我在Idris的Type-Driven Development with Idris写了一个例子给Scala:
data PowerSource = Petrol | Pedal
data Vehicle : PowerSource -> Type where
Bicycle : Vehicle Pedal
Car : (fuel : Nat) -> Vehicle Petrol
Bus : (fuel : Nat) -> Vehicle Petrol
refuel : Vehicle Petrol -> Vehicle Petrol
refuel (Car fuel) = Car 100
refuel (Bus fuel) = Bus 200
scala> sealed trait PowerSource
defined trait PowerSource
scala> case object Petrol extends PowerSource
defined object Petrol
scala> case object Pedal extends PowerSource
defined object Pedal
scala> sealed abstract class Vehicle {
| type A <: PowerSource
| }
defined class Vehicle
scala> case object Bicycle extends Vehicle {
| type A = Pedal.type
| }
scala> case class Bus(fuel: Int) extends Vehicle {
| type A = Petrol.type
| }
defined class Bus
scala> case class Car(fuel: Int) extends Vehicle {
| type A = Petrol.type
| }
scala> def refuel[P <: Petrol.type](vehicle: Vehicle {type A = P} ): Vehicle = vehicle match {
| case Car(_) => Car(100)
| case Bus(_) => Bus(100)
| }
<console>:20: warning: unreachable code
case Bus(_) => Bus(100)
refuel: [P <: Petrol.type](vehicle: Vehicle{type A = P})Vehicle
scala> refuel(Car(100))
res6: Vehicle = Car(100)
scala> refuel(Bus(5))
res7: Vehicle = Bus(100)
scala> refuel(Bicycle)
<console>:22: error: inferred type arguments [Bicycle.A] do not conform to method refuel's type parameter bounds [P <: Petrol.type]
<console>:22: error: type mismatch;
found : Bicycle.type
required: Vehicle{type A = P}
答案 0 :(得分:2)
unreachable code
1}} ......似乎不可能。
虚假警告是一个scalac错误。 Scala问题跟踪器中存在相关错误,但这似乎是一个不同的变体......您应该报告它。