
时间:2016-02-20 20:58:06

标签: r function loops dataframe user-defined-functions





count = 1:20
a = c(-0.802776, -0.748272, 0.187434, 1.23577, 1.00677, 0.874122, 0.232802, -0.279368, -1.57815, -1.76652, -0.958916, -0.316385, 0.831575, 1.19312, 1.45508, 0.848923, 0.257728, -0.318474, -1.14129, -1.42576)
b = c(-2.23512, -1.36572, -0.0357366, 0.925563, 1.53282, 0.171045, -0.438714, -1.38769, -0.696898, 1.37184, 2.01038, 2.6302, 2.53296, 1.8788, 0.100366, -1.34726, -1.4309, -1.37271, -0.750669, 0.100656)
c = c(0.749062, 0.0690315, -0.750494, -1.04069, -0.654432, 0.0186072, 0.710011, 0.920915, 1.13075, 0.227108, -0.195086, -0.68333, -0.607532, -0.485424, 0.495913, 0.655385, 0.468796, 0.274053, -0.906834 , 0.321526)
test = data.frame(count, a, b, c)
d = 20:40

这是我编写的代码块,用于遍历我指定的任何数据并识别局部峰值,然后根据识别的峰值计算一系列事物。它的效果非常好,并且这个功能没有问题(不过,欢迎提出更好的建议),只需将其与其他功能放在一起即可。  我想循环遍历数据帧的列(在下一节中使用for循环来实现)并获取每列的freq函数的结果

freq = function(x, y, data, w=1, span = 0.05, ...) {
       n = length(y)
       y.smooth = loess(y ~ x, span = span)$fitted
       y.max = rollapply(zoo(y.smooth), 2*w+1, max, align = "center")
       delta = y.max - y.smooth[-c(1:w, n+1-1:w)]
       i.max = which(delta <= 0) + w #identifies peaks
       list(x = x[i.max], i = i.max, y.hat = y.smooth)
       dist = diff(i.max) #calculates distance between peaks
       instfreq = (25/dist) #calculates the rate of each peak occurence
       print(instfreq) #output I ultimately want

freq(count, a, span = 0.5)


for(i in test){
    output <- freq(test$count, y = i, span = 0.5)


供参考,这里df = data,to.add =要添加到df的数据,new.name =新col的名称


add.col = function(df, to.add, new.name){
  if (nrow(df) < length(to.add)){ 
    df =  # pads rows if needed
  rbind(df, matrix(NA, length(to.add)-nrow(df), ncol(df),
  dimnames = list(NULL, names(df))))
  length(to.add) = nrow(df) # pads with NA's
  df[, new.name] = to.add; # names new col whatever was placed in new.name arg
  return(head(df)) #shortened output so I can verify it worked 
               #when I was testing it for myself, this would 
               #need to be changed so that it adds the column 
               #to a dataframe and stores the results, which 
               #I believe would require I use print() and a store
               #like Results = print(df)
addcol(test, d, "d") #would like the code to grab the name d just from the to.add                   
 #argument, without having to specify "d" as the new.name

任何帮助,建议或改进(使其不那么笨重,更有效率等)将不胜感激。 只要我能弄清楚如何将所有输出存储在一个地方,我就可以使用for循环(如果复制得到修复)。我的实际数据与上面的可重复集的格式类似,它只有更多的行和列(并且已经在.csv数据帧中,而不是从单个向量创建它。)



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


  • instfreq得到计算并返回
  • 打印出instfreq
  • instfreq正在分配给输出
  • 输出再次打印

此外,我想你不希望你的函数尝试计算count参数(返回numeric(0)),所以最好只为其他列运行它。 最后,这种简单的for循环很容易被r中的apply函数替换。这将问题的第一部分带到:

freq = function(x, y, data, w=1, span = 0.05, ...) {
  n = length(y)
  y.smooth = loess(y ~ x, span = span)$fitted
  y.max = rollapply(zoo(y.smooth), 2*w+1, max, align = "center")
  delta = y.max - y.smooth[-c(1:w, n+1-1:w)]
  i.max = which(delta <= 0) + w #identifies peaks
  list(x = x[i.max], i = i.max, y.hat = y.smooth)
  dist = diff(i.max) #calculates distance between peaks
  instfreq = (25/dist) #calculates the rate of each peak occurence
  return(instfreq) #output I ultimately want
output <- apply(test[,2:length(test[1,])],2, function(v) freq(test$count, y=v, span=0.5))
#       a        b        c 
#2.500000 3.571429 2.777778


add.col = function(df, to.add){
  new.name <- deparse(substitute(to.add))
  if (nrow(df) < length(to.add)){ 
    df =  # pads rows if needed
      rbind(df, matrix(NA, length(to.add)-nrow(df), ncol(df),
                       dimnames = list(NULL, names(df))))
  length(to.add) = nrow(df) # pads with NA's
  df[, new.name] = to.add; # names new col whatever was placed in new.name arg
dnametest = 20:40
add.col(test, dnametest)
#   count         a          b          c dnametest
#1      1 -0.802776 -2.2351200  0.7490620        20
#2      2 -0.748272 -1.3657200  0.0690315        21


newframe <- add.col(test, dnametest)



add.col = function(df, to.add, new.name){
  if (nrow(df) < length(to.add)){ 
    df =  # pads rows if needed
      rbind(df, matrix(NA, length(to.add)-nrow(df), ncol(df),
                       dimnames = list(NULL, names(df))))
  length(to.add) = nrow(df) # pads with NA's
  df[, new.name] = to.add; 


