
时间:2016-02-16 10:33:51

标签: recursion lisp common-lisp


   (defun knights-tour-brute (x y m n) 
    (setq height m)     
  (setq width n)      
  (setq totalmoves (* height width))  
  (setq steps 1)      
  (setq visited-list (list (list x y))) 
  (tour-brute (list (list x y))))
(defun tour-brute (L)
   ((null L) NIL)   
   ((= steps totalmoves) L)   
    (let ((nextmove (generate L)))
      (cond ((null nextmove) (backtrack (car (last L)))
                             (tour-brute (reverse (cdr (reverse L)))))
            (t (setq visited-list (append visited-list (list nextmove)))
               (tour-brute (append L (list nextmove))))))))) 

(defun generate (L)
  (let ((x (caar (last L))) 
        (y (cadar (last L)))) 
    (setq steps (+ 1 steps))  
     ((correct-state(+ x 2) (+ y 1) L) (list (+ x 2) (+ y 1)))
     ((correct-state (+ x 2) (- y 1) L) (list (+ x 2) (- y 1)))
     ((correct-state (- x 1) (+ y 2) L) (list (- x 1) (+ y 2)))
     ((correct-state (+ x 1) (+ y 2) L) (list (+ x 1) (+ y 2)))
     ((correct-state (+ x 1) (- y 2) L) (list (+ x 1) (- y 2)))
     ((correct-state (- x 1) (- y 2) L) (list (- x 1) (- y 2)))
     ((correct-state (- x 2) (+ y 1) L) (list (- x 2) (+ y 1)))
     ((correct-state (- x 2) (- y 1) L) (list (- x 2) (- y 1)))
     (t (setq steps (- steps 2)) NIL))))

(defun correct-state (x y L)
  (if (and (<= 1 x)
           (<= x height)
           (<= 1 y)
           (<= y width)
           (not (visited (list x y) L))
           (not (visited (list x y) 
                (tail (car (last L)) visited-list)))) (list (list x y)) NIL))

(defun tail (L stateslist)
   ((equal L (car stateslist)) (cdr stateslist))
   (t (tail L (cdr stateslist)))))

(defun visited (L stateslist)
   ((null stateslist) NIL)   
   ((equal L (car stateslist)) t) 
   (t (visited L (cdr stateslist)))))

(defun backtrack (sublist)
   ((null visited-list) t)
   ((equal sublist (car (last visited-list))) t)
   (t (setq visited-list (reverse (cdr (reverse visited-list)))) 
      (backtrack sublist))))

它返回一个错误*** - 程序堆栈溢出。重启。当我在谷歌上搜索时,我意识到这是递归的结果。但是,我不确定应该如何优化此代码来解决此问题。非常感谢任何帮助。

嗨,上面是更新后的代码。这是测试代码。  (knights-tour-brute 5 5 1 1)

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

正如我在评论中提到的那样,问题是缺乏Tail Call Optimisation (TCO)。您可以使用

(declaim (optimize (speed 3)))




(load (compile-file "file.lisp"))

它的运行速度必须比原始代码快,并且内存分配要少得多。 (time (knights-tour-brute 1 1 6 6))与您的代码相关的数字:

4,848,466,907 processor cycles
572,170,672 bytes consed


1,155,406,109 processor cycles
17,137,776 bytes consed


  1. 我实际上声明了全局变量并清理了一些代码。
  2. 在您的版本中,您按顺序构建visited-list。当你不理解Lisp中单链表如何工作时,这看起来可能很直观,但效率非常低(那些(reverse (cdr (reverse list)))真的在吃性能)。你应该阅读一些关于列表的Lisp书。我按相反的顺序保留它,然后最后用nreverse将其反转。
  3. 您使用了列表作为坐标。我使用结构代替。性能大大提高。
  4. 我为所有内容添加了类型声明。它稍微提高了性能。
  5. 然而,它仍然是相同的强力算法,因此对于较大的电路板来说它会非常慢。你应该研究那些更智能的算法。

