
时间:2016-02-17 08:43:10

标签: c++ arduino

我在将一些C ++代码转换为Arduino时遇到了麻烦。任何帮助将不胜感激。

修改 我已成功完成上述任务。然而,现在唯一的问题是Arduino代码我已经准确,正确地读取电压但没有其他寄存器。我也可以写油门了。如果我调用不同数量的Serial.println()语句,其他寄存器上的读数会发生变化,在某些情况下,电压寄存器也会停止工作。这在我的代码中可以找到

Serial.print("Voltage: );


#include <math.h>

/* FLOATS */

uint8_t command[5];
uint8_t response[3];

byte deviceId = 0x17;
double throttleOut = 0;
double voltage = 0;
double rippleVoltage = 0;
double current = 0;
double power = 0;
double throttle = 0;
double pwm = 0;
double rpm = 0;
double temp = 0;
double becVoltage = 0;
double safeState = 0;
double linkLiveEnabled = 0;
double eStopStatus = 0;
double rawNTC = 0;

/* SETUP */
void setup() {

void loop() {
  ReadWriteRegister(128, 1000, true);//_throttleOut is 0[0%] to 65535[100%]
  voltage = ReadWriteRegister(0, 0, false) / 2042.0 / 0.05;
  rippleVoltage = ReadWriteRegister(1, 0, false) / 2042 / 0.25;
  current = ReadWriteRegister(2, 0, false) / 204200 * 50;
  power = voltage * current;
  throttle = (ReadWriteRegister(3, 0, false) / 2042.0 / 1.0);
  pwm = ReadWriteRegister(4, 0, false) / 2042.0 / 3.996735;
  rpm = ReadWriteRegister(5, 0, false) / 2042.0 / 4.89796E-5;
  int poleCount = 20;//Motor pole count
  rpm = rpm / (poleCount / 2);
  temp = ReadWriteRegister(6, 0, false) / 2042.0 * 30.0;
  becVoltage = ReadWriteRegister(7, 0, false) / 2042 / 0.25;
  safeState = ReadWriteRegister(26, 0, false);
  linkLiveEnabled = ReadWriteRegister(25, 0, false);
  eStopStatus = ReadWriteRegister(27, 0, false) == 0 ? false : true;
  rawNTC = ReadWriteRegister(9, 0, false) / 2042.0 / 0.01567091;
  rawNTC = 1.0 / (log(rawNTC * 10200.0 / (255.0 - rawNTC) / 10000.0 ) / 3455.0 + 1.0 / 298.0) - 273.0;
  Serial.print("Voltage: ");
  Serial.print("Current: ");
void flushPort() {

  command[0] = command[1] = command[2] = command[3] = command[4] = 0;
Serial1.write(command, 5);
  while (Serial1.available() > 0) {;
double ReadWriteRegister(int reg, int value, bool writeMode) {
  // Send read command

  command[0] = (byte)(0x80 | deviceId);
  command[1] = (byte)reg;
  command[2] = (byte)((value >> 8) & 0xFF);
  command[3] = (byte)(value & 0xFF);
  command[4] = (byte)(0 - command[0] - command[1] - command[2] - command[3]);
  Serial1.write(command, 5);

  // Read response
  if(Serial1.available() == 3) {
  response[0] = (byte);
  response[1] = (byte);
  response[2] = (byte);

  if ((byte)(response[0] + response[1] + response[2]) == 0)
    return (double)((response[0] << 8) + (response[1]));
    Serial.println("Error communicating with device!");

编辑2 一些usb逻辑分析仪拍摄的照片。     [1]     [2]     [3]     [4]     [5]     [6]     [7] 并且所有数据包都在这一个: [All of them] 也许这会有助于超时等。这是我所拥有的所有信息:。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)



  Serial1.write(command, 5);

  // Read response
  if(Serial1.available() == 3) {




  Serial1.write(command, 5);
  Serial1.flush(); // wait for command to go out

  // Wait for response to come back
  while (Serial1.available() < 3)
    ; // waitin'....

