
时间:2016-03-06 13:29:17

标签: haskell zipper comonad

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
import Control.Comonad
import Data.Functor.Reverse
import Data.List (unfoldr)


data LZipper a = LZipper (Reverse [] a) a [a]
    deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

mkZipper :: a -> [a] -> LZipper a
mkZipper = LZipper (Reverse [])


fwd, bwd :: LZipper a -> Maybe (LZipper a)
fwd (LZipper _ _ []) = Nothing
fwd (LZipper (Reverse xs) e (y:ys)) = Just $ LZipper (Reverse (e:xs)) y ys
bwd (LZipper (Reverse []) _ _) = Nothing
bwd (LZipper (Reverse (x:xs)) e ys) = Just $ LZipper (Reverse xs) x (e:ys)


instance Comonad LZipper where
    extract (LZipper _ x _) = x
    duplicate z = LZipper (Reverse $ unfoldr (step bwd) z) z (unfoldr (step fwd) z)
        where step move = fmap (\y -> (y, y)) . move


ghci> duplicate (mkZipper 'a' "bc")
LZipper (Reverse [])
        (LZipper (Reverse "") 'a' "bc")
        [LZipper (Reverse "a") 'b' "c",LZipper (Reverse "ba") 'c' ""]
-- Abc -> *Abc* aBc abC

ghci> fmap duplicate (fwd $ mkZipper 'a' "bc")
Just (LZipper (Reverse [LZipper (Reverse "") 'a' "bc"])
              (LZipper (Reverse "a") 'b' "c")
              [LZipper (Reverse "ba") 'c' ""])
-- aBc -> Abc *aBc* abC




type Grid a = LZipper (LZipper a)

up, down, left, right :: Grid a -> Maybe (Grid a)
up = bwd
down = fwd
left = traverse bwd
right = traverse fwd

extractGrid :: Grid a -> a
extractGrid = extract . extract
mkGrid :: (a, [a]) -> [(a, [a])] -> Grid a
mkGrid (x, xs) xss = mkZipper (mkZipper x xs) $ map (uncurry mkZipper) xss


ghci> let myGrid = mkGrid ('a', "bc") [('d', "ef"), ('g', "hi")]
ghci> myGrid
LZipper (Reverse [])
        (LZipper (Reverse "") 'a' "bc")
        [LZipper (Reverse "") 'd' "ef",LZipper (Reverse "") 'g' "hi"]
-- +-------+ 
-- | A b c |
-- | d e f |
-- | g h i |
-- +-------+

ghci> return myGrid >>= right >>= down
Just (LZipper (Reverse [LZipper (Reverse "a") 'b' "c"])
              (LZipper (Reverse "d") 'e' "f")
              [LZipper (Reverse "g") 'h' "i"])
-- +-------+ 
-- | a b c |
-- | d E f |
-- | g h i |
-- +-------+

我想要的是网格的LZipper duplicate等价物:一个接收网格并生成网格的网格,其中包含您可以查看网格的所有方式,重点关注当前方式。

duplicateGrid :: Grid a -> Grid (Grid a)


duplicateGrid myGrid
| ********* +-------+ +-------+ |
| * A b c * | a B c | | a b C | |
| * d e f * | d e f | | d e f | |
| * g h i * | g h i | | g h i | |
| ********* +-------+ +-------+ |
| +-------+ +-------+ +-------+ |
| | a b c | | a b c | | a b c | |
| | D e f | | d E f | | d e F | |
| | g h i | | g h i | | g h i | |
| +-------+ +-------+ +-------+ |
| +-------+ +-------+ +-------+ |
| | a b c | | a b c | | a b c | |
| | d e f | | d e f | | d e f | |
| | G h i | | g H i | | g h I | |
| +-------+ +-------+ +-------+ |

我试过了duplicateGrid = duplicate . duplicate。这个类型正确,但是(假设我正确地解释了show输出,我可能没有这样做)它只给了我在第一列的某个地方聚焦的网格:

