Option Strict On
Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
Imports System.IO
Public Class StudentTestScores
Private Structure Student
Dim strStudentName As String
Dim dblTestScores() As Double
Dim dblAverage As Double
End Structure
Public Function GetDoubleTestScore(ByVal value As String) As Double
'Checks if the value is numeric and returns message if error is found
If IsNumeric(value) Then
Dim dblValue = CDbl(value)
'Check to make sure number is a positive and less or equal to 100
If dblValue >= 0 And dblValue <= 100 Then
Return dblValue
Throw New Exception("The number needs to be between 0 and 100")
End If
Throw New Exception("Please enter a number in the test score area.")
End If
End Function
Private Sub btnCalc_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnCalc.Click
'Creates variable and runs isValidName
Dim objStudent(6) As Student
If isValidName() = True Then
' This initializes each of the test score arrays in a Student object
For i As Integer = 0 To 5
'runs isNumeric function to txtStudentScores
objStudent(0).dblTestScores(0) = GetDoubleTestScore(txtStudent1Score1.Text)
objStudent(0).dblTestScores(1) = GetDoubleTestScore(txtStudent1Score2.Text)
objStudent(0).dblTestScores(2) = GetDoubleTestScore(txtStudent1Score3.Text)
objStudent(0).dblTestScores(3) = GetDoubleTestScore(txtStudent1Score4.Text)
objStudent(0).dblTestScores(4) = GetDoubleTestScore(txtStudent1Score5.Text)
objStudent(1).dblTestScores(0) = GetDoubleTestScore(txtStudent2Score1.Text)
objStudent(1).dblTestScores(1) = GetDoubleTestScore(txtStudent2Score2.Text)
objStudent(1).dblTestScores(2) = GetDoubleTestScore(txtStudent2Score3.Text)
objStudent(1).dblTestScores(3) = GetDoubleTestScore(txtStudent2Score4.Text)
objStudent(1).dblTestScores(4) = GetDoubleTestScore(txtStudent2Score5.Text)
objStudent(2).dblTestScores(0) = GetDoubleTestScore(txtStudent3Score1.Text)
objStudent(2).dblTestScores(1) = GetDoubleTestScore(txtStudent3Score2.Text)
objStudent(2).dblTestScores(2) = GetDoubleTestScore(txtStudent3Score3.Text)
objStudent(2).dblTestScores(3) = GetDoubleTestScore(txtStudent3Score4.Text)
objStudent(2).dblTestScores(4) = GetDoubleTestScore(txtStudent3Score5.Text)
objStudent(3).dblTestScores(0) = GetDoubleTestScore(txtStudent4Score1.Text)
objStudent(3).dblTestScores(1) = GetDoubleTestScore(txtStudent4Score2.Text)
objStudent(3).dblTestScores(2) = GetDoubleTestScore(txtStudent4Score3.Text)
objStudent(3).dblTestScores(3) = GetDoubleTestScore(txtStudent4Score4.Text)
objStudent(3).dblTestScores(4) = GetDoubleTestScore(txtStudent4Score5.Text)
objStudent(4).dblTestScores(0) = GetDoubleTestScore(txtStudent5Score1.Text)
objStudent(4).dblTestScores(1) = GetDoubleTestScore(txtStudent5Score2.Text)
objStudent(4).dblTestScores(2) = GetDoubleTestScore(txtStudent5Score3.Text)
objStudent(4).dblTestScores(3) = GetDoubleTestScore(txtStudent5Score4.Text)
objStudent(4).dblTestScores(4) = GetDoubleTestScore(txtStudent5Score5.Text)
objStudent(5).dblTestScores(0) = GetDoubleTestScore(txtStudent6Score1.Text)
objStudent(5).dblTestScores(1) = GetDoubleTestScore(txtStudent6Score2.Text)
objStudent(5).dblTestScores(2) = GetDoubleTestScore(txtStudent6Score3.Text)
objStudent(5).dblTestScores(3) = GetDoubleTestScore(txtStudent6Score4.Text)
objStudent(5).dblTestScores(4) = GetDoubleTestScore(txtStudent6Score5.Text)
' This loops through each Student structure object and calculates the average test score.
For i As Integer = 0 To 5
objStudent(i).dblAverage = CaculateStudentAverage(objStudent(i))
objStudent(0).strStudentName = txtStudent1.Text
objStudent(1).strStudentName = txtStudent2.Text
objStudent(2).strStudentName = txtStudent3.Text
objStudent(3).strStudentName = txtStudent4.Text
objStudent(4).strStudentName = txtStudent5.Text
objStudent(5).strStudentName = txtStudent6.Text
lblAverageStudent1.Text = objStudent(0).dblAverage.ToString()
lblAverageStudent2.Text = objStudent(1).dblAverage.ToString()
lblAverageStudent3.Text = objStudent(2).dblAverage.ToString()
lblAverageStudent4.Text = objStudent(3).dblAverage.ToString()
lblAverageStudent5.Text = objStudent(4).dblAverage.ToString()
lblAverageStudent6.Text = objStudent(5).dblAverage.ToString()
'This creates the text file the program will write to
Dim StudentFile As System.IO.StreamWriter
Dim strFileName As String = "StudentTestScore.txt"
StudentFile = System.IO.File.AppendText(strFileName)
'Creates for loop that takes the 6 students
For i As Integer = 0 To 5
StudentFile.Write("Student Name: ")
StudentFile.Write(" Student Test Scores: ")
'This creates a loop for the students and test scores
For intIndex2 As Integer = 0 To 4
If intIndex2 <> 4 Then
StudentFile.Write(", ")
End If
'Finally the average is ran using the objStudent (i)
StudentFile.Write(" Average Score = ")
'Closes the text file that was created
'Shows a message box that says the file was written to the text file and or modified
MessageBox.Show("Student Test Score file was created or modified.")
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End If
End Sub
Private Sub InitializeTestScores(ByRef objStudent As Student) 'references objStudent object
' This takes the array dblTestScores and makes it a fixed array of size 6 since it could not be given a number in the structure
ReDim objStudent.dblTestScores(5)
End Sub
Private Function CaculateStudentAverage(ByVal objStudent As Student) As Double
' This loop loops through each value in dblTestScores and then just adds them to objstudent
For i As Integer = 0 To 4
objStudent.dblAverage += objStudent.dblTestScores(i)
' This divides and then stores it back into the variable
objStudent.dblAverage /= 5
'Returns student average
Return objStudent.dblAverage
End Function
Private Sub LoadToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles LoadToolStripMenuItem.Click
' Create a new open file dialog
Dim MyFileDialog As New System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog
' Configure the dialog to show only text files
' Set its title and set the filename field blank for the moment.
MyFileDialog.FileName = "StudentTestScore.txt"
' Show the dialog and see if the user pressed ok.
If MyFileDialog.ShowDialog() = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
' Check to see if they selected a file and that it exists.
If File.Exists(MyFileDialog.FileName) Then
Dim strFile As String = MyFileDialog.FileName
Dim reader As StreamReader
' Setup a file stream reader to read the text file.
reader = New StreamReader(New FileStream(strFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
' While there is data to be read, read each line into a rich edit box control.
Case 0
txtStudent1.Text = Student.objStudent(0)
txtStudent1Score1.Text =
End Select
While reader.Peek > -1
txtStudent1.Text &= reader.ReadLine()
End While
' Close the file
Catch ex As FileNotFoundException
' If the file was not found, tell the user.
MessageBox.Show("File was not found. Please try again.")
End Try
End If
End If
End Sub
End Class