
时间:2016-02-06 05:03:04

标签: machine-learning svm libsvm


有多个参数可以针对特定内核优化每个参数。 C and g参数用于网格搜索,以选择Cost和gamma的最佳组合。

-d degree : set degree in kernel function (default 3)
-g gamma : set gamma in kernel function (default 1/num_features)
-r coef0 : set coef0 in kernel function (default 0)
-c cost : set the parameter C of C-SVC, epsilon-SVR, and nu-SVR (default 1)
-n nu : set the parameter nu of nu-SVC, one-class SVM, and nu-SVR (default 0.5)
-p epsilon : set the epsilon in loss function of epsilon-SVR (default 0.1)
-m cachesize : set cache memory size in MB (default 100)
-e epsilon : set tolerance of termination criterion (default 0.001)
-h shrinking : whether to use the shrinking heuristics, 0 or 1 (default 1)
-b probability_estimates : whether to train a SVC or SVR model for probability estimates, 0 or 1 (default 0)
-wi weight : set the parameter C of class i to weight*C, for C-SVC (default 1)

我想知道每个内核的相关参数。由于有多个参数可供选择。例如C and g内核的RBF。还提供网格大小和参数范围Ex:10^-3 to 10^11 for C and 10^3 to 10^-13 for g


    for ( $i = -3; $i <= 11; $i += 1 ) {

    for ( $j = 3; $j >= -13; $j += -1 ) {

        my $a = 2**$i;
        my $b = 2**$j;

        $output = "svm-train -c $a -g $b -v 5 $ARGV[0]";

        print  "$output >& ${ARGV[0]}_${a}_${b}.out \n";


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


  • 线性:无参数
  • poly:gamma(&gt; 0,float),coef0(float),degree(&gt; 1,int)
  • rbf:gamma(&gt; 0,float)
  • sigmoid:gamma(&gt; 0,float),coef0(float)