#this function takes in an unspecfied number of arguments
add.multicol <- function(df, ...){
  #convert this number of arguments to a list
  to.add.cols <- list(...)
  #add the variable names to this list
  names(to.add.cols) <- as.list(substitute(list(...)))[-1]
  #find number of columns to add
  number.cols.to.add <- length(to.add.cols)
  #loop add.col
  newframe <- df
  for(i in 1:number.cols.to.add){
    to.add.col <- array(unlist(to.add.cols[i]))
    to.add.col.name <- names(to.add.cols[i])
    newframe <- add.col(newframe,to.add.col,to.add.col.name)


dnametest <- 20:40
test1 <- 1:15
test2 <- 25:56
argumentsake <- seq(0,1,length=21)
#run function
newframe <- add.multicol(test,dnametest,test1,test2,argumentsake)
#   count         a          b          c dnametest test1 test2 argumentsake
#1      1 -0.802776 -2.2351200  0.7490620        20     1    25         0.00
#2      2 -0.748272 -1.3657200  0.0690315        21     2    26         0.05
#3      3  0.187434 -0.0357366 -0.7504940        22     3    27         0.10
#4      4  1.235770  0.9255630 -1.0406900        23     4    28         0.15
#5      5  1.006770  1.5328200 -0.6544320        24     5    29         0.20
#6      6  0.874122  0.1710450  0.0186072        25     6    30         0.25
#7      7  0.232802 -0.4387140  0.7100110        26     7    31         0.30
#8      8 -0.279368 -1.3876900  0.9209150        27     8    32         0.35
#9      9 -1.578150 -0.6968980  1.1307500        28     9    33         0.40
#10    10 -1.766520  1.3718400  0.2271080        29    10    34         0.45
#11    11 -0.958916  2.0103800 -0.1950860        30    11    35         0.50
#12    12 -0.316385  2.6302000 -0.6833300        31    12    36         0.55
#13    13  0.831575  2.5329600 -0.6075320        32    13    37         0.60
#14    14  1.193120  1.8788000 -0.4854240        33    14    38         0.65
#15    15  1.455080  0.1003660  0.4959130        34    15    39         0.70
#16    16  0.848923 -1.3472600  0.6553850        35    NA    40         0.75
#17    17  0.257728 -1.4309000  0.4687960        36    NA    41         0.80
#18    18 -0.318474 -1.3727100  0.2740530        37    NA    42         0.85
#19    19 -1.141290 -0.7506690 -0.9068340        38    NA    43         0.90
#20    20 -1.425760  0.1006560  0.3215260        39    NA    44         0.95
#21    NA        NA         NA         NA        40    NA    45         1.00
#22    NA        NA         NA         NA        NA    NA    46           NA
#23    NA        NA         NA         NA        NA    NA    47           NA
#24    NA        NA         NA         NA        NA    NA    48           NA
#25    NA        NA         NA         NA        NA    NA    49           NA
#26    NA        NA         NA         NA        NA    NA    50           NA
#27    NA        NA         NA         NA        NA    NA    51           NA
#28    NA        NA         NA         NA        NA    NA    52           NA
#29    NA        NA         NA         NA        NA    NA    53           NA
#30    NA        NA         NA         NA        NA    NA    54           NA
#31    NA        NA         NA         NA        NA    NA    55           NA
#32    NA        NA         NA         NA        NA    NA    56           NA



add.multicol <- function(df, ...){
  #convert this number of arguments to a list
  to.add.cols <- list(...)
  #find number of columns to add
  number.args <- length(to.add.cols)
  #number of elements per list entry
  hierarch.cols.to.add <- array(0,length(number.args))
  for(i in 1:number.args){
    #if this list element has only one name, treat it as an array, else treat it as a data frame
      #get variable names from input of normal arrays
      names(to.add.cols[[i]]) <- as.list(substitute(list(...)))[i+1]
      hierarch.cols.to.add[i] <- 1
    } else {
      #find the number of columns in the data frame
      number <- length(names(to.add.cols[[i]]))
      hierarch.cols.to.add[i] <- number
  #loop add.col
  newframe <- df
  for(i in 1:number.args){
    #if array
      to.add.col <- array(unlist(to.add.cols[[i]]))
      to.add.col.name <- names(to.add.cols[[i]][1])
      newframe <- add.col(newframe,to.add.col,to.add.col.name)
    } else { #if data.frame
      #foreach column in the data frame
      for(j in 1:hierarch.cols.to.add[i]){
        #if only one element per column
          to.add.col <- to.add.cols[[i]][j]
        } else { #if multiple elements per column
          to.add.col <- to.add.cols[[i]][,j]
        to.add.col.name <- names(to.add.cols[[i]])[j]
        newframe <- add.col(newframe,to.add.col,to.add.col.name)
testdf <- data.frame(cbind(test1,test2))
dnametest <- 20:40
output <- apply(test[,2:length(test[1,])],2, function(v) freq(test$count, y=v, span=0.5))
#edit output names because we can't have a dataframe with the same name for multiple columns
names(output) <- c("output_a","output_b","output_c")
newframe <- test
#function now takes dataframes of single elements, normal data frames and single arrays
newframe <- add.multicol(newframe,output,dnametest,testdf)
#   count         a          b          c output_a output_b output_c dnametest test1 test2
#1      1 -0.802776 -2.2351200  0.7490620      2.5 3.571429 2.777778        20     0    25
#2      2 -0.748272 -1.3657200  0.0690315       NA       NA       NA        21     1    26
#3      3  0.187434 -0.0357366 -0.7504940       NA       NA       NA        22     2    27
#4      4  1.235770  0.9255630 -1.0406900       NA       NA       NA        23     3    28