  // Read response
  response[0] = (byte);
  response[1] = (byte);
  response[2] = (byte);



  // Wait for response
  uint32_t startTime = micros();
  while ((Serial1.available() < 3) && (micros() - startTime < 500UL))
    ; // waitin'...



#include <math.h>


byte deviceId = 0x17;
uint8_t command[5];
uint8_t response[3];

/* FLOATS */

double  throttleOut     = 0.0;
double  voltage         = 0.0;
double  rippleVoltage   = 0.0;
double  current         = 0.0;
double  power           = 0.0;
double  throttle        = 0.0;
double  pwm             = 0.0;
double  rpm             = 0.0;
double  temp            = 0.0;
double  becVoltage      = 0.0;
uint8_t safeState       = 0;
uint8_t linkLiveEnabled = 0;
bool    eStopStatus     = 0;
double  rawNTC          = 0.0;

/* SETUP */
void setup() {
  Serial.println( F("---------------------------") );

  // According to the spec, you can synchronize with the device by writing
  // five zeroes.  Although I suspect this is mostly for the SPI and I2c
  // interfaces (not TTL-level RS-232), it won't hurt to do it here.
  Serial1.write( command, 5 );
  delay( 250 ); // ms
  while (Serial1.available()); // throw away

  // Set the throttle just once
  ReadWriteRegister(128, 1000);//_throttleOut is 0[0%] to 65535[100%]

//  For 12-bit A/D conversions, the range is 0..4096.  Values at
//  the top and bottom are usually useless, so the value is limited
//  to 6..4090 and then shifted down to 0..4084.  The middle of this
//  range will be the "1.0" value: 2042.  Depending on what is being 
//  measured, you still need to scale the result.
const double ADC_FACTOR = 2042.0;

void loop() {

  uint32_t scanTime = millis(); // mark time now so we can delay later

  voltage             = ReadWriteRegister(  0, 0 ) / ADC_FACTOR * 20.0;
  rippleVoltage       = ReadWriteRegister(  1, 0 ) / ADC_FACTOR * 4.0;
  current             = ReadWriteRegister(  2, 0 ) / ADC_FACTOR * 50.0;
  power               = voltage * current;
  throttle            = ReadWriteRegister(  3, 0 ) / ADC_FACTOR * 1.0;
  pwm                 = ReadWriteRegister(  4, 0 ) / ADC_FACTOR * 0.2502;
  rpm                 = ReadWriteRegister(  5, 0 ) / ADC_FACTOR * 20416.66;
  const int poleCount = 20;//Motor pole count
  rpm                 = rpm / (poleCount / 2);
  temp                = ReadWriteRegister(  6, 0 ) / ADC_FACTOR * 30.0;
  becVoltage          = ReadWriteRegister(  7, 0 ) / ADC_FACTOR * 4.0;
  safeState           = ReadWriteRegister( 26, 0 );
  linkLiveEnabled     = ReadWriteRegister( 25, 0 );
  eStopStatus         = ReadWriteRegister( 27, 0 );
  rawNTC              = ReadWriteRegister(  9, 0 ) / ADC_FACTOR * 63.1825;

  const double R0 =  1000.0;
  const double R2 = 10200.0;
  const double B  =  3455.0;
  rawNTC          = 1.0 / (log(rawNTC * R2 / (255.0 - rawNTC) / R0 ) / B + 1.0 / 298.0) - 273.0;

  Serial.print( F("Voltage: ") );
  Serial.print( F("Current: ") );
  Serial.print( F("Throttle: ") );
  Serial.print( F("RPM: ") );

  // These prints do not actually send the characters, they only queue
  // them up to be sent gradually, at 115200.  The characters will be
  // pulled from the output queue by a TX interrupt, and given to the
  // UART one at a time.
  // To prevent these interrupts from possibly interfering with any other
  // timing, and to pace your program, we will wait *now* for all the
  // characters to be sent to the Serial Monitor.