    (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (space 0) (safety 0) (debug 0)))
    (declaim (type fixnum *height* *width* *total-moves* *steps*))
    (declaim (type list *visited-list*))
    (declaim (ftype (function (fixnum fixnum fixnum fixnum) list)
    (declaim (ftype (function (list) list)
    (declaim (ftype (function (list) (or pos null))
    (declaim (ftype (function (fixnum fixnum list) (or t null))
    (declaim (ftype (function (fixnum fixnum list) (or t null))
    (declaim (ftype (function (pos) t)
    (declaim (ftype (function (fixnum fixnum pos) (or t null))
    (declaim (ftype (function (pos pos) (or t null))
    (declaim (ftype (function (pos fixnum fixnum) (or t null))
    (defstruct pos
      (x 0 :type fixnum)
      (y 0 :type fixnum))
    (defmethod print-object ((pos pos) stream)
      (format stream "(~d ~d)" (pos-x pos) (pos-y pos)))
    (defparameter *height* 0)
    (defparameter *width* 0)
    (defparameter *total-moves* 0)
    (defparameter *steps* 0)
    (defparameter *visited-list* '())
    (defun knights-tour-brute (x y m n)
      (let ((*height* m)
            (*width* n)
            (*total-moves* (* m n))
            (*steps* 1) 
            (*visited-list* (list (make-pos :x x :y y))))
        (nreverse (tour-brute (list (make-pos :x x :y y))))))
    (defun tour-brute (l)
        ((null l) nil)
        ((= *steps* *total-moves*) l)   
        (t (let ((nextmove (generate l)))
               ((null nextmove)
                (backtrack (first l))
                (tour-brute (rest l)))
               (t (push nextmove *visited-list*)
                  (tour-brute (cons nextmove l)))))))) 
    (defun generate (l)
      (let ((x (pos-x (first l)))
            (y (pos-y (first l))))
        (declare (type fixnum x y))
        (incf *steps*)
          ((correct-state (+ x 2) (+ y 1) l) (make-pos :x (+ x 2) :y (+ y 1)))
          ((correct-state (+ x 2) (- y 1) l) (make-pos :x (+ x 2) :y (- y 1)))
          ((correct-state (- x 1) (+ y 2) l) (make-pos :x (- x 1) :y (+ y 2)))
          ((correct-state (+ x 1) (+ y 2) l) (make-pos :x (+ x 1) :y (+ y 2)))
          ((correct-state (+ x 1) (- y 2) l) (make-pos :x (+ x 1) :y (- y 2)))
          ((correct-state (- x 1) (- y 2) l) (make-pos :x (- x 1) :y (- y 2)))
          ((correct-state (- x 2) (+ y 1) l) (make-pos :x (- x 2) :y (+ y 1)))
          ((correct-state (- x 2) (- y 1) l) (make-pos :x (- x 2) :y (- y 1)))
          (t (decf *steps* 2)
    (defun correct-state (x y l)
      (and (<= 1 x *height*)
           (<= 1 y *width*)
           (not (visited x y l))
           (vis-2 x y (first l))))
    (defun visited (x y stateslist)
         for state in stateslist
         when (pos=* state x y) do (return t)))
    ;;---TODO: rename this
    (defun vis-2 (x y l-first)
         for state in *visited-list*
         when (pos= l-first state) do (return t)
         when (pos=* state x y) do (return nil)))
    (defun backtrack (sublist)
         for state in *visited-list*
         while (not (pos= sublist state))
         do (pop *visited-list*)))
    (defun pos= (pos1 pos2)
      (and (= (pos-x pos1)
              (pos-x pos2))
           (= (pos-y pos1)
              (pos-y pos2))))
    (defun pos=* (pos1 x y)
      (and (= (pos-x pos1) x)
           (= (pos-y pos1) y)))




    sb-sprof的结果表明大部分时间花在检查平等上。我认为还有很多工作要做。 visited也需要相当多的时间。也许将访问过的位置存储在一个数组中会加快速度,但我还没有尝试过。

