
时间:2016-02-29 17:23:00

标签: python regex nltk fuzzy-search fuzzywuzzy



“动脉高血压可能会影响预后   由于并发症导致的患者生存。 TENSTATEN进入   在预防性处理(加工)的框架内。   他(她,它)的报告(关系)效率/影响不受欢迎   重要。利尿剂,TENSTATEN的初衷药物,   是。治疗方案非常多。“



if [anything similar (>90%) to "that sentence"] in mybigtext:
    print True

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



import nltk

from nltk.stem import PorterStemmer
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
from nltk.corpus import stopwords

stop_words = stopwords.words('english')
ps = PorterStemmer()

def get_word_set(text):
    return set(ps.stem(word) for word in word_tokenize(text) if word not in stop_words)

text1 = "The arterial high blood pressure may engage the prognosis for survival of the patient as a result of complications. TENSTATEN enters within the framework of a preventive treatment(processing). His(Her,Its) report(relationship) efficiency / effects unwanted is important. diuretics, medicine of first intention of which TENSTATEN, is. The therapeutic alternatives are very numerous."
text2 = "The arterial high blood pressure may engage the for survival of the patient as a result of complications. TENSTATEN enters within the framework of a preventive treatment(processing). His(Her,Its) report(relationship) efficiency / effects unwanted is important. diuretics, medicine of first intention of which TENSTATEN, is. The therapeutic alternatives are very numerous."

query = "engage the prognosis for survival"

set_query = get_word_set(query)
for text in [text1, text2]:
    set_text = get_word_set(text)
    intersection = set_query & set_text

    print "Query:", set_query
    print "Test:", set_text
    print "Intersection:", intersection
    print "Match:", len(intersection) == len(set_query)


Query: set([u'prognosi', u'engag', u'surviv'])
Test: set([u'medicin', u'prevent', u'effici', u'engag', u'Her', u'process', u'within', u'surviv', u'high', u'pressur', u'result', u'framework', u'diuret', u')', u'(', u',', u'/', u'.', u'numer', u'Hi', u'treatment', u'import', u'complic', u'altern', u'patient', u'relationship', u'may', u'arteri', u'effect', u'prognosi', u'intent', u'blood', u'report', u'The', u'TENSTATEN', u'unwant', u'It', u'therapeut', u'enter', u'first'])
Intersection: set([u'prognosi', u'engag', u'surviv'])
Match: True

Query: set([u'prognosi', u'engag', u'surviv'])
Test: set([u'medicin', u'prevent', u'effici', u'engag', u'Her', u'process', u'within', u'surviv', u'high', u'pressur', u'result', u'diuret', u')', u'(', u',', u'/', u'.', u'numer', u'Hi', u'treatment', u'import', u'complic', u'altern', u'patient', u'relationship', u'may', u'arteri', u'effect', u'framework', u'intent', u'blood', u'report', u'The', u'TENSTATEN', u'unwant', u'It', u'therapeut', u'enter', u'first'])
Intersection: set([u'engag', u'surviv'])
Match: False

答案 1 :(得分:1)


tgt="The arterial high blood pressure may engage the prognosis for survival of the patient as a result of complications. TENSTATEN enters within the framework of a preventive treatment(processing). His(Her,Its) report(relationship) efficiency / effects unwanted is important. diuretics, medicine of first intention of which TENSTATEN, is. The therapeutic alternatives are very numerous."

for sentence in regex.split(r'(?<=[.?!;])\s+(?=\p{Lu})', tgt):
    pat=r'(?e)((?:has engage the progronosis of survival){e<%i})' 
    pat=pat % int(len(pat)/5)
    m=regex.search(pat, sentence)
    if m:
        print "'{}'\n\tfuzzy matches\n'{}'\n\twith \n{} substitutions, {} insertions, {} deletions".format(pat,m.group(1), *m.fuzzy_counts)


'(?e)((?:has engage the progronosis of survival){e<10})'
    fuzzy matches
'may engage the prognosis for survival'
3 substitutions, 1 insertions, 2 deletions

答案 2 :(得分:0)



def FuzzySearch(text, phrase):
    """Check if word in phrase is contained in text"""
    phrases = phrase.split(" ")

    for x in range(len(phrases)):
        if phrases[x] in text:
            print("Match! Found " + phrases[x] + " in text")