  // Let's pace things a little bit more for testing: delay here until
  // it's time to scan again.
  const uint32_t SCAN_INTERVAL = 1000UL; // ms
  while (millis() - scanTime < SCAN_INTERVAL)
    ; // waitin'

int16_t ReadWriteRegister(int reg, int value) {
  // Flush input, as suggested by Gee Bee
  while (Serial1.available() > 0);

  // Send command (register number determines whether it is read or write)

  command[0] = (byte)(0x80 | deviceId);
  command[1] = (byte)reg;
  command[2] = (byte)((value >> 8) & 0xFF);
  command[3] = (byte)(value & 0xFF);
  command[4] = (byte)(0 - command[0] - command[1] - command[2] - command[3]);
  Serial1.write(command, 5);

  // The command bytes are only queued for transmission, they have not
  // actually gone out.  You can either wait for command to go out
  // with a `Serial1.flush()`  *OR*  add the transmission time to the
  // timeout value below.  However, if anything else has queued bytes
  // to be sent and didn't wait for them to go out, the calculated 
  // timeout would be wrong.  It is safer to flush now and guarantee
  // that *all* bytes have been sent: anything sent earlier (I don't 
  // see anything else, but you may change that later) *plus* 
  // these 5 command bytes.


  // Now wait for response to come back, for a certain number of us
  //   The TIMEOUT could be as short as 3 character times @ the Serial1
  //   baudrate: 3 * (10 bits/char) / 115200bps = 261us.  This is if
  //   the device responds immediately.  Gee Bee says 20ms, which would 
  //   be 20000UL.  There's nothing in the spec, but 1ms seems generous
  //   for reading the raw NTC value, which may require an ADC conversion.
  //   Even the Arduino can do that in 100us.  Try longer if you get
  //   timeout warnings.

  const uint32_t TIMEOUT = 2000UL;

  uint32_t startTime = micros();
  while ((Serial1.available() < 3) && (micros() - startTime < TIMEOUT))
    ; // waitin'...

  int16_t result;

  if (Serial1.available() >= 3) {
    response[0] = (byte);
    response[1] = (byte);
    response[2] = (byte);

    // Verify the checksum
    if (response[0] + response[1] + response[2] != 0) {
      Serial.print( reg );
      Serial.println( F(" Checksum error!") );
      Serial.flush(); // optional, use it for now to stay synchronous

    //  Cast to 16 bits *first*, then shift and add
    result = (((int16_t) response[0]) << 8) + (int16_t) response[1];

  } else {
    //  Must have timed out, because there aren't enough characters
    Serial.print( reg );
    Serial.println( F(" Timed out!") );
    Serial.flush(); // optional, use it for now to stay synchronous

    result = 0;

  return result; // You must always return something


  • 您的结果计算中存在错误(可能)已在上面的答案中修复。我认为,在加法之外投射到double会导致你输掉前八位。如上计算应给出正确的答案。
  • 经过一番谷歌搜索后,我发现这是Castle Serial Link controller。知道这会很有用。它描述了我在上面的ReadWriteRegister函数中使用的校验和。该函数可以告诉您它是否超时或校验和是否错误。这也意味着可能需要更长的超时。目前尚不清楚您的设备是否等待最多480毫秒来获取最新值,或者是否持续缓存它们并立即响应从ESC接收的最后一个值。但是,写入不会反映在最长480ms的读取值中,因为ESC需要花费时间接收命令然后发送新值。见ESC Castle Link protocol
  • ReadWriteRegister函数返回一个16位整数,效率更高。比较浮点数永远不会好。 BTW,double只是8位Arduinos上的单float
  • ReadWriteRegister函数不需要writemode参数,因为寄存器编号决定了您是在写还是正在读取设备。
  • 仅在设置中执行throttle值的编写。



您的 L ogic A 分析镜头似乎显示&#34;扫描&#34;对于ESC。它正在尝试每个设备ID,其中一些回复非零电压。此外,它似乎运行在9600, 115200.这是来自不同的设置吗?