               Self        Total        Cumul
      Nr  Count     %  Count     %  Count     %    Calls  Function
       1   1631  40.8   3021  75.5   1631  40.8        -  VISITED
       2   1453  36.3   1453  36.3   3084  77.1        -  POS=*
       3    337   8.4   3370  84.3   3421  85.5        -  CORRECT-STATE
       4    203   5.1   3778  94.5   3624  90.6        -  GENERATE
       5    101   2.5    191   4.8   3725  93.1        -  VIS-2
       6     95   2.4     95   2.4   3820  95.5        -  POS=
       7     88   2.2   3990  99.8   3908  97.7        -  TOUR-BRUTE
       8     44   1.1     74   1.9   3952  98.8        -  BACKTRACK
       9     41   1.0     41   1.0   3993  99.8        -  MAKE-POS


               Self        Total        Cumul
      Nr  Count     %  Count     %  Count     %    Calls  Function
       1   1998  50.0   3998  99.9   1998  50.0        -  TOUR-BRUTE
       2   1996  49.9   1996  49.9   3994  99.9        -  MAKE-POS


      seconds  |     gc     |   consed   |    calls   |  sec/call  |  name  
         8.219 |      0.000 |    524,048 |  1,914,861 |   0.000004 | VISITED
         0.414 |      0.000 |     32,752 |    663,273 |   0.000001 | VIS-2
         0.213 |      0.000 |     32,768 |    266,832 |   0.000001 | BACKTRACK
         0.072 |      0.000 |          0 |  1,505,532 |   0.000000 | POS=
         0.000 |      0.000 |          0 |          1 |   0.000000 | TOUR-BRUTE
         0.000 |      0.024 | 17,134,048 |    533,699 |   0.000000 | GENERATE
         0.000 |      0.000 |     32,768 |  3,241,569 |   0.000000 | CORRECT-STATE
         0.000 |      0.000 |     32,752 | 30,952,107 |   0.000000 | POS=*
         0.000 |      0.000 |          0 |          1 |   0.000000 | KNIGHTS-TOUR-BRUTE
         8.918 |      0.024 | 17,789,136 | 39,077,875 |            | Total

答案 1 :(得分:2)

list-based answer 来自@jkiiski采用与OP相同的方法并大大优化 它。这里的目标是不同的:我尝试使用另一个 表示问题的方式(但仍然是暴力),我们可以看到矢量和 矩阵,我们可以解决更难问题更好更快更强 1



(defpackage :knight (:use :cl))
(in-package :knight)

(declaim (optimize (speed 3) (debug 0) (safety 0)))

(deftype board () '(simple-array bit *))
(deftype delta () '(integer -2 2))

;; when we add -2, -1, 1 or 2 to a board index, we assume the
;; result can still fit into a fixnum, which is not always true in
;; general.

(deftype frontier () (list 'integer -2 most-positive-fixnum))

接下来,我们定义一个类来保存Knight's Tour问题的实例 以及工作数据,即高度,宽度,矩阵表示 董事会,包含0(空)或1(访问),以及 当前巡视,由大小为 height x width 的矢量表示 fill-pointer初始化为零。由于内部板已经存储了这些尺寸,因此这个尺寸并不是绝对必要的。

(defclass knights-tour ()
  ((visited-cells :accessor visited-cells)
   (board :accessor board)
   (height :accessor height :initarg :height :initform 8)
   (width :accessor width :initarg :width :initform 8)))

(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((knight knights-tour)
                                       &key &allow-other-keys)
  (with-slots (height width board visited-cells) knight
    (setf board (make-array (list height width)
                            :element-type 'bit
                            :initial-element 0)

          visited-cells (make-array (* height width)
                                    :element-type `(integer ,(* height width))
                                    :fill-pointer 0))))


(defmethod print-object ((knight knights-tour) stream)
  (with-slots (width height visited-cells) knight
    (format stream "#<knight's tour: ~dx~d, tour: ~d>" width height visited-cells)))


(declaim (inline visit unvisit))

访问位于 x y 的单元格意味着在设置一个 在板上的适当位置和推动当前单元格 坐标到 visited-cell 向量。我存储了行主索引 而不是几个坐标,因为它分配较少的内存(实际上差异并不重要)。

