原型模式的目标是通过降低创建成本来克隆对象。 这是一个例子:
class Complex {
int[] nums = {1,2,3,4,5};
public Complex clone() {
return new Complex();//this line create a new object, so is it violate the objective of prototype ?//
class Test2 {
Complex c1 = new Complex();
Complex makeCopy() {
return (Complex)c1.clone();// Is it actually create a new object ? based on the clone method in Complex class? //
public static void main(String[] args) {
Test2 tp = new Test2();
Complex c2 = tp.makeCopy();
答案 0 :(得分:1)
public Complex clone(){
Complex clone = (Complex)super.clone();
clone.nums = this.nums;
return clone;
答案 1 :(得分:0)
我不认为给出的示例是按照Prototype Pattern实现的。
答案 2 :(得分:0)
克隆方法的java实现不会调用类构造函数。 它会将当前实例占用的内存复制到内存中的另一个位置。
答案 3 :(得分:0)
您所说的部分正确,原型模式的目标是降低成本 通过克隆和避免“新”创建对象。
下面是一个使用原型PageBanner实例创建不同类型的示例 页面横幅略有不同
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.io.Serializable;
* This class also acts as a factory for creating prototypical objects.
public class PageBanner implements Serializable, Cloneable {
private String slogan;
private String image;
private String font;
private Dimension dimension;
// have prototype banner from which to derive all other banners
private static final PageBanner PROTOTYPE = new PageBanner("",
"blank.png", "Verdana", new Dimension(600, 45));
PageBanner(String slogan, String image, String font,
Dimension dim) {
this.slogan = slogan;
this.image = image;
//... other assignments
// getters and setters..
public String toString() {
return new StringBuilder("PageBanner[")
protected Object clone() {
Object cln = null;
try {
cln = super.clone();
}catch(CloneNotSupportedException e) {
// ignore, will never happen
return cln;
* This is the creational method that uses the prototype banner
* to create banners and changes it slightly (setting slogan and image)
public static PageBanner createSloganBanner(String slogan, String image) {
PageBanner banner = (PageBanner) PROTOTYPE.clone();
banner.slogan = slogan;
banner.image = image;
return banner;
* Another creational method that uses the prototype banner
* to create banners and changes it slightly (setting image)
public static PageBanner createImageBanner(String image) {
PageBanner banner = (PageBanner) PROTOTYPE.clone();
banner.image = image;
return banner;
// similarly you can have a number of creational methods with
// different parameters for different types of banners that
// vary slightly in their properties.
// main... (for illustration)
public static void main(String[] args) {
// both these banners are created from same prototypical instance
PageBanner slogan = PageBanner.createSloganBanner(
"Stackoverflow Rocks", "stack.png");
PageBanner img = PageBanner.createImageBanner("stackBanner.png");