NumPy / SciPy中的多线程整数矩阵乘法

时间:2016-01-30 11:39:35

标签: python multithreading numpy matrix-multiplication blas


import numpy as np
a = np.random.rand(10**4, 10**4)
b =, a)



a = np.random.randint(2, size=(n, n)).astype(np.int8)


array: np.random.randint(2, size=shape).astype(dtype)

dtype    shape          %time (average)

float32 (2000, 2000)    62.5 ms
float32 (3000, 3000)    219 ms
float32 (4000, 4000)    328 ms
float32 (10000, 10000)  4.09 s

int8    (2000, 2000)    13 seconds
int8    (3000, 3000)    3min 26s
int8    (4000, 4000)    12min 20s
int8    (10000, 10000)  It didn't finish in 6 hours

float16 (2000, 2000)    2min 25s
float16 (3000, 3000)    Not tested
float16 (4000, 4000)    Not tested
float16 (10000, 10000)  Not tested

我知道NumPy使用BLAS,它不支持整数,但如果我使用SciPy BLAS包装器,即。

import scipy.linalg.blas as blas
a = np.random.randint(2, size=(n, n)).astype(np.int8)
b = blas.sgemm(alpha=1.0, a=a, b=a)

计算多线程。现在,对于float32,blas.sgemm的运行时间与np.dot完全相同,但是对于非浮点运算,它会将所有内容转换为float32并输出浮点数,这是np.dot无效的内容做。 (此外,b现在处于F_CONTIGUOUS顺序,这是一个较小的问题。


  1. 使用NumPy的速度很慢np.dot并且很高兴能保持8位整数。
  2. 使用SciPy的sgemm并耗尽4倍内存。
  3. 使用Numpy的np.float16并且只使用2x内存,但需要注意的是{float>数组上的np.dot比浮动数组上的要快得多,比int8更慢。
  4. 找到一个用于多线程整数矩阵乘法的优化库(实际上, Mathematica 这样做,但我更喜欢Python解决方案),理想情况下支持1位数组,尽管是8位数组也很好...(我实际上的目标是在有限域Z / 2Z上进行矩阵的乘法运算,我知道我可以用 Sage 做这个,这是非常Pythonic,但是, ,有严格的Python吗?)
  5. 我可以按照选项4吗?这样的图书馆存在吗?

    免责声明:我实际上是在运行NumPy + MKL,但我在vanilly NumPy上尝试了类似的测试,结果相似。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)

  • 选项5 - 滚动自定义解决方案:将矩阵产品分区为几个子产品并并行执行。使用标准Python模块可以相对容易地实现这一点。子产品使用numpy.dot计算,它释放全局解释器锁。因此,可以使用相对轻量级的threads,并且可以从主线程访问数组以提高内存效率。


import numpy as np
from numpy.testing import assert_array_equal
import threading
from time import time

def blockshaped(arr, nrows, ncols):
    Return an array of shape (nrows, ncols, n, m) where
    n * nrows, m * ncols = arr.shape.
    This should be a view of the original array.
    h, w = arr.shape
    n, m = h // nrows, w // ncols
    return arr.reshape(nrows, n, ncols, m).swapaxes(1, 2)

def do_dot(a, b, out):, b, out)  # does not work. maybe because out is not C-contiguous?
    out[:] =, b)  # less efficient because the output is stored in a temporary array?

def pardot(a, b, nblocks, mblocks, dot_func=do_dot):
    Return the matrix product a * b.
    The product is split into nblocks * mblocks partitions that are performed
    in parallel threads.
    n_jobs = nblocks * mblocks
    print('running {} jobs in parallel'.format(n_jobs))

    out = np.empty((a.shape[0], b.shape[1]), dtype=a.dtype)

    out_blocks = blockshaped(out, nblocks, mblocks)
    a_blocks = blockshaped(a, nblocks, 1)
    b_blocks = blockshaped(b, 1, mblocks)

    threads = []
    for i in range(nblocks):
        for j in range(mblocks):
            th = threading.Thread(target=dot_func, 
                                  args=(a_blocks[i, 0, :, :], 
                                        b_blocks[0, j, :, :], 
                                        out_blocks[i, j, :, :]))

    for th in threads:

    return out

if __name__ == '__main__':
    a = np.ones((4, 3), dtype=int)
    b = np.arange(18, dtype=int).reshape(3, 6)
    assert_array_equal(pardot(a, b, 2, 2),, b))

    a = np.random.randn(1500, 1500).astype(int)

    start = time()
    pardot(a, a, 2, 4)
    time_par = time() - start
    print('pardot: {:.2f} seconds taken'.format(time_par))

    start = time(), a)
    time_dot = time() - start
    print(' {:.2f} seconds taken'.format(time_dot))


running 8 jobs in parallel
pardot: 5.45 seconds taken 22.30 seconds taken

答案 1 :(得分:1)

" Why is it faster to perform float by float matrix multiplication compared to int by int?"解释为什么整数如此慢:首先,CPU具有高吞吐量浮点流水线。其次,BLAS没有整数类型。

解决方法:将矩阵转换为float32值可获得大幅加速。 2015款MacBook Pro如何提升90倍速度? (使用float64一半是好的。)

import numpy as np
import time

def timeit(callable):
    start = time.time()
    end = time.time()
    return end - start

a = np.random.random_integers(0, 9, size=(1000, 1000)).astype(np.int8)

timeit(lambda:  # ≈0.9 sec
timeit(lambda: a.astype(np.float32).dot(a.astype(np.float32)).astype(np.int8) )  # ≈0.01 sec