function out = BF(in, maxAprSz, Fs, Fnum)
% The following script take the pre-beamform data and creates beamformed
% image by applying parallel beamformers to the same data.
% input:
% in: the first dimension should be scan lines and the second
% dimension should be the channel samples
% maxAprSz: maximum size of the aperture for beamforming
% Fs Acquisition sampling frequency 80*1e6, 40MHz, ... 10*1e6
% Fnum desired F number=focal depth/(2*aperture)
% output:
% out: beamformed rf data
nl = size(in,2); % number of lines
ns = size(in,1); % number of samples
pitch = 0.3 * 1e-3; % spacing between lines/channels in the lateral direction [m]
c = 1540; % speed of sound 1540 [m/s]
sampleSpacing = c/Fs/2; % spacing between samples in the axial direction in milimeter for Fs
out = zeros(nl,ns);
for i = 1:nl % for each line/channel
for j=1:ns % find the value for each sample
% find the sample location
Z = (j ) * sampleSpacing ; %focal depth
%place of i element in x axis
% calculate the aperture based on the F number
fulAprSz = Z/(2*Fnum);
hlfAprSz = floor(fulAprSz / pitch);
% check to make sure we do not go beyond max apr
if (hlfAprSz > maxAprSz/2)
hlfAprSz = floor(maxAprSz / 2);
x = -hlfAprSz: hlfAprSz; % aperture indices
fulAprSz = 2*hlfAprSz + 1;
X = i * pitch;
X1 = (i + x) * pitch;
% calc delays based on sample depth and receive aperture
delays = ( Z + sqrt( Z^2 + (X-X1).^2 ) ) / c * Fs;
delays = round(delays); % no interpolation used in this version
win = hanning(fulAprSz)'; % windowing used for apodization
chnls = zeros(1,fulAprSz); % will be filled with proper signal from each channel
cntr = i; % center of apreture
apr = cntr + x; % full aperture indices
% find the corresponding value from each channel
for k = 1:fulAprSz
chlIndx = apr(k);
if chlIndx<1, continue, end;
if chlIndx>nl, continue, end;
chlSmpl = delays(k);
if chlSmpl<1, continue, end;
if chlSmpl>ns, continue, end;
chnls(k) = in(chlIndx, chlSmpl);
% apodization : ideally has to be a function of depth
chnls = win .* chnls;
% beamforming
out(i,j) = sum( chnls );
我想用单元数组进行实现(因为使用Fnum时,每个Z中的fulAprSz都会发生变化)。我已经进行了以下实现,并计算了每个Z(深度)的单个通道(列)的延迟。每个频道的延迟都相同。我坚持如何为每个通道找到与这些延迟相关的样本,然后对它们求和,这样我就可以得到输出波束形成的样本。在下面的代码中,nl = 128(通道)和ns = 2080(样本)作为输入数据的维度的示例。有想法的人吗?
nl=128; %channels
ns=2080; %samples
fs=40e6; %sampling frequency
Fnum=2; %f number
pitch=0.3*1e-3; %space between each channel [m]
c = 1540; %sound of speed [m/s]
sampleSpacing = c/fs/2;
z=(1:ns)*sampleSpacing; %depth
fulAprSz = z/(2*Fnum); %full aperture size according to fnum
hlfAprSz = floor(fulAprSz / pitch);
fulAprSz = 2*hlfAprSz + 1;
for i=1:ns
sizeM=fulAprSz(i); %size of each matrix
win{i}=hanning(sizeM); %apodization matrix for each z
X1{i}=(-hlfAprSz(i):hlfAprSz(i)); %indices of aperture
x{i}=X1{i}*pitch; %aperture in meters
delays{i} = round (( z(i) + sqrt( z(i).^2 + x{i}.^2 ) ) / c * fs); %delays for a single line