如果`A12 = B30`,颜色将为红色。如果`A20 = B1`,颜色为绿色,依此类推。
A1 = 1000
A2 = 2000
A3 = 3000
A4 = 4000
A5 = 5000
A6 = 6000
A7 = 7000
A8 = 8000
A9 = 9000
B1 = 1500
B2 = 9000
B3 = 5000
B4 = 3500
B5 = 7500
B6 = 1000
B7 = 4000
A1 = B6 - >它们将以绿色
着色/突出显示A4 = B7 - >它们将以红色着色/突出显示
A5 = B3 - >它们将以黄色着色/突出显示
A9 = B2 - >它们将以粉色
Sub UsingCollection()
Dim cUnique As Collection
Dim Rng As Range
Dim Cell As Range
Dim sh As Worksheet
Dim vNum As Variant for at
Dim LstRw As Long
Dim c As Range, clr As Long, x
Set sh = ActiveSheet
With sh
LstRw = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
Set Rng = .Range("A1:B" & LstRw)
Set cUnique = New Collection
Rng.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
clr = 3
On Error Resume Next
For Each Cell In Rng.Cells
cUnique.Add Cell.Value, CStr(Cell.Value)
Next Cell
On Error GoTo 0
For Each vNum In cUnique
For Each c In Rng.Cells
If c = vNum Then
x = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Rng, vNum)
If x > 1 Then c.Interior.ColorIndex = clr "error here: the code runs fine for around 50 lines then it is stoppedand gives error and pointing to this line"
//Error shows in pop window: Run-time error 'g': Subscript out of range
End If
Next c
clr = clr + 1
Next vNum
End With
End Sub
答案 0 :(得分:0)
Sub UsingCollection()
Dim cUnique As Collection
Dim Rng As Range
Dim Cell As Range
Dim sh As Worksheet
Dim vNum As Variant
Dim LstRw As Long
Dim c As Range, clr As Long, x
Set sh = ActiveSheet
With sh
LstRw = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
Set Rng = .Range("A1:B" & LstRw)
Set cUnique = New Collection
Rng.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
clr = 3
On Error Resume Next
For Each Cell In Rng.Cells
cUnique.Add Cell.Value, CStr(Cell.Value)
Next Cell
On Error GoTo 0
For Each vNum In cUnique
For Each c In Rng.Cells
If c = vNum Then
x = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Rng, vNum)
If x > 1 Then c.Interior.ColorIndex = clr
End If
Next c
clr = clr + 1
Next vNum
End With
End Sub
If x > 1 Then c.Interior.Color = 1000000 + clr * 100
End If
Next c
clr = clr + 255