
时间:2016-03-25 16:18:26

标签: java cyclic-reference mapstruct

今天我开始使用MapStruct为我的项目创建我的Model to DTO转换器,我想知道它是否自动处理循环引用但结果却没有。


package it.cdc.snp.services.rest.giudizio;

import org.mapstruct.Mapper;
import org.mapstruct.Mapping;
import org.mapstruct.Mappings;
import org.mapstruct.factory.Mappers;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

import it.cdc.snp.dto.entita.Avvisinotifica;
import it.cdc.snp.dto.entita.Corrispondenza;
import it.cdc.snp.model.notifica.AvvisoDiNotificaModel;
import it.cdc.snp.model.notifica.NotificaModel;
import it.cdc.snp.model.procedimento.ProcedimentoModel;

public interface NotificaMapper {

    NotificaMapper INSTANCE = Mappers.getMapper( NotificaMapper.class );

        @Mapping(source = "avvisinotificas", target = "avvisinotificas"),
    NotificaModel<ProcedimentoModel> corrispondenzaToNotificaModel(Corrispondenza notifica);

        @Mapping(source = "corrispondenza", target = "notifica"),
    AvvisoDiNotificaModel avvisinotificaToAvvisoDiNotificaModel(Avvisinotifica avvisinotifica);



        Notifica sourceObject1 = new Notifica();
        sourceObject1.setId(new Long(1));
        Avvisinotifica sourceObject2 = new Avvisinotifica();
        sourceObject2.setId(new Long(11));
        List<Avvisinotifica> tests= new ArrayList<>();

        NotificaModel destObject1 = new NotificaModel<>();
        Avvisinotifica destObject2 = new Avvisinotifica();

        NotificaModel converted = mapper.corrispondenzaToNotificaModel(sourceObject1);


这段代码进入了一个无限循环,没有什么比这更令人惊讶的了(虽然我希望它能处理这些情况)。 虽然我认为我可以找到一种优雅的方式来手动处理它(我正在考虑使用@MappingTarget的方法来插入Referenced对象)我想知道的是,是否有某种方法告诉M​​apStruct如何自动处理循环引用。

5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:6)


public class Child {
    private int id;
    private Father father;
    // Empty constructor and getter/setter methods ommitted.

public class Father {
    private int x;
    private List<Child> children;
    // Empty constructor and getter/setter methods ommitted.

public class ChildDto {
    private int id;
    private Father father;
    // Empty constructor and getter/setter methods ommitted.

public class FatherDto {
    private int id;
    private List<Child> children;
    // Empty constructor and getter/setter methods ommitted.


public abstract class ChildMapper {

    protected void ignoreFathersChildren(Child child, @MappingTarget ChildDto childDto) {

    public abstract ChildDto myMethod(Child child);


public class ChildMapperImpl extends ChildMapper {

    public ChildDto myMethod(Child child) {
        if ( child == null ) {
            return null;

        ChildDto childDto = new ChildDto();

        childDto.setId( child.getId() );
        childDto.setFather( child.getFather() );

        ignoreFathersChildren( child, childDto );

        return childDto;

在此实现中,子项具有父集。这意味着存在循环引用,但是使用ignoreFathersChildren(child, childDto)方法我们删除引用(我们将其设置为null)。




public interface ChildMapper {

//         @Mapping(target = "father", expression = "java(null)"),
         @Mapping(target = "father", qualifiedByName = "fatherToFatherDto")})
    ChildDto childToChildDto(Child child);

         @Mapping(target = "children", expression = "java(null)")})
    FatherDto fatherToFatherDto(Father father);

答案 1 :(得分:4)


答案 2 :(得分:2)




  • 食谱有很多成分,但只有一本书提到。
  • 一本书中有很多食谱。
  • 一种成分仅可用于一种配方(假设一种成分还具有固定其数量,计量单位等的属性,因此它实际上仅适用于一种配方)。 / li>
    public class Recipe {
        Long id;
        // ... Other recipe properties go here
        Book book;
        Set<Ingredient> ingredients;
    public class Book {
        Long id;
        // ... Other book properties go here
        Set<Recipe> recipes;
    public class Ingredient {
        Long id;
        // ... Other ingredient properties go here
        Recipe recipe;