(defmethod visit ((knight knights-tour) x y)
  (let ((board (board knight)))
    (declare (board board))
    (setf (aref board y x) 1)
    (vector-push-extend (array-row-major-index board y x)
                        (visited-cells knight))))

取消访问单元格意味着在板中设置并减少 被访问单元序列的填充指针。

(defun unvisit (knight x y)
  (let ((board (board knight)))
    (declare (board board))
    (setf (aref board y x) 0)
    (decf (fill-pointer (visited-cells knight)))))


递归访问功能如下。它首先访问 当前单元格,在每个可用的有效邻居上递归调用自身 最后在离开之前不会访问自己。该函数接受a 找到解决方案时调用回调函数(编辑:我不会重构,但我认为回调函数应存储在 knights-tour 类的插槽中)。

(declaim (ftype
          (function (knights-tour fixnum fixnum function)
                    (values &optional))

(defun brute-visit (knight x y callback
                    &aux (board (board knight))
                      (cells (visited-cells knight)))
  (declare (function callback)
           (board board)
           (type (vector * *) cells)
           (fixnum x y))
  (visit knight x y)
  (if (= (fill-pointer cells) (array-total-size cells))
        (funcall callback knight)
        (loop for (i j) of-type delta
                in '((-1 -2) (1 -2) (-2 -1) (2 -1)
                     (-2 1) (2 1) (-1 2) (1 2))
              for xx = (the frontier (+ i x))
              for yy = (the frontier (+ j y))
              when (and (array-in-bounds-p board yy xx)
                        (zerop (aref board yy xx)))
                do (brute-visit knight xx yy callback)))
  (unvisit knight x y)


(defun knights-tour (x y callback &optional (h 8) (w 8))
  (let ((board (make-instance 'knights-tour :height h :width w)))
    (brute-visit board x y callback)))



(time (block nil
        (knights-tour 0 0 (lambda (k) (return k)) 6 6)))

Evaluation took:
  0.097 seconds of real time
  0.096006 seconds of total run time (0.096006 user, 0.000000 system)
  [ Run times consist of 0.008 seconds GC time, and 0.089 seconds non-GC time. ]
  98.97% CPU
  249,813,780 processor cycles
  47,005,168 bytes consed

相比之下,其他版本的版本运行如下 (原点是相同的,但我们以不同的方式索引单元格):

(time (knights-tour-brute 1 1 6 6))

Evaluation took:
  0.269 seconds of real time
  0.268017 seconds of total run time (0.268017 user, 0.000000 system)
  99.63% CPU
  697,461,700 processor cycles
  17,072,128 bytes consed



> (time (block nil (knights-tour 0 0 (lambda (k) (return k)) 8 8)))

Evaluation took:
  8.416 seconds of real time
  8.412526 seconds of total run time (8.412526 user, 0.000000 system)
  [ Run times consist of 0.524 seconds GC time, and 7.889 seconds non-GC time. ]
  99.96% CPU
  21,808,379,860 processor cycles
  4,541,354,592 bytes consed

#<knight's tour: 8x8, tour: #(0 10 4 14 20 3 9 19 2 8 18 1 11 5 15 21 6 12 22 7
                              13 23 29 35 25 40 34 17 27 33 16 26 32 49 43 28
                              38 55 61 44 59 53 63 46 31 37 47 30 36 51 57 42
                              48 58 52 62 45 39 54 60 50 56 41 24)>

原始的基于列表的方法没有返回,十分钟后我被杀了 工人线程。


仍然有改进的余地(参见实际的研究论文以获得更多信息),在这里我会像@ jkiiski的更新版本那样对邻居进行排序,看看会发生什么。接下来的内容只是抽象迭代邻居的一种方法,因为我们将不止一次地使用它,并且不同:

(defmacro do-neighbourhood ((xx yy) (board x y) &body body)
  (alexandria:with-unique-names (i j tx ty)
    `(loop for (,i ,j) of-type delta
             in '((-1 -2) (1 -2) (-2 -1) (2 -1)
                  (-2 1) (2 1) (-1 2) (1 2))
           for ,tx = (the frontier (+ ,i ,x))
           for ,ty = (the frontier (+ ,j ,y))
           when (and (array-in-bounds-p ,board ,ty ,tx)
                     (zerop (aref ,board ,ty ,tx)))
             do (let ((,xx ,tx)
                      (,yy ,ty))


(declaim (inline count-neighbours)
         (ftype (function (board fixnum fixnum ) fixnum)

(defun count-neighbours (board x y &aux (count 0)) 
  (declare (fixnum count x y)
           (board board))
  (do-neighbourhood (xx yy) (board x y)
    (declare (ignore xx yy))
    (incf count))


(defstruct next
  (count 0 :type fixnum)
  (x 0 :type fixnum)
  (y 0 :type fixnum))

(defun brute-visit (knight x y callback
                    &aux (board (board knight))
                      (cells (visited-cells knight)))
  (declare (function callback)
           (board board)
           (type (vector * *) cells)
           (fixnum x y))
  (visit knight x y)
  (if (= (fill-pointer cells) (array-total-size cells))
      (funcall callback knight)
      (let ((moves (make-array 8 :element-type 'next
                                 :fill-pointer 0)))
        (do-neighbourhood (xx yy) (board x y)
          (vector-push-extend (make-next :count (count-neighbours board xx yy)
                                         :x xx
                                         :y yy)
        (map nil
             (lambda (next)
               (brute-visit knight
                            (next-x next)
                            (next-y next)
               (cerror "CONTINUE" "Backtrack detected"))
             (sort moves
                   (lambda (u v)
                     (declare (fixnum u v))
                     (<= u v))
                   :key #'next-count)
  (unvisit knight x y)

尝试以前的测试时,结果是立即。 例如,使用 64x64 电路板:

knight> (time
         (block nil
            0 0
            (lambda (k) (return))
            64 64)))

Evaluation took:
  0.012 seconds of real time
  0.012001 seconds of total run time (0.012001 user, 0.000000 system)
  100.00% CPU
  29,990,030 processor cycles
  6,636,048 bytes consed



 (dotimes (x 8)
   (dotimes (y 8)
     (block nil
        x y
        (lambda (k) (return))
        8 8)))))

报告错误的 x y 的值分别为 2 1 。< / p>

1 有关参考,请参阅Daft Punk

答案 2 :(得分:2)





使用(knights-tour:knights-tour 0 0 8 8)将返回square s的二维数组,这可能本身并不是非常有用。您应该通过knights-tour:print-boardknights-tour:path-as-list传递它。

(let ((tour (knights-tour:knights-tour 0 0 8 8)))
  (knights-tour:print-board tour)
  (knights-tour:path-as-list tour))
;;   1  54  15  32  61  28  13  30 
;;  16  33  64  55  14  31  60  27 
;;  53   2  49  44  57  62  29  12 
;;  34  17  56  63  50  47  26  59 
;;   3  52  45  48  43  58  11  40 
;;  18  35  20  51  46  41   8  25 
;;  21   4  37  42  23   6  39  10 
;;  36  19  22   5  38   9  24   7 
;; => ((0 . 0) (1 . 2) (0 . 4) (1 . 6) (3 . 7) (5 . 6) (7 . 7) (6 . 5) (5 . 7)
;;     (7 . 6) (6 . 4) (7 . 2) (6 . 0) (4 . 1) (2 . 0) (0 . 1) (1 . 3) (0 . 5)
;;     (1 . 7) (2 . 5) (0 . 6) (2 . 7) (4 . 6) (6 . 7) (7 . 5) (6 . 3) (7 . 1)
;;     (5 . 0) (6 . 2) (7 . 0) (5 . 1) (3 . 0) (1 . 1) (0 . 3) (1 . 5) (0 . 7)
;;     (2 . 6) (4 . 7) (6 . 6) (7 . 4) (5 . 5) (3 . 6) (4 . 4) (3 . 2) (2 . 4)
;;     (4 . 5) (5 . 3) (3 . 4) (2 . 2) (4 . 3) (3 . 5) (1 . 4) (0 . 2) (1 . 0)
;;     (3 . 1) (2 . 3) (4 . 2) (5 . 4) (7 . 3) (6 . 1) (4 . 0) (5 . 2) (3 . 3)
;;     (2 . 1))



