(new JLabel("Something")); occurs in constructors all the time.

Take NetBeans IDE, for example. It is very picky about overridable calls in constructors. And yet, when it generates Swing code, it puts all those add() method calls into an initializeComponents() method... which is then called from the constructor! A nice way to hide a problem and disable the warning (NetBeans doesn't have a “a private method that calls overridable methods is called from a constructor” warning). But not really a way to solve the problem.

What's going on here? I've been doing it for ages, but always had an uneasy feeling about this. Is there a better way of initializing Swing containers, except for making an additional init() method (and not forgetting to call it every time, which is kind of boring)?


Here is an extremely contrived example of how things can go wrong:

public class MyBasePanel extends JPanel {
    public MyBasePanel() {

    private void initializeComponents() {
        // layout setup omitted
        // overridable call
        add(new JLabel("My label"), BorderLayout.CENTER);

public class MyDerivedPanel extends MyBasePanel {
    private final List<JLabel> addedLabels = new ArrayList<>();

    public void add(Component comp, Object constraints) {
        if (comp instanceof JLabel) {
            JLabel label = (JLabel) comp;
            addedLabels.add(label); // NPE here

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:6)


public class MyPanelFactory {
    public MyBasePanel myBasePanel() {
        MyBasePanel myBasePanel = new MyBasePanel();
        return myBasePanel;

    public MyDerivedPanel myDerivedPanel() {
        MyDerivedPanel myDerivedPanel = new MyDerivedPanel();
        return myDerivedPanel;

    private void initMyBasePanel(MyBasePanel myBasePanel) {
        myBasePanel.add(new JLabel("My label"), BorderLayout.CENTER);


public class MyPanelModule {
    static class MyBasePanel extends JPanel {
        private final JLabel myLabel;

        MyBasePanel(JLabel myLabel) {
            this.myLabel = myLabel;

        void initComponents() {
            this.add(myLabel, BorderLayout.CENTER);

    static class MyDerivedPanel extends MyBasePanel {
        private final List<JLabel> addedLabels = new ArrayList<>();

        MyDerivedPanel(JLabel myLabel) {

        public void add(Component comp, Object constraints) {
            if (comp instanceof JLabel) {
                JLabel label = (JLabel) comp;

    @Provides MyBasePanel myBasePanel(@Named("myLabel") JLabel myLabel) {
        MyBasePanel myBasePanel = new MyBasePanel(myLabel);
        return myBasePanel;

    @Provides MyDerivedPanel myDerivedPanel(@Named("myLabel") JLabel myLabel) {
        MyDerivedPanel myDerivedPanel = new MyDerivedPanel(myLabel);
        return myDerivedPanel;

    @Provides @Named("myLabel") JLabel myLabel() {
        return new JLabel("My label");

答案 1 :(得分:1)

OOP原则之一是:首选组合而不是继承。当我创建一个Swing GUI时,我永远不会扩展Swing组件,除了我创建一个新的通用Swing组件(如JTreeTable,JGraph,JCalendar等)。


public class MyPanel {
     private JPanel mainPanel;
     public MyPanel() {
     private void init() {
          mainPanel = new JPanel();
     public Component getComponent() {
         return mainPanel;

public class MyComposedPanel {
     private JPanel mainPanel;
     public MyComposedPanel() {
     private void init() {
          mainPanel = new JPanel();
          mainPanel.add(new MyPanel().getComponent());
     public Component getComponent() {
         return mainPanel;


答案 2 :(得分:0)


class MyBasePanel extends JPanel {

    public static MyBasePanel create() {
        MyBasePanel panel = new MyBasePanel();
        return panel;

    protected MyBasePanel() {

    protected void initializeComponents() {
        // layout setup omitted
        // overridable call
        add(new JLabel("My label"), BorderLayout.CENTER);

class MyDerivedPanel extends MyBasePanel {

    private final List<JLabel> addedLabels = new ArrayList<>();

    public static MyDerivedPanel create() {
        MyDerivedPanel panel = new MyDerivedPanel();
        return panel;

    protected MyDerivedPanel() {

    public void add(Component comp, Object constraints) {
        if (comp instanceof JLabel) {
            JLabel label = (JLabel) comp;
            addedLabels.add(label); // no more NPE here


答案 3 :(得分:-2)

Netbeans is generating the function private.

private initializeComponents() {...}

Thus the method is not overridable. Only protected and public methods are overridable.

An extra function keeps your code much cleaner for the Netbeans expample. But in general you can savely use private methods to initialize classes.

Moreover if you have multiple constructors it's practical to use one extra method for initialization.

class Foo {

   int x,y;
   String bar;

   public Foo(x) {
      this.x = x;

   public Foo(y) {
      this.y = y;
   private void init() {
      // .. something complicated or much to do
      bar = "bla";