c ++拓扑排序给出错误输出

时间:2016-02-25 18:59:47

标签: c++ algorithm sorting output topological-sort

经过大量的测试和调试后,我终生无法找出为什么我的拓扑排序算法会产生错误的输出。它只是按降序列出节点的值,而不是在拓扑上对它们进行排序。我列出了所有相关的类/输入文件。任何提示或帮助表示赞赏,在此先感谢。 类图的标题:

This is the header for class graph.  It includes the definition of a node
and the function signatures
#pragma once

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

struct node
    // actual value at each node
    int value;
    // discovered time
    int d;
    // finished time
    int f;
    // keep track of how many edges each vertex has
    int numEdges;
    // keep track of color of node
    char color;
    // parent (previous) node
    node* p;
    // next node
    node* next;

// Class to represent a graph
class Graph
    // constructor, give number of vertexes
    Graph(int V);

    // depth first search
    void DFS();

    // function to print sorted nodes
    void print();

    // function for reading file into adjacency list
    void readFile(istream& in);

    // private function called in depth first search, visits every vertex
    // of each edge in the graph
    void DFSVisit(node* u);

    // number of vertices
    int V;

    // array of node pointers, first node in each array is
    // the vertex and following nodes are edges
    node* adj[9];

    // linked list to keep track of the sorted list found from depth first search
    node* sorted;

    // keep track of when each node is discovered/finished
    int time;

    // keep track of number of backedges
    int backEdge;


This is the cpp file for class graph.  It defines function behavior

#include "Graph.h"

using namespace std;

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

Graph::Graph(int V)
    // set graph's number of vertexes to number input
    this->V = V;
    this->backEdge = 0;

// Depth first search
void Graph::DFS()
    // initialize all colors to white and parent to null
    for (int i = 0; i < V; i++)
        adj[i]->color = 'w';
        adj[i]->p = NULL;
    // initialize time to 0
    time = 0;
    // for each vertex, if it is white, visit its adjacent nodes
    for (int i = 0; i < V; i++)
        if (adj[i]->color == 'w') {

// Visit node used by depth first search
void Graph::DFSVisit(node* u)
    // increment time
    // set u's discovered time
    u->d = time;
    // set color to grey for visited but not finished
    u->color = 'g';
    // visit each adjacency, number of adjacencies stored by numEdges
    for (int i = 0; i < u->numEdges; i++)
        // create node pointing at u next
        node* v = u->next;
        // if the node is already grey, then it is a backedge
        if (v->color == 'g') {
        // if it is white and undiscovered, set its parent to u and visit v's next nodes
        else if (v->color == 'w') {
            v->p = u;
    // set last node to black
    u->color = 'b';
    // increment time
    // set finishing time
    u->f = time;

    if (backEdge == 0) {
        // adds a node to front of linked list that contains sorted values
        node* newNode = new node;
        newNode->next = sorted;
        newNode->value = u->value;
        sorted = newNode;

void Graph::print()
    if (backEdge == 0) {
        node* curr = sorted;
        if (sorted == NULL) {
        else {
            cout << "Sorted List:\n";
            for (; curr; curr = curr->next)
                cout << curr->value << " ";
            cout << endl;
    else cout << "Backedges: " << backEdge << endl;

void Graph::readFile(istream& in)
    // create node pointers to use later
    node* head;
    node* prev;
    node* curr;

    // temp string to use while reading file
    string temp;
    int j;
    // loop iterate vertex number of times
    for (int i = 0; i < V; i++)
        // 3rd character in string holds name of first edge
        j = 3;
        // read line by line
        getline(in, temp);

        // debug print out adjacency list
        // cout << temp << endl;

        // create head node, set value to value of vertex, put it at beginning of each linked list
        head = new node;
        head->value = i + 1;
        adj[i] = head;
        // set numEdges to 0 when row is started
        adj[i]->numEdges = 0;
        // set prev to head at end of each outer loop
        prev = head;

        // read every adjacency for each vertex, once j goes outside of string reading is done
        while (j < temp.length()) {
            // increment numEdges, meaning vertex has one more adjacency
            // create node and put in value, found by moving j up two spaces and subtracting 48
            // because it is a char casted as an int
            curr = new node;
            curr->value = (int)temp.at(j) - 48;
            // connect node, increment j by 2 because adjacencies separated by a whitespace
            prev->next = curr;
            prev = curr;
            j += 2;


This is the driver for the topological sort project.  It reads a file of
vertexes and edges into an adjacency list and performs a depth first
search on that graph representation, creating a topological sort
if no backedges exist, this indicates a DAG or directed acyclic graph
if backedges do exist, this indicates a graph containing cycles meaning
it cannot be topologically sorted

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include "Graph.h"

using namespace std;

string FILE_NAME = "graphin-DAG.txt";

int main()
    // create graph object giving number of vertices
    Graph myGraph(NUM_VERTICES);

    // open file
    ifstream fin(FILE_NAME);

    // validate that file was successfully opened, without file print
    // error and exit program
    if (!fin.is_open()) {
        cerr << "Error opening " + FILE_NAME + " for reading." << endl;

    // read file into adjacency list

    // perform depth first search

    // if graph is a DAG, print topological sort, else print backedges
    // this is handled by the print function checking backedges data member


1: 2
2: 3 8
3: 4
4: 5
5: 9
6: 4 7
7: 3 8
8: 9

也是邻接列表所代表的图形的直观表示: http://i.imgur.com/6fEjlDY.png

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

我认为主要问题是“真实”节点与邻接列表中的节点之间存在一些混淆。至少我感到困惑,所以我将结构分成struct Nodestruct Adj。现在,图表的节点为Node* nodes[9]

struct Node;

struct Adj
    Node*  node;
    Adj*   next;

struct Node
    // actual value at each node
    int value;
    // discovered time
    int d;
    // finished time
    int f;
    // keep track of color of node
    char color;
    // the list od adjacencies for the node
    Adj*  adj;

Sorted List:
6 7 3 4 5 1 2 8 9

似乎正确,[6 7 3 4 5][1 2 8 9]。请参阅工作示例here