(declaim (optimize (speed 3) (space 0) (safety 0) (debug 0)))

(defpackage :knights-tour
  (:use :cl)
  (:export :knights-tour
(in-package :knights-tour)

;;; Function types

(declaim (ftype (function (fixnum fixnum fixnum fixnum) (or board null))
(declaim (ftype (function (square fixnum)) find-tour))
(declaim (ftype (function (square) square) backtrack))
(declaim (ftype (function (square) fixnum) count-valid-moves))
(declaim (ftype (function (square) list) neighbours))
(declaim (ftype (function (edge square) (or square null)) other-end))
(declaim (ftype (function (edge square)) set-travelled))
(declaim (ftype (function (edge square) (or (member :from :to) null)) travelled))
(declaim (ftype (function (fixnum fixnum) board) make-board))
(declaim (ftype (function ((or board null))) print-board))
(declaim (ftype (function ((or board null)) list) path-as-list))

;;; Types, Structures and Conditions

(deftype board () '(array square (* *)))

(defstruct square
  "Represents a square on a chessboard.

VISITED contains the number of moves left when this `square' was
visited, or 0 if it has not been visited.

EDGES contains a list of edges to `square's that a knight can move to
from this `square'.
  (visited 0 :type fixnum)
  (edges (list) :type list)
  (tries 0 :type fixnum)
  (x 0 :type fixnum)
  (y 0 :type fixnum))

(defstruct edge
  "Connects two `square's that a knight can move between.

An `edge' has two ends, TO and FROM. Both contain a `square'.

TRAVELLED contains either :FROM or :TO to signal that this edge has
been travelled from the `square' in FROM or TO slots respectively to
the other one. Contains NIL if this edge has not been travelled.

TRAVELLED should be set and read with SET-TRAVELLED and TRAVELLED.
  (to nil :type square)
  (from nil :type square)
  (travelled nil :type (or keyword null))
  (backtracked nil :type boolean))

(define-condition no-solution (error) ()
  (:documentation "Error raised when there is no solution."))
(define-condition too-many-tries (error) ()
  (:documentation "Error raised after too many attempts to backtrack."))

;;; Main program

(defun knights-tour (x y width height)
  "Finds a knights tour starting from point X, Y on board size WIDTH x HEIGHT.

X and Y are zero indexed. 

When a path is found, returns a two-dimensional array of
`square's. When no path is found, returns NIL.
  (let ((board (make-board width height)))
    (handler-case (find-tour (aref board y x) (* width height))
      (no-solution () (return-from knights-tour nil))
      (too-many-tries () (return-from knights-tour nil)))

(defun find-tour (current-square moves-left)
  "Find a knights tour starting from CURRENT-SQUARE, taking MOVES-LEFT moves.

Returns nothing. The `square's are mutated to show how many moves were
left when the knight passed through it.
  (when (or (not (square-p current-square))
            (minusp moves-left))
    (return-from find-tour))

  (setf (square-visited current-square) moves-left)

  ;; If the same square has been tried 1000 times, assume we're in an
  ;; infinite backtracking loop.
  (when (> (incf (square-tries current-square)) 1000)
    (error 'too-many-tries))

  (let ((next-moves (1- moves-left)))
    (unless (zerop next-moves)
          with least-moves = 9
          with least-square = nil
          with least-edge = nil

          for (edge . neighbour) in (neighbours current-square)
          for valid-moves = (if (not (travelled-from edge current-square))
                                (count-valid-moves neighbour)

          when (< valid-moves least-moves) do
            (setf least-moves valid-moves
                  least-square neighbour
                  least-edge edge)

          finally (if least-square
                      (progn (set-travelled least-edge current-square)
                             (return least-square))
                      (progn (incf next-moves)
                             (return (backtrack current-square)))))

(defun backtrack (square)
  "Return the `square' from where the knight travelled to SQUARE.

