Unity Cardboard停止自动行走c#

时间:2016-02-20 15:41:27

标签: c# unity3d google-cardboard



OnTriggerEnter (col : Collider) {
        if(col.gameObject.tag == "stop") 

        isWalking = false;

但是你可以看到我是菜鸟,它不起作用:-) 有人能帮助我吗?会非常非常好!

自动步行功能的代码如下,感谢Jupp Otto:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class Autowalk : MonoBehaviour 
private const int RIGHT_ANGLE = 90; 

// This variable determinates if the player will move or not 
private bool isWalking = false;

CardboardHead head = null;

//This is the variable for the player speed
[Tooltip("With this speed the player will move.")]
public float speed;

[Tooltip("Activate this checkbox if the player shall move when the Cardboard trigger is pulled.")]
public bool walkWhenTriggered;

[Tooltip("Activate this checkbox if the player shall move when he looks below the threshold.")]
public bool walkWhenLookDown;

[Tooltip("This has to be an angle from 0° to 90°")]
public double thresholdAngle;

[Tooltip("Activate this Checkbox if you want to freeze the y-coordiante for the player. " +
         "For example in the case of you have no collider attached to your CardboardMain-GameObject" +
         "and you want to stay in a fixed level.")]
public bool freezeYPosition; 

[Tooltip("This is the fixed y-coordinate.")]
public float yOffset;

void Start () 
    head = Camera.main.GetComponent<StereoController>().Head;

void Update () 
    // Walk when the Cardboard Trigger is used 
    if (walkWhenTriggered && !walkWhenLookDown && !isWalking && Cardboard.SDK.Triggered) 
        isWalking = true;
    else if (walkWhenTriggered && !walkWhenLookDown && isWalking && Cardboard.SDK.Triggered) 
        isWalking = false;

    // Walk when player looks below the threshold angle 
    if (walkWhenLookDown && !walkWhenTriggered && !isWalking &&  
        head.transform.eulerAngles.x >= thresholdAngle && 
        head.transform.eulerAngles.x <= RIGHT_ANGLE) 
        isWalking = true;
    else if (walkWhenLookDown && !walkWhenTriggered && isWalking && 
             (head.transform.eulerAngles.x <= thresholdAngle ||
             head.transform.eulerAngles.x >= RIGHT_ANGLE)) 
        isWalking = false;

    // Walk when the Cardboard trigger is used and the player looks down below the threshold angle
    if (walkWhenLookDown && walkWhenTriggered && !isWalking &&  
        head.transform.eulerAngles.x >= thresholdAngle && 
        Cardboard.SDK.Triggered &&
        head.transform.eulerAngles.x <= RIGHT_ANGLE) 
        isWalking = true;
    else if (walkWhenLookDown && walkWhenTriggered && isWalking && 
             head.transform.eulerAngles.x >= thresholdAngle &&
             (Cardboard.SDK.Triggered || 
             head.transform.eulerAngles.x >= RIGHT_ANGLE)) 
        isWalking = false;

    if (isWalking) 
        Vector3 direction = new Vector3(head.transform.forward.x, 0, head.transform.forward.z).normalized * speed * Time.deltaTime;
        Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0, -transform.rotation.eulerAngles.y, 0));
        transform.Translate(rotation * direction);

        transform.position = new Vector3(transform.position.x, yOffset, transform.position.z);

非常感谢周末愉快, 乙

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