The term "H1" has type
"C Top.d2 w21"
while it is expected to have type
"C d2 w21".
" D2"在我的代码中定义如下:
Inductive D : Type :=
| d1 : D
| d2 : D
| d3 : D
In environment
w, w1, w2, w3 : W
H : hide s0 =
(w1 :: w2 :: w3 :: nil)%list
H1C : C d1 w1
H2C : C Top.d2 w2
H3C : C Top.d3 w3
w11 : W
H11 : pick d1 w1 =
(w11 :: nil)%list
H11P : P d1 w11
w21 : W
H21 : pick d1 w2 =
(w21 :: nil)%list
H21P : P d1 w21
w31 : W
H31 : pick d1 w3 =
(w31 :: nil)%list
H31P : P d1 w31
H0 : C d1 w11
H1 : C Top.d2 w21
H2 : C Top.d3 w31
w112, w113 : W
d2, d3 : D
H11Open : open w11 =
(w112 :: w113 :: nil)%list
D21 : d2 <> d1
D31 : d3 <> d1
D23 : d2 <> d3
H112O : O d2 w112
H113O : O d3 w113
The term "H1" has type
"C Top.d2 w21"
while it is expected to have type
"C d2 w21".
我不明白为什么只有&#34; d2&#34;和&#34; d3&#34;收到&#34; Top。&#34;前缀并导致问题。我没有做什么不同的&#34; d2&#34;和&#34; d3&#34;我为d1做了啊。
Lemma changeprob: [ (At s0 (probPred Vic (cons hide (cons (pick d1) (cons open (cons (pick d2) nil) ) ) ) (2 # 3))) ].
Proof. mv.
unfold At.
unfold probPred.
unfold prob.
destruct (hide2 s0) as [w1 [w2 [w3 H ]]]. (* H : hide s0 =
(w1 :: w2 :: w3 :: nil)%list /\
C d1 w1 /\ C d2 w2 /\ C d3 w3 *)
destruct H as [H [H1C [H2C H3C]]].
rewrite H. simpl.
destruct (pick2 w1 d1) as [w11 [H11 H11P]].
destruct (pick2 w2 d1) as [w21 [H21 H21P]].
destruct (pick2 w3 d1) as [w31 [H31 H31P]].
rewrite H11; rewrite H21; rewrite H31; simpl.
assert (C d1 w11). (* H0 *)
apply (frame w1 d1 d1 H1C); unfold r; unfold is_in; rewrite H11; left; reflexivity.
assert (C d2 w21). (* H1 *)
apply (frame w2 d2 d1 H2C); unfold r; unfold is_in; rewrite H21; left; reflexivity.
assert (C d3 w31). (* H2 *)
apply (frame w3 d3 d1 H3C); unfold r; unfold is_in; rewrite H31; left; reflexivity.
destruct (open1 w11 d1 H0 H11P) as [w112 [w113 [d2 [d3 [H11Open [D21 [D31 [D23 [H112O H113O]]]]] ]]]].
destruct (open2 w21 d2 d1 H1 H21P) as [w213 HNN]. (* This line throws the error *)
&#34; frame&#34;,&#34; hide2&#34;,&#34; pick2&#34;,&#34; open1&#34;和&#34; open2&#34;公理(如下所示)。
请注意,H0,H1和H2以完全相同的方式创建,通过&#34;断言&#34;。同样地,H1C,H2C和H3C以完全相同的方式创建,通过&#34; destruct&#34;。但是,出于某种原因,Coq增加了#34; Top。&#34; d2和d3之前的前缀,但不是d1之前的前缀。 &#34; Top。&#34;仅出现在错误消息中。它不会出现在CoqIDE右上角的输出中。
还要注意倒数第二个&#34; destruct&#34;上面的证明脚本中的策略非常好,因为Coq没有添加&#34; Top。&#34; H0中前缀为d1。另一方面,最后一次&#34;破坏&#34;策略触发了错误,因为Coq添加了&#34; Top。&#34; H1中的前缀为d2。
那么,为什么Coq会添加&#34; Top。&#34;字首?为什么它只对我的一些术语这样做,即使我以相同的方式创建术语?什么是#34; Top。&#34;字首?如何阻止Coq添加?
&#34; frame&#34;,&#34; hide2&#34;,&#34; pick2&#34;,&#34; open1&#34;和&#34; open2&#34;公理:
Axiom hide2: forall w, exists w1 w2 w3, (hide w) = (cons w1 (cons w2 (cons w3 nil))) /\ (C d1 w1) /\ (C d2 w2) /\ (C d3 w3).
Axiom pick2: forall w, forall d, exists w1, (pick d w) = (cons w1 nil) /\ (P d w1).
Axiom frame: [mforall d, mforall dp, (C d) m-> (box (pick dp) (C d)) ].
Axiom open1: forall w, forall d, ((C d) w) -> ((P d) w) -> exists w1 w2 d1 d2, (open w) = (cons w1 (cons w2 nil)) /\ ~(d1 = d) /\ ~(d2 = d) /\ ~(d1 = d2) /\ (O d1 w1) /\ (O d2 w2).
Axiom open2: forall w, forall d, forall dd, ((C d) w) -> ((P dd) w) -> exists w1, (open w) = (cons w1 nil) /\ exists do, ~(do = d) /\ ~(do = dd) /\ (O do w1).
答案 0 :(得分:2)
Module A.
Definition u := 3.
Lemma v : u = u.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
End A.
Import A.
Definition u := 4.
Print v.