通过SSL上传ftp文件C#StreamSocket UWP

时间:2016-02-21 12:54:11

标签: c# ssl ftp win-universal-app




//reading selected files from file picker

 var picker = new Windows.Storage.Pickers.FileOpenPicker();
            picker.ViewMode = Windows.Storage.Pickers.PickerViewMode.Thumbnail;
            picker.SuggestedStartLocation =

            var files = await picker.PickMultipleFilesAsync();
            if (files != null && files.Count > 0)
                TxtB_ProgressTitle.Text = "Uploading...";
                Grid_Progress.Visibility = Windows.UI.Xaml.Visibility.Visible;
                App.FtpClient.Progressing -= FtpClient_Progressing;
                App.FtpClient.Progressing += FtpClient_Progressing;
                byte[] data = null;
                foreach (var file in files)
                    using (var reader = await file.OpenStreamForReadAsync())
                        data = new byte[reader.Length];
                        int read = await reader.ReadAsync(data, 0, (int)reader.Length);
                    InitProgress((int)(data.Length / 1024), file.Name);
                        await vm.UploadFile(data, file.Name);
                    catch (FtpPermissionDeniedException exc)
                        MessageDialog dlg = new MessageDialog("Permission denied", "Error uploading \"" + file.Name + "\" file");
                        await dlg.ShowAsync();
                    catch (FtpUploadException exc)
                        MessageDialog dlg = new MessageDialog("Data connection unexpectedly closed, upload aborted", "Error uploading \"" + file.Name + "\" file");
                        await dlg.ShowAsync();
                    catch (FtpException exc)
                        MessageDialog dlg = new MessageDialog(exc.Message, "Error uploading \"" + file.Name + "\" file");
                        await dlg.ShowAsync();


public async Task<bool> Upload(string name, byte[] data)
        var channel = await OpenChannelForDataTransfert();
        FtpResponse response = await FtpCommand.Execute(FtpTrace, FtpCommandType.UploadFile, name);
        if (response.Code == 150 || response.Code == 125)
            channel.Progress += (sender, args) => OnProgress(args);
            bool dataUploaded = await channel.Upload(data);
            if (dataUploaded)
                response = await FtpCommand.ExecuteRequest(null, FtpTrace);
                if (response.Code == 226)
                    return true;
                else if (response.Code == 550)
                    throw new FtpPermissionDeniedException();
                else if (response.Code == 426)
                    throw new FtpUploadException();
       return false;


private async Task<FtpChannel> OpenChannelForDataTransfert()
        FtpResponse res = null;
        res = await FtpCommand.Execute(FtpTrace, FtpCommandType.BinaryMode);
        if (res.Code == 200)
            res = await FtpCommand.Execute(FtpTrace, FtpCommandType.Passive);
            if (res.Code == 227)
                var host = FtpParser.ParseFtpHostName(res.Message, FtpTrace);
                if (host != null)
                    var channel = new FtpChannel(this, host, IsSecure);
                    if ((await channel.ConnectAsync()))
                        return channel;
        return null;



public async Task<bool> Upload(byte[] data)
        FtpProgressEventArgs args = new FtpProgressEventArgs();
        _TotalSize = data.Length / 1024;
        _CurrentSize = 0;
        args.TotalSize = _TotalSize;
        using (var stream = _Output.AsStreamForWrite())
            using (MemoryStream d = new MemoryStream(data))
                int read = 0;
                byte[] buffer = new byte[_BufferSize];
                while ((read = await d.ReadAsync(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) != 0)
                    await stream.WriteAsync(buffer, 0, read);
                    _CurrentSize += read;
                    args.CurrentSize = CurrentSize;

        return true;


[[ExecuteRequest] Command] USER : ********
[[ParseFtpCommand]] 331 User name okay, need password. : 
[[ExecuteRequest] Command] PASS : *************
[[ParseFtpCommand]] 230 User logged in, proceed. : 
[[ExecuteRequest] Command] PBSZ 0 : 
[[ParseFtpCommand]] 200 PBSZ command OK. Protection buffer size set to 0. : 
[[ExecuteRequest] Command] PROT P :
[[ParseFtpCommand]] 200 PROT command OK. Using private data connection. : 
[[ExecuteRequest] Command] OPTS UTF8 ON : 
[[ParseFtpCommand]] 200 OPTS UTF8 is set to ON. : 
[[ExecuteRequest] Command] PWD : 
[[ParseFtpCommand]] 257 "/" is current directory. : 
[[ExecuteRequest] Command] TYPE I : 
[[ParseFtpCommand]] 200 Type set to I. : 
[[ExecuteRequest] Command] PASV : 
[[ParseFtpCommand]] 227 Entering Passive Mode (**,**,**,**,156,103) : 
[[ExecuteRequest] Command] MLSD : 
[[ParseFtpCommand]] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for MLSD. : 
[[ParseFtpCommand]] 226 Transfer complete. 544 bytes transferred. 0.53 KB/sec. :
[[ParseFtpFile]]  : FooBar File
[[ParseFtpFile]]  : FooBar File
[[ParseFtpFile]]  : FooBar File
[[ParseFtpFile]]  : FooBar File
[[ParseFtpFile]]  : FooBar File
[[ParseFtpFile]]  : FooBar File
[[ParseFtpFile]]  : FooBar File
[[ParseFtpFile]]  : FooBar File

Le thread 0x15c8s'estrrêtéavecle code 0(0x0)。

[[ExecuteRequest] Command] TYPE I : 
[[ParseFtpCommand]] 200 Type set to I. : 
[[ExecuteRequest] Command] PASV : 
[[ParseFtpCommand]] 227 Entering Passive Mode (**,**,**,**,156,106) : 
[[ExecuteRequest] Command] STOR : HomeBanner.png
[[ParseFtpCommand]] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for HomeBanner.png. : 
[[ParseFtpCommand]] 426 Data connection unexpectedly closed, receive file /HomeBanner.png aborted. : 


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