// MapStruct can handle primitive and standard classes like String and Integer just fine, but if you are using custom complex objects it needs some instructions on how it should map these
    @Mapper(uses = {BookMapper.class, IngredientMapper.class})
    public interface RecipeMapper {
        RecipeMapper INSTANCE = Mappers.getMapper( RecipeMapper.class );

        RecipeDTO toDTO(Recipe recipe);

        Recipe toEntity(RecipeDTO recipeDTO);

    @Mapper(uses = {RecipeMapper.class, IngredientMapper.class})
    public interface BookMapper {
        BookMapper INSTANCE = Mappers.getMapper( BookMapper.class );

        BookDTO toDTO(Book book);

        Book toEntity(BookDTO book);

    @Mapper(uses = {RecipeMapper.class, BookMapper.class})
    public interface IngredientMapper {
        IngredientMapper INSTANCE = Mappers.getMapper( IngredientMapper.class );

        IngredientDTO toDTO(Ingredient ingredient);

        Ingredient toEntity(IngredientDTO ingredientDTO);

如果您会停在那里并尝试以这种方式映射类,则由于您现在已定义了循环引用,您将被StackOverflowError击中(配方包含的配料具有属性配方,该配方具有配料...)。 只有在没有双向关系也会触发逆映射的情况下,才能使用这种默认的Mapper设置。

您可以像A-> B-> A-> B-> A ... 关于对象映射,我的经验表明,您应该能够将其映射为:A-> B-> A(这次不包括打破周期的关系) 实体到DTO和DTO到实体的映射。这使您能够:

  • 在前端向下钻取关联对象:例如。显示食谱的食材清单
  • 保存对象时坚持反关系:例如。如果仅映射A->B。RecipeDTO中的IngredientDTO将没有配方属性,并且在保存配料时,您需要将配方ID作为参数传递,并跳过一些箍将配料实体对象与配方实体对象,然后将成分实体保存到数据库。

定义像A-> B-> A这样的映射(这次不包括打破关系的关系)将归结为定义单独的映射,以便在您想要从映射中排除相关复杂对象时使用想打破循环。

@IterableMapping(qualifiedByName =“ ”) 用于映射复杂对象的集合,这是指单个复杂对象的映射。

@Mapping(目标=“ PropertyName”,qualifiedByName =“ ”) 可以用来指向替代映射,该映射在映射一组复杂对象时(当您想打破循环时)排除了逆关系

@Mapping(目标=“ [。]”,忽略= true) 可以用来指示完全不应该映射对象的属性。因此,这可以用来完全省去一个(或多个)复杂对象,或者在不需要时直接忽略单个(而不是一个集合)相关的复杂对象中的属性。

如果您不使用 qualifiedByName 属性和匹配的 @Named()批注,则您的映射将不会编译并显示关于歧义映射的错误< / em>,如果在Mapper界面中有多个具有相同返回类型和输入参数类型的方法。



1. When mapping a Recipe, we will need to map the book property in such a way that its inverse relation to recipes is mapped without the book property the second time
    Recipe A -> Book X  -> Recipe A (without book property value as this would close the cycle)
        -> Recipe B (without book property value, as same mapping is used for all these recipes unfortunately as we don't know up front which one will cause the cyclic reference)...
            -> Ingredients I (without recipe property value as they would all point back to A)
2. When mapping a Book, we will need to map the recipes property in such a way that its inverse relation to book isn't mapped as it will point back to the same book.
        Book X -> Recipe A (without book property as this would close the cycle)
                    -> Ingredients (without recipe property as all these will point back to Recipe A)
                        -> Recipe B (without book property, as same mapping is used for all these and all could potentially close the cycle)
                        -> Recipe C
3. When mapping an Ingredient, we will need to map the recipe property in such a way that its inverse relation to ingredient isn't mapped as one of those ingredients will point back to the same ingredient


