
时间:2016-03-10 04:36:27

标签: scala shapeless idris

Type Driven Development with Idris提供以下通用加法器方法:

AdderType : (numArgs : Nat) -> Type
AdderType Z     = Int
AdderType (S k) = (next : Int) -> AdderType k

adder : (n : Nat) -> (acc : Int) -> AdderType n
adder Z acc     = acc
adder (S k) acc = \x => (adder k (x+acc))


-- expects 3 Int's to add, with a starting value of 0
*Work> :t (adder 3 0) 
adder 3 0 : Int -> Int -> Int -> Int

-- 0 (initial) + 3 + 3 + 3 == 9
*Work> (adder 3 0) 3 3 3
9 : Int



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:9)


   //put here the html for the log in screen
} else {
   $response = '{status: false, message: "Please log in"}';
   echo json_encode($response);


import shapeless._

trait AdderType[N <: Nat] extends DepFn1[Int]

object AdderType {
  type Aux[N <: Nat, Out0] = AdderType[N] { type Out = Out0 }
  def apply[N <: Nat](base: Int)(implicit at: AdderType[N]): at.Out = at(base)

  implicit val adderTypeZero: Aux[Nat._0, Int] = new AdderType[Nat._0] {
    type Out = Int
    def apply(x: Int): Int = x

  implicit def adderTypeSucc[N <: Nat](implicit
    atN: AdderType[N]
  ): Aux[Succ[N], Int => atN.Out] = new AdderType[Succ[N]] {
    type Out = Int => atN.Out
    def apply(x: Int): Int => atN.Out = i => atN(x + i)



scala> val at3 = AdderType[Nat._3](0)
at3: Int => (Int => (Int => Int)) = <function1>

scala> at3(3)(3)(3)
res8: Int = 9


import shapeless._

trait AdderType[N <: Nat] extends DepFn1[Int] {
  protected def plus(x: Int): AdderType.Aux[N, Out]

object AdderType {
  type Aux[N <: Nat, Out0] = AdderType[N] { type Out = Out0 }

  def apply[N <: Nat](base: Int)(implicit at: AdderType[N]): Aux[N, at.Out] =

  private[this] case class AdderTypeZero(acc: Int) extends AdderType[Nat._1] {
    type Out = Int
    def apply(x: Int): Int = acc + x
    protected def plus(x: Int): Aux[Nat._1, Int] = copy(acc = acc + x)

  private[this] case class AdderTypeSucc[N <: Nat, Out0](
    atN: Aux[N, Out0],
    acc: Int
  ) extends AdderType[Succ[N]] {
    type Out = Aux[N, Out0]
    def apply(x: Int): Aux[N, Out0] = atN.plus(acc + x)
    protected def plus(x: Int): Aux[Succ[N], Aux[N, Out0]] = copy(acc = acc + x)

  implicit val adderTypeZero: Aux[Nat._1, Int] = AdderTypeZero(0)
  implicit def adderTypeSucc[N <: Nat](implicit
    atN: AdderType[N]
  ): Aux[Succ[N], Aux[N, atN.Out]] = AdderTypeSucc(atN, 0)

它更冗长,并且表示形式有点不同,以使Scala语法能够解决 - 我们的基本情况&#34;基本上是scala> val at3 = AdderType[Nat._3](0) at3: AdderType[shapeless.Succ[shapeless.Succ[shapeless.Succ[shapeless._0]]]] { ... scala> at3(3)(3)(3) res0: Int = 9 而不是Int => Int,因为否则我无法找到避免在任何地方写Intapply的方法 - 但基本的想法是完全一样。

答案 1 :(得分:3)

如果您长途跋涉并且手上没有无形,那么您可以在纯Scala中执行此操作。对于那些不熟悉 shapeless 的人以及因某些原因不使用它的人来说,它会很有用。


sealed trait Nat

trait Zero extends Nat
trait Succ[N <: Nat] extends Nat

// enough for examples:
type _0 = Zero
type _1 = Succ[_0]
type _2 = Succ[_1]
type _3 = Succ[_2]
type _4 = Succ[_3]
// etc...

当然,如果您经常使用_42_342923等类型,那么使用某些宏来获取现有Nat类型会更方便更多 - 从构建价值观来构建那些,但是对于我们的例子来说已经足够了。


// first we define the type which take a Nat type argument
trait AdderType[N <: Nat] {

  type Out
  def apply(i: Int): Out

// then we inductively construct its values using implicits
case object AdderType {

  // base case: N = _0
  implicit def zero:
      AdderType[_0] { type Out = Int } =
  new AdderType[_0] {

    type Out = Int
    def apply(i: Int): Out = i

  // induction step: N -> Succ[N]
  implicit def succ[N <: Nat, NOut](
    implicit prev: AdderType[N] { type Out = NOut }
  ):  AdderType[Succ[N]] { type Out = Int => NOut } =
  new AdderType[Succ[N]] {

    type Out = Int => NOut
    def apply(i: Int): Out = k => prev(i + k)

现在,要构造AdderType的实例并应用它,我们编写一个函数,它将N <: Nat作为类型参数并隐式构造AdderType[N]

def adder[N <: Nat](initial: Int)(
  implicit adderFunction: AdderType[N]
): adderFunction.Out = adderFunction(initial)


scala> val add3Numbers = adder_[_3](0)
add3Numbers: Int => (Int => (Int => Int)) = <function1>

scala> add3Numbers(1)(2)(3)
res0: Int = 6

你可以看到纯粹的解决方案并不比使用无形的解决方案更大或更复杂(尽管后者为我们提供了现成的Nat和{{1} } types)。


关键点是为out类型添加另一个类型参数:adderFunction.Out,但不能将adder[N <: Nat, NOut]作为类型传递给N,因为我们需要写adder,想要推断(否则,重点是什么)。所以我们可以传递一个额外的值参数,这将有助于派生NOut类型:


要构建def adder[N <: Nat, NOut](n: NatVal[N])(initial: Int)( implicit adderFunction: AdderType[N] { type Out = NOut } ): NOut = adderFunction(initial) 我们不需要创建每个NatVal[N]类型的实例,我们可以使用一个小技巧:



// constructing "values" to derive its type arg
case class NatVal[N <: Nat]()

// just a convenience function
def nat[N <: Nat]: NatVal[N] = NatVal[N]()


scala> val add3Numbers = adder(nat[_3])(0)
add3Numbers: this.Out = <function1>

scala> add3Numbers(1)(2)(3)
res1: this.Out = 6


def foo[AOut]()(implicit
  a: A { type Out = AOut},
  b: B { type In = AOut }
) ...

因为你无法在同一个参数列表中找到def foo()(implicit a: A, b: B { type In = a.Out } ) ...