无论如何,它确认了控制器规范所说的内容:写入5个字节,读取3.校验和值如预期。但是,它运行速度比您的程序慢10倍,因此它不会提供有关超时的大量新信息。这可能意味着在设备响应之前 是一个小延迟,可能是大约1位时间,或大约100us。



  • setup中的控制器同步(写入5个零字节,等待250毫秒),
  • 使用规范中的缩放数字(而不是它们的倒数?),
  • 使用有意义的常量而不是&#34; magic&#34;数字(例如2042),
  • 对几个寄存器使用整数或布尔类型而不是double(请参阅safeStatelinkLiveStatuseStopStatus),
  • 将超时时间增加到2毫秒(如果继续频繁超时则继续增加),
  • 发生错误时输出reg号码。

如果您想在这方面取得成功,您必须学会阅读规范并将其要求转换为符合的代码。你开始的程序在最坏的情况下是非保形的,或者说最好是误导。对于说&#34; INTEGERS&#34;的评论我特别感到好笑。和&#34; FLOATS&#34;,但这些部分包含相反的内容。


  • &#34;这个号码是什么?&#34;
  • &#34;该评论错误!&#34;
  • &#34;规范说你应该......&#34;
  • &#34;为什么这么难读?我只是添加一些间距。&#34;

......我会成为一个非常富有的人。 :)




这也符合您描述的症状:因为您没有等待传输完成,所以第一次读取0个字节(read将返回-1或0xFF字节)。 / p>

在您多次调用此例程(并将几个命令排入输出缓冲区)之后,已经过了500us并且最终发送了第一个命令。设备通过开始发送3个字符来响应。 87us之后,Arduino终于收到了第一个角色。它会被read语句的一个读取,但谁知道哪一个?它将是随机的,基于经过的时间。

发送更多命令,并通过其中一个语句接收和读取单个字符,直到64个字节的命令或Serial.println chars 排队。然后write命令或Serial.print 阻塞,直到输出有最新命令的空间。 (这解决了你问题的标题。)

当最终发送足够的命令字节或调试消息字符时,Serial1.writeSerial.print返回。同时,收到的字符进入输入缓冲区。 (这是他们存储的地方,直到你拨打read。)



答案 1 :(得分:-1)


  • 代码运行时没有收到垃圾
  • 连接到Serial1的硬件以0.00ns
  • 回答3个字节


  • 丢弃来自Serial1的任何待处理输入
  • 发出命令
  • 等到收到至少 3个字节,或者发生一些合理的超时(参见slash-dev的详细答案)
  • 读取3个字节(如果收到了某些内容)


double ReadWriteRegister(int reg, int value, bool writeMode) {
  // Send read command

  command[0] = (byte)(0x80 | deviceId);
  command[1] = (byte)reg;
  command[2] = (byte)((value >> 8) & 0xFF);
  command[3] = (byte)(value & 0xFF);
  command[4] = (byte)(0 - command[0] - command[1] - command[2] - command[3]);

  // discard any input
  while (Serial1.available() > 0) {;

  // write out command
  Serial1.write(command, 5);

  // wait for 3 bytes
  uint32_t startTime = micros();
  while ((Serial1.available() < 3) && (micros() - startTime < 20000UL))
    ; // waiting for 20 ms for the answer

  // Read response
  if(Serial1.available() >= 3) {  // >=3 accept also more bytes
      response[0] = (byte);
      response[1] = (byte);
      response[2] = (byte);

  if ((byte)(response[0] + response[1] + response[2]) == 0)
    return (double)((response[0] << 8) + (response[1]));
    Serial.println("Error communicating with device!");
    return 0;