(duplicate . duplicate) myGrid
| ********* +-------+ +-------+ |
| * A b c * | a b c | | a b c | |
| * d e f * | D e f | | d e f | |
| * g h i * | g h i | | G h i | |
| ********* +-------+ +-------+ |
| +-------+ +-------+ +-------+ |
| | A b c | | a b c | | a b c | |
| | d e f | | D e f | | d e f | |
| | g h i | | g h i | | G h i | |
| +-------+ +-------+ +-------+ |
| +-------+ +-------+ +-------+ |
| | A b c | | a b c | | a b c | |
| | d e f | | D e f | | d e f | |
| | g h i | | g h i | | G h i | |
| +-------+ +-------+ +-------+ |

我也试过duplicateGrid = duplicate . fmap duplicate。再一次假设我能够解释show输出,这给了我一些包含错误网格并使行的焦点不对齐的东西,这样向下移动也会让你感动: / p>

(duplicate . fmap duplicate) myGrid
| ********* +-------+ +-------+ |
| * A b c * | D e f | | G h i | |
| * a B c * | d E f | | g H i | |
| * a b C * | d e F | | g h I | |
| ********* +-------+ +-------+ |
| +-------+ ********* +-------+ |
| | A b c | * D e f * | G h i | |
| | a B c | * d E f * | g H i | |
| | a b C | * d e F * | g h I | |
| +-------+ ********* +-------+ |
| +-------+ +-------+ ********* |
| | A b c | | D e f | * G h i * |
| | a B c | | d E f | * g H i * |
| | a b C | | d e F | * g h I * |
| +-------+ +-------+ ********* |

对于那些知情人士来说,这感觉就像是一个简单的问题,但它让我头晕目眩。我想我可以手动调用一个调用updownleftright的函数,但我觉得这个comonadic机器应该能够做到我。 duplicateGrid的正确实施是什么?

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:9)


假设我们有fg个comonads。 duplicate的类型变为:

duplicate :: f (g a) -> f (g (f (g a)))


duplicate . fmap duplicate :: f (g a) -> f (f (g (g a)))



class Functor g => Distributive g where
    distribute :: Functor f => f (g a) -> g (f a)

特别是,我们需要实现Distributive g,然后duplicate可以将组成的comonad实现为:

duplicate = fmap distribute . duplicate . fmap duplicate


为了说明这一点,如果Vec n an大小的向量,则distribute :: [Vec n a] -> Vec n [a]只是矩阵转置。有必要预先确定内部向量的向下大小,因为在“粗糙”矩阵上的转置必须丢弃一些元素,这不是合法的行为。无限流和拉链也很好分布,因为它们也只有一种尺寸。


下面我将针对基础列表的不当分发实施duplicate Grid

或者,可以直接卷起袖子并在Zipper (Zipper a)上实现换位功能。我实际上是这样做的,但它给了我一个头疼的问题,而且我对它的确无误。为了缩小可能的实现空间,最好使类型尽可能通用,这样就可以减少出错的空间。


{-# language DeriveFunctor #-}

import Control.Comonad
import Data.List
import Control.Monad

data Zipper a = Zipper [a] a [a] deriving (Eq, Show, Functor)

lefts, rights :: Zipper a -> [a]
lefts  (Zipper ls _ _) = ls
rights (Zipper _ _ rs) = rs

bwd :: Zipper a -> Maybe (Zipper a)
bwd (Zipper [] _ _) = Nothing
bwd (Zipper (l:ls) a rs) = Just $ Zipper ls l (a:rs)

fwd :: Zipper a -> Maybe (Zipper a)
fwd (Zipper _ _ []) = Nothing
fwd (Zipper ls a (r:rs)) = Just $ Zipper (a:ls) r rs

instance Comonad Zipper where
  extract (Zipper _ a _) = a
  duplicate z =
    Zipper (unfoldr (fmap (join (,)) . bwd) z) z (unfoldr (fmap (join (,)) . fwd) z)