Also unmarks SQUARE and all `edge's travelled from SQUARE.
  (setf (square-visited square) 0)
     with to-edge = nil
     for edge in (square-edges square)
     ;; Unmark edges travelled from this square.
     when (travelled-from edge square) do
       (setf (edge-travelled edge) nil
             (edge-backtracked edge) nil)
     ;; Find the edge used to travel to this square...
     when (and (travelled-to edge square)
               (not (edge-backtracked edge))) do
       (setf to-edge edge)
     ;; and finally return the other end of that edge.
     finally (if to-edge
                 (progn (setf (edge-backtracked to-edge) t)
                        (return (other-end to-edge square)))
                 (error 'no-solution))))

;;; Helpers

(defun count-valid-moves (square)
  "Count valid moves from SQUARE."
  (length (neighbours square)))

(defun neighbours (square)
  "Return a list of neighbours of SQUARE."
     for edge in (square-edges square)
     for other = (other-end edge square)
     when (zerop (square-visited other)) collect (cons edge other)))

(defun other-end (edge square)
  "Return the other end of EDGE when looking from SQUARE."
  (if (eq (edge-to edge)
      (edge-from edge)
      (edge-to edge)))

(defun set-travelled (edge square)
  "Set EDGE as travelled from SQUARE."
  (setf (edge-travelled edge)
        (if (eq (edge-to edge)
            :to :from)))

(defun travelled (edge square)
  "Has the EDGE been travelled, and from which end."
  (when (edge-travelled edge)
    (if (eq (edge-to edge)
        (if (eql (edge-travelled edge) :to)
            :from :to)
        (if (eql (edge-travelled edge) :from)
            :to :from))))

(defun travelled-from (edge square)
  "Has EDGE been travelled from SQUARE."
  (eql :from (travelled edge square)))

(defun travelled-to (edge square)
  "Has EDGE been travelled to SQUARE."
  (eql :to (travelled edge square)))

(defun make-board (width height)
  "Make a board with given WIDTH and HEIGHT."
  (let ((board (make-array (list height width)
                           :element-type 'square)))
    (dotimes (i height)
      (dotimes (j width)
        (let ((this-square (make-square :x j :y i)))
          (setf (aref board i j)
             for (x-mod . y-mod) in '((-2 . -1) (2 . -1) (-1 . -2) (1 . -2))
             for target-x = (+ j x-mod)
             for target-y = (+ i y-mod)
             when (array-in-bounds-p board target-y target-x) do
               (let* ((target-square (aref board target-y target-x))
                      (edge (make-edge :to target-square
                                       :from this-square)))
                 (push edge (square-edges this-square))
                 (push edge (square-edges target-square)))))))

(defun print-board (board)
  "Print a text representation of BOARD."
  (when board
       with (height width) = (array-dimensions board)
       with moves = (1+ (* height width))
       with col-width = (ceiling (log moves 10))
       for y from 0 below height
       do (loop
             for x from 0 below width
             do (format t " ~vd " col-width
                        (- moves (square-visited (aref board y x)))))
       do (format t "~%"))))

(defun path-as-list (board)
  "Return a list of coordinates representing the path taken."
  (when board
    (mapcar #'cdr
            (sort (loop
                     with (height width) = (array-dimensions board)
                     with result = (list)
                     for y from 0 below height
                     do (loop
                           for x from 0 below width
                           do (push (cons (square-visited (aref board y x))
                                          (cons x y))
                     finally (return result))
                  :key #'car))))

;;; Printers

(defmethod print-object ((square square) stream)
  (declare (type stream stream))
  (format stream "<(~d, ~d) ~d>"
          (square-x square)
          (square-y square)
          (square-visited square)))

(defmethod print-object ((edge edge) stream)
  (declare (type stream stream))
  (format stream "<edge :from ~a :to ~a :travelled ~a>"
          (edge-from edge)
          (edge-to edge)
          (edge-travelled edge)))