
时间:2016-02-21 22:25:30

标签: list python-3.x for-loop


def printAverages():
scores = [[100,100,1,100,100],
total = 0
minValue = 100
counter = -1
for row in scores:
    counter = counter + 1
    for n in scores[0]:
        total = total+n
        if minValue > n:
            minValue = n
    total = total - minValue
    print("Average for row",counter,"is",total)
    total = 0

如何使for n in score [0]获取每行的平均值而不是仅计算第一行的平均值?我知道scores[0]命令程序只读取第一行,我只是不知道如何更改它。


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

请记住,XY problem

# Sum of a list of numbers divided by the number of numbers in the list
def average(numbers):
    return sum(numbers)/len(numbers)

# This is your data
scores = [[100,100,1,100,100],

# enumerate() allows you to write FOR loops naming both the list element and its index
for (i, row) in enumerate(scores):
    print("Average for row ", i, "is ", average(row))

请记住,Python支持函数式编程,并鼓励程序员尽可能编写pure functions

答案 1 :(得分:0)

语句for n in scores[0]:只会通过第一列。

您想要说的是for n in row:。这将使它遍历每一行,外循环的每个循环一行