data Nat = Z | S Nat

length' :: [a] -> Nat
length' = foldr (const S) Z

distList :: Functor f => Nat -> f [a] -> [f a]
distList Z     fas = []
distList (S n) fas = (head <$> fas) : distList n (tail <$> fas)



distZipper :: Functor f => Nat -> Nat -> f (Zipper a) -> Zipper (f a)
distZipper l r fz = Zipper
  (distList l (lefts <$> fz)) (extract <$> fz) (distList r (rights <$> fz))


duplicateGrid :: Grid a -> Grid (Grid a)
duplicateGrid grid@(Zipper _ (Zipper ls _ rs) _) = 
    fmap (distZipper (length' ls) (length' rs)) $ duplicate $ fmap duplicate grid



答案 1 :(得分:7)

您遇到的根本问题是zippers don't natively support 2-d structures。答案很棒(另一个答案基本上就是你对Grid的定义)我会鼓励你阅读它,但要点是拉链识别带有路径的元素到达二维空间这样的识别是有问题的,因为有很多途径可以达到目的。

因此,您会注意到,虽然up的{​​{1}}和down函数完全是根据Zippers定义的,但您需要使用Grid机制来定义Traversableleft。这也意味着rightleft不具备与rightup相同的性能属性,因为您可以说“反对谷歌”。 / p>



如果您试图穿过拉链,好像它们就像任何其他二维结构一样,那么您将继续使用down获取Nothing。让我们注意如果你真的试图在表面上没有问题的duplicate上使用你的up, down, left, right函数会发生什么。

duplicate (mkZipper 'a' "bc")

移动*Main> let allRows = duplicate $ mkZipper 'a' "bc" *Main> down allRows -- This is fine since we're following the zipper normally Just (LZipper (Backwards [LZipper (Backwards "") 'a' "bc"]) (LZipper (Backwards "a") 'b' "c") [LZipper (Backwards "ba") 'c' ""]) *Main> right allRows Nothing -- That's bad... *Main> down allRows >>= right Nothing -- Still nothing right要求(正如您在提到不变量时正确注意到的那样)您的每个子拉链的结构都是同质的,否则left会过早地失败了。这意味着,如果您确实想要使用traverseleft,那么与right一起使用的唯一方法就是使用尽可能最均匀的duplicate


另一种方法是仅使用拉链附带的功能。这意味着仅使用duplicate z @ (LZipper left focus right) = LZipper (fmap (const z) left) z (fmap (const z) right) fwd,然后bwd重点并继续使用extractfwd来获得与{{1}相同的内容}和bwd。当然这意味着放弃了“正确然后向下”和“向下然后向右”的能力,但正如我们已经看到的那样,拉链不能很好地发挥多种路径。

现在让我们仔细检查一下你如何最好地解释left发生的事情的直觉。一个漂亮的广场并不是思考正在发生的事情的最佳方式(如果你只限于rightduplicate . duplicate $ myGrid以及extract,你会明白为什么。




这个参差不齐的结构里面的方块也不是正方形,它们也会粗糙。同样,您可以将*Main> let allRows = duplicate . duplicate $ myGrid *Main> fwd $ extract allRows -- Makes sense Just ... -- This *should* be the bottom-left of the grid *Main> let bottomLeft = extract <$> fwd allRows >>= fwd *Main> bottomLeft >>= fwd Nothing -- Nope! *Main> bottomLeft >>= bwd Just ... -- Wait a minute... 视为对角线。或者只是完全放下2-d结构的拉链。


故事的道德,拉链对于二维结构来说相当令人头疼。 (空闲思想:也许镜头可能很有趣?)

