每次运行C ++测试时,Xcode都会给出不同的结果

时间:2016-02-11 20:12:22

标签: c++ xcode testing

我正在开发一个接收char数组的程序。在该char数组中是由空格分隔的数字。该程序应该接收一个数字并将该数字的回文添加到自身。如果结果不是回文结果,那么我们应该将结果的回文结果添加到结果中,依此类推,直到结果为回文结果。例如,如果char数组是" 195",则195 + 591 = 786. 786不是回文,因此786 + 687 = 1473. 1473 + 3741 = 5214.最后5214 + 4125 = 9339,这是一个回文,所以这就是答案。然后,程序应该返回它运行的添加次数以获得答案,然后是答案。在此示例中,程序将返回" 4 9339"。


感谢任何人的帮助!对于C ++来说,我是一个业余爱好者,所以它可能是我忽视的微不足道的东西,或者它可能是更高级的东西 - 我老实说不太确定。提前谢谢大家!

编辑:我使用过Xcode的调试器,当我这样做的时候没有任何失败或看起来不合适,这使我在没有调试的情况下运行测试时失败的原因更加神秘。 编辑2:然后测试用例由我的教授提供,而不是我自己。

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

//returns the reverse of a number
unsigned long reverse(unsigned long n) {
    unsigned long reverse = 0;

    while(n != 0) {
        unsigned long remainder = n%10;
        reverse = reverse*10 + remainder;
        n /= 10;

    return reverse;

//return what the palindrome result is
string palindrome(string numberInString, int &counter) {
    //convert input, which is a string, to int
    unsigned long number = std::stol(numberInString);
    //reverse number and assign it to numberReversed
    unsigned long numberReversed = reverse(number);
    //add the number and its reverse
    unsigned long result = number + numberReversed;
    //reverse the result and assign it to resultReversed
    unsigned long resultReversed = reverse(result);
    //check to see if result and its reverse are equal; otherwise, keep going until they are
    while (result != resultReversed) {
        //reassign number as result
        number = result;
        //reverse number and assign it to numberReversed
        numberReversed = reverse(number);
        //add the number and its reverse
        result = number + numberReversed;
        //reverse the result and assign it to resultReversed
        resultReversed = reverse(result);

    //return result
    return std::to_string(result);

//the "main" method
char* find(const char* array) {
    //instatntite counter, which will be used later
    int counter = 0;
    //instantiate result string, which is what we are returning
    string result = "";
    int i = 0;
    //will be used to construct int being checked as a palindrome
    string currentNumberConstruction = "";
    //go through array until end of array
    while (array[i] != '\0') {
        //if find a space
        if (array[i] == ' ') {
            //call palindrome function and add it to result later on
            string palindromeNumber = palindrome(currentNumberConstruction, counter);
            result += std::to_string(counter);
            //add to result how many cycles until palindrome found
            result += " " + palindromeNumber + " ";
            //reset counter (how many cycles until palindrome found)
            counter = 0;
            //reset currentNumberConstruction (int being checked as a palindrome)
            currentNumberConstruction = "";
            //continue through array
        } else {
            //add char checked to currentNumberConstruction (int being checked as a palindrome)
            currentNumberConstruction += array[i];
            //continue through array

    if (currentNumberConstruction != "") {
        string palindromeNumber = palindrome(currentNumberConstruction, counter);
        result += std::to_string(counter);
        result += " " + palindromeNumber;
        counter = 0;
        currentNumberConstruction = "";

    //convert result from string to char*
    char* realResult = new char[result.length()];
    for (unsigned int j = 0; j < result.length(); j++) {
        realResult[j] = result[j];

    //return char* realResult
    return realResult;

int main() {
    const char* array = NULL;
    const char* expected = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        switch (i) {
            case 0:
                array = "195 265 750";
                expected = "4 9339 5 45254 3 6666";
            case 1:
                array = "2 99 4000000000 20 100 1";
                expected = "1 4 6 79497 1 4000000004 1 22 1 101 1 2";
            case 2:
                array = "79 88 97 99";
                expected = "6 44044 6 44044 6 44044 6 79497";
            case 3:
                array = "157 158 166 167 175 188 193 197";
                expected = "3 8888 3 11011 5 45254 11 88555588 4 9559 7 233332 8 233332 7 881188";
            case 4:
                array = "266 273 274 292 365";
                expected = "11 88555588 4 5115 4 9559 8 233332 11 88555588";
            case 5:
                array = "1089 1091 1099";
                expected = "4 79497 1 2992 2 11011";
            case 6:
                array = "19991 2914560 12345678";
                expected = "8 16699661 5 47977974 1 99999999";
            case 7:
                array = "777";
                expected = "4 23232";
            case 8:
                array = "130031 9";
                expected = "1 260062 2 99";
            case 9:
                array = "1234567890123456789";
                expected = "2 12222222211222222221";
                cout << "we should never get here" << endl;
                return -1;
        char* actual = find(array);
        bool  equal = strcmp(expected, actual) == 0;
        cout << "test " << (i + 1) << ": " << (equal ? "ok" : "failed");
        if (!equal) {
            cout << " expected [" << expected << "] but was [" << actual << "]";
        cout << endl;

        delete actual;
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


char* array = NULL;

你实际上没有分配任何内存来存储数组,你需要以一种给它一些内存的方式初始化它。否则,您只是在系统中选择随机内存,最终可能会获得SegFault。 这可以这样做:

char array[100];

或者您可以使用std :: string代替。这将创建一个包含100个字符的字符数组,您可以根据需要调整大小。

答案 1 :(得分:0)


char* realResult = new char[result.length()];


char* realResult = new char[result.length()+1];
realResult [result.length()] = 0;