    @Mapper(uses = {BookMapper.class, IngredientMapper.class})
    public interface RecipeMapper {
        RecipeMapper INSTANCE = Mappers.getMapper( RecipeMapper.class );

        @IterableMapping(qualifiedByName = "RecipeIgnoreBookAndIngredientChildRecipes")
        Set<RecipeDTO> toDTOSetIgnoreBookAndIngredientChildRecipes(Set<Recipe> recipes);

        @IterableMapping(qualifiedByName = "RecipeIgnoreIngredientsAndBookChildRecipe")
        Set<RecipeDTO> toDTOSetIgnoreIngredientsAndBookChildRecipe(Set<Recipe> recipes);
        // In this mapping we will ignore the book property and the recipe property of the Ingredients to break the mapping cyclic references when we are mapping a book object
        // Don't forget to add the matching inverse mapping from DTO to Entity, this is basically just a copy with switch input parameter and return types
            @Mapping(target = "book", ignore = true),                                               // book is a single custom complex object (not a collection), so we can directly ignore its child properties from there
            @Mapping(target = "ingredients", qualifiedByName = "IngredientSetIgnoreRecipes"),       // ingredients is a collection of complex objects, so we can't directly ignore its child properties as in the end, a Mapper needs to be defined to Map a single POJO into another
        RecipeDTO toDTOIgnoreBookAndIngredientChildRecipes(Recipe recipe);

            @Mapping(target = "book.recipes", ignore = true),
            @Mapping(target = "ingredients", ignore = true),
        RecipeDTO toDTOIgnoreIngredientsAndBookChildRecipe(Recipe recipe);

        // Don't forget to add the matching inverse mapping from DTO to Entity, this is basically just a copy with switch input parameter and return types
            @Mapping(target = "book.recipes", ignore = true),                                       // book is a single custom complex object (not a collection), so we can directly ignore its child properties from there
            @Mapping(target = "ingredients", qualifiedByName = "IngredientSetIgnoreRecipes"),       // ingredients is a collection of complex objects, so we can't directly ignore its child properties as in the end, a Mapper needs to be defined to Map a single POJO into another
        RecipeDTO toDTO(Recipe recipe);
        @IterableMapping(qualifiedByName = "RecipeIgnoreBookAndIngredientChildRecipes")
        Set<Recipe> toEntitySetIgnoreBookAndIngredientChildRecipes(Set<RecipeDTO> recipeDTOs);
        @IterableMapping(qualifiedByName = "RecipeIgnoreIngredientsAndBookChildRecipe")
        Set<Recipe> toEntitySetIgnoreIngredientsAndBookChildRecipe(Set<RecipeDTO> recipeDTOs);
            @Mapping(target = "book.recipes", ignore = true),                                       // book is a single custom complex object (not a collection), so we can directly ignore its child properties from there
            @Mapping(target = "ingredients", qualifiedByName = "IngredientSetIgnoreRecipes"),       // ingredients is a collection of complex objects, so we can't directly ignore its child properties as in the end, a Mapper needs to be defined to Map a single POJO into another
        Recipe toEntity(RecipeDTO recipeDTO);
            @Mapping(target = "book", ignore = true),                                               // book is a single custom complex object (not a collection), so we can directly ignore its child properties from there
            @Mapping(target = "ingredients", qualifiedByName = "IngredientSetIgnoreRecipes"),       // ingredients is a collection of complex objects, so we can't directly ignore its child properties as in the end, a Mapper needs to be defined to Map a single POJO into another
        Recipe toEntityIgnoreBookAndIngredientChildRecipes(RecipeDTO recipeDTO);
            @Mapping(target = "book.recipes", ignore = true),
            @Mapping(target = "ingredients", ignore = true),
        Recipe toEntityIgnoreIngredientsAndBookChildRecipe(RecipeDTO recipeDTO);

    @Mapper(uses = {RecipeMapper.class, IngredientMapper.class})
    public interface BookMapper {
        BookMapper INSTANCE = Mappers.getMapper( BookMapper.class );
            @Mapping(target = "recipes", qualifiedByName = "RecipeSetIgnoreBookAndIngredientChildRecipes"),
        BookDTO toDTO(Book book);