对于好奇的人,我的方法也只有在你记住我们所处理的结构的粗糙时才有效;那是+---------------------------------------------------+ | ********* +-------+ +-------+ | | * A b c * | a b c | | a b c | | | * d e f * | D e f | | d e f | | | * g h i * | g h i | | G h i | | | ********* +-------+ +-------+ | | +-------+ +-------+ +-------+ | | | A b c | | a b c | | a b c | | | | d e f | | D e f | | d e f | | | | g h i | | g h i | | G h i | | | +-------+ +-------+ +-------+ | | +-------+ +-------+ +-------+ | | | A b c | | a b c | | a b c | | | | d e f | | D e f | | d e f | | | | g h i | | g h i | | G h i | | | +-------+ +-------+ +-------+ | +---------------------------------------------------+ 两次,然后提取将获得相当于OP想要在他的网格的右下角,而不是在左下角。




现在我们有一个更通用的traverse,我们可以通过重新定义duplicateT :: Traversable t => t (LZipper a) -> LZipper (t (LZipper a)) duplicateT z = LZipper (Backwards $ unfoldr (step bwd) z) z (unfoldr (step fwd) z) -- Everything's the exact same except for that extra traverse where step move = fmap (\y -> (y, y)) . (traverse move) 实例中的duplicateT来解决一些讨厌的代码重复:





注意:如果Haskell允许您在类型类上本地定义类型约束,那么您可以使用不同的Comonad实例(可能都使用-- requires import Data.Functor.Identity duplicate = fmap runIdentity (duplicate' (Identity z)) 调解),以便更改duplicateGrid = duplicate . duplicateT newtype的方向。问题是你需要像LZipper或等价duplicate这样的东西,你根本无法在Haskell中编写。你可以想象做类似于this的类型系列,但我怀疑这对于这个特定的实例来说可能有些过分。

修改:实际上,如果您为instance Comonad LZipper (LZipper a) where ...提供适当的newtype实例,则甚至不需要duplicateT


现在,只需使用之前的原始LZipper并使用instance Applicative LZipper where pure x = LZipper (Backwards (repeat x)) x (repeat x) (LZipper leftF f rightF) <*> (LZipper left x right) = LZipper newLeft (f x) newRight where newLeft = (Backwards (zipWith ($) (forwards leftF) (forwards left))) newRight = (zipWith ($) rightF right)


答案 2 :(得分:5)


newtype MC m a = MC { unMC :: m -> a }

instance Monoid m => Comonad (MC m) where
    extract (MC f) = f mempty
    duplicate (MC f) = MC (\x -> MC (\y -> f (x <> y)))

instance Functor (MC m) where
    fmap f (MC g) = MC (f . g) 

因此,双向无限数组将为MC (Sum Integer) a,双向无限网格将为MC (Sum Integer, Sum Integer) a。当然,MC m (MC n a)通过currying与MC (m,n) a同构。


duplicateGrid g x y dx dy = g (x + dx) (y + dy)


duplicate f x y = f (x+y)

所以duplicate . duplicate是:

(duplicate . duplicate) f x y z 
    = duplicate (duplicate f) x y z
    = duplicate f (x+y) z
    = f (x + y + z)

不是想要的。 fmap duplicate看起来像什么:

fmap duplicate f x y z = f x (y + z)

很明显再次duplicate会给我们与duplicate . duplicate相同的东西(因为这是一个comonad法则)。然而,这更有希望。如果我们做了两个 fmap s ...

fmap (fmap duplicate) f x y z w
    = fmap duplicate (f x) y z w
    = f x y (z + w)


(duplicate . fmap (fmap duplicate)) f x y z w = f (x+y) (z+w)

但这仍然是错误的。更改变量名称,f (x+y) (dx + dy)。所以我们需要一些东西来交换两个内部变量......我们想要的类别理论名称是一个分配法则。 Haskell名称为TraversablesequenceA对于函数(函数形成Applicative仿函数,实际上是MonadReader monad)看起来是什么样的?类型说明了所有。

sequenceA :: (a -> b -> c) -> (b -> a -> c)
sequenceA f x y = f y x 


fmap sequenceA g x y z = g x z y

(duplicate . fmap (fmap duplicate) . fmap sequenceA) g x y dx dy
    = (duplicate . fmap (fmap duplicate)) g x dx y dy
    = g (x + dx) (y + dy)
