
时间:2016-03-09 22:34:21

标签: python json web-scraping scrapy


  "data": "category 1: test test \n category2: test test \n test test \n category 3: test test test \n category 4: this is data in category 4 "



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

我会创建一个关键字列表,然后在 data 中查找这些关键字的索引(如果存在)。 (我重新排列了关键字出现在数据中的顺序,以证明以后的观点)。

d = {"data": "category 1: test test \n category 3: test test test \n category2: test test \n test test \n category 4: this is data in category 4 " }
keywords = ['category 1', 'category2', 'category 3', 'category 4']
kw_indices = [-1]*len(keywords)
data = d['data']

for i in range(len(keywords)):
    kw = keywords[i]
    if kw in data:
        kw_indices[i] = data.index(kw)

kw_indices_sorted = sorted(kw_indices)

数据中找到的每个关键字的起始位置由 kw_indices 中的值给出,其中-1表示在数据中找不到该关键字< / em>的。

要查找每个关键字的结束索引,我们会从 kw_indices_sorted 列表中找到下一个起始索引,然后确定哪个关键字具有该起始索引,然后获取该下一个起始索引的值。 / p>

data_by_category = {}
for j in range(len(keywords)):
    kw = keywords[j]

    if kw_indices[j] > -1:
        # The keyword was found in the data and we know where in the string it starts
        kw_start = kw_indices[j]
        sorted_index = kw_indices_sorted.index(kw_start)
        if sorted_index < len(kw_indices_sorted) - 1:
            # This index is not the last/largest value in the list of sorted indices
            # so there will be a next value.
            next_kw_start = kw_indices[kw_indices.index(kw_indices_sorted[sorted_index + 1])]
            kw_data = data[kw_start:next_kw_start]
            kw_data = data[kw_start:]

        # If you don't want the keyword included in the result you can strip it out here
        kw_data = kw_data.replace(kw + ':', '')
        data_by_category[kw] = kw_data
        # The keyword was not found in the data, enter an empty value for it or handle this 
        # however else you want.
        data_by_category[kw] = ''


{&#39;类别1&#39;:&#39;测试测试\ n&#39;,&#39; category2&#39;:&#39;测试测试\ n测试测试\ n&#39;,&#39;类别3&#39;:&#39;测试测试测试\ n&#39;,&#39;类别4&#39;:&#39;这是类别4&#39;}


答案 1 :(得分:-2)

这听起来像是一项特定的任务,你可能不得不再做一次数据处理。 pymongo是我在python中与Mongo数据库中的数据进行交互的首选库(这也是mongodb本身推荐的)。


>>> import re
>>> data_string = "category 1: test test \n category2: test test \n test test \n category 3: test test test \n category 4: this is data in category 4 "
>>> m = re.findall(r'(category\s*\d+): (.*)', data_string)
>>> m
[('category 1', 'test test '), ('category2', 'test test '), ('category 3', 'test test test '), ('category 4', 'this is data in category 4 ')]