            @Mapping(target = "recipes", qualifiedByName = "RecipeSetIgnoreBookAndIngredientChildRecipes"),
        Book toEntity(BookDTO book);

    @Mapper(uses = {RecipeMapper.class, BookMapper.class})
    public interface IngredientMapper {
        IngredientMapper INSTANCE = Mappers.getMapper( IngredientMapper.class );

        // Don't forget to add the matching inverse mapping from DTO to Entity, this is basically just a copy with switch input parameter and return types
        IterableMapping(qualifiedByName = "IngredientIgnoreRecipes")                                // Refer to the mapping for a single object in the collection
        Set<IngredientDTO> toDTOSetIgnoreRecipes(Set<Ingredient> ingredients);

        // Don't forget to add the matching inverse mapping from DTO to Entity, this is basically just a copy with switch input parameter and return types
            @Mapping(target = "recipes", ignore = true),                                            // ignore the recipes property entirely
        IngredientDTO toDTOIgnoreRecipes(Ingredient ingredient);

            @Mapping(target = "recipes", qualifiedByName = "RecipeSetIgnoreIngredientsAndBookChildRecipe")
        IngredientDTO toDTO(Ingredient ingredient);

        IterableMapping(qualifiedByName = "IngredientIgnoreRecipes")                                // Refer to the mapping for a single object in the collection
        Set<Ingredient> toEntitySetIgnoreRecipes(Set<IngredientDTO> ingredientDTOs);

            @Mapping(target = "recipes", ignore = true),
        Ingredient toEntityIgnoreRecipes(IngredientDTO ingredientDTO);

            @Mapping(target = "recipes", qualifiedByName = "RecipeSetIgnoreIngredientsAndBookChildRecipe")
        Ingredient toEntityIgnoreRecipes(IngredientDTO ingredientDTO);



答案 3 :(得分:1)

至少在mapstruct 1.3中,您可以使用以下命令:




 * An implementation to track cycles in graphs to be used as {@link Context} parameter.
public class CycleAvoidingMappingContext {
    private Map<Object, Object> knownInstances = new IdentityHashMap<Object, Object>();

     * Gets an instance out of this context if it is already mapped.
     * @param source
     *        given source
     * @param targetType
     *        given target type.
     * @return Returns the resulting type.
    public <T> T getMappedInstance(Object source, @TargetType Class<T> targetType) {
        return targetType.cast(knownInstances.get(source));

     * Puts an instance into the cache, so that it can be remembered to avoid endless mapping.
     * @param source
     *        given source
     * @param target
     *        given target
    public void storeMappedInstance(Object source, @MappingTarget Object target) {
        knownInstances.put( source, target );


 * Mapper. Automatically implemented by mapstruct.
public interface SomeObjWithCyclesMapper {

     * instance.
    SomeObjWithCyclesMapper INSTANCE = Mappers.getMapper(SomeObjWithCyclesMapper.class);

     * Mapper method to map entity to domain. Automatically implemented by mapstruct.
     * @param entity
     *        given entity.
     * @param context
     *        context to avoid cycles.
     * @return Returns the domain object.
    SomeObjWithCycles entityToDomain(SomeObjWithCyclesEntity entity, @Context CycleAvoidingMappingContext context);

     * Mapper method to map domain object to entity. Automatically implemented by mapstruct.
     * @param domain
     *        given domain object.
     * @param context
     *        context to avoid cycles.
     * @return Returns the entity.
    SomeObjWithCyclesEntity domainToEntity(SomeObjWithCycles domain, @Context CycleAvoidingMappingContext context);


答案 4 :(得分:1)


来自 George Siggouroglou 的回答使用以下方法工作正常:

@Mapping(target = "primaryObject.secondaries", expression = "java(null)"),
SecondaryObjectDto toSecondaryObjectDto(SecondaryObject source);

Ivo Eersel 的回答非常完整,但我还是在第一次阅读时错过了解决方案。


@Mapping(target = "primaryObject.secondaries", ignore = true)
SecondaryObjectDto toSecondaryObjectDto(SecondaryObject source);