当您在Android中指定区域设置时,它将更改为Date提供的字符串等。因此,如果我将我的区域设置更改为法语,法国,我的Android日期选择器将显示" Mardi"而不是"星期一"。
这些翻译存储在哪里?我已经将代码一直跟踪到libcore.icu.LocaleData,但我无法弄清楚它在哪里获得翻译。例如,在下面的代码中,(link)他们在哪里发现它们填充public String[] longMonthNames;
package libcore.icu;
public final class LocaleData {
// A cache for the locale-specific data.
private static final HashMap<String, LocaleData> localeDataCache = new HashMap<String, LocaleData>();
static {
// Ensure that we pull in the locale data for the root locale, en_US, and the
// user's default locale. (All devices must support the root locale and en_US,
// and they're used for various system things like HTTP headers.) Pre-populating
// the cache is especially useful on Android because we'll share this via the Zygote.
// Used by Calendar.
public Integer firstDayOfWeek;
public Integer minimalDaysInFirstWeek;
// Used by DateFormatSymbols.
public String[] amPm; // "AM", "PM".
public String[] eras; // "BC", "AD".
public String[] longMonthNames; // "January", ...
public String[] shortMonthNames; // "Jan", ...
public String[] tinyMonthNames; // "J", ...
public String[] longStandAloneMonthNames; // "January", ...
public String[] shortStandAloneMonthNames; // "Jan", ...
public String[] tinyStandAloneMonthNames; // "J", ...
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