
时间:2016-01-29 10:28:24

标签: swift performance assembly cpu-speed

我使用蒙特卡罗方法编写了一段代码来计算PI,该方法使用1.7 GHz Intel Core i7(似乎是4650U)运行在2013年的Mac书籍上。 当循环计数为10 ^ 8时需要2~3秒,当循环计数为10 ^ 9时需要大约25秒。

import Foundation

func randomNumber(lowerBound:Double, upperBound:Double) -> Double {
    return lowerBound + Double(rand()) / Double(RAND_MAX) * (upperBound - lowerBound)

let pointNumber = 1000000000
var pointInsideCount = 0
for i in 0...pointNumber {
    let x = randomNumber(-1.0, upperBound:1.0)
    let y = randomNumber(-1.0, upperBound:1.0)
    if x*x+y*y <= 1 {
        pointInsideCount += 1
let result = Double(pointInsideCount) / Double(pointNumber) * 4
let piString = String(format: "%.50f", result)
print("Pi is \(piString)")

我运行“ di -n randomNumber ”来获取randomNumber函数的汇编代码

swiftTest`swiftTest.randomNumber (Swift.Double, upperBound : Swift.Double) -> Swift.Double:
    0x10023c160 <+0>:  pushq  %rbp
    0x10023c161 <+1>:  movq   %rsp, %rbp
    0x10023c164 <+4>:  subq   $0x20, %rsp
    0x10023c168 <+8>:  movsd  %xmm0, -0x8(%rbp)
    0x10023c16d <+13>: movsd  %xmm1, -0x10(%rbp)
    0x10023c172 <+18>: movsd  %xmm0, -0x18(%rbp)
    0x10023c177 <+23>: movsd  %xmm1, -0x20(%rbp)
    0x10023c17c <+28>: callq  0x10027585e               ; symbol stub for: rand
    0x10023c181 <+33>: movsd  0x3bc1f(%rip), %xmm0      ; witness table offset for Swift.VaListBuilder.__allocating_init (Swift.VaListBuilder.Type)() -> Swift.VaListBuilder + 352
    0x10023c189 <+41>: cvtsi2sdl %eax, %xmm1
    0x10023c18d <+45>: divsd  %xmm0, %xmm1
    0x10023c191 <+49>: movsd  -0x20(%rbp), %xmm0
    0x10023c196 <+54>: movsd  -0x18(%rbp), %xmm2
    0x10023c19b <+59>: subsd  %xmm2, %xmm0
    0x10023c19f <+63>: mulsd  %xmm0, %xmm1
    0x10023c1a3 <+67>: addsd  %xmm1, %xmm2
    0x10023c1a7 <+71>: movaps %xmm2, %xmm0
    0x10023c1aa <+74>: addq   $0x20, %rsp
    0x10023c1ae <+78>: popq   %rbp
    0x10023c1af <+79>: retq   

运行“ di -f ”以获取孔文件的汇编代码

    0x10023bcd0 <+0>:    pushq  %rbp
    0x10023bcd1 <+1>:    movq   %rsp, %rbp
    0x10023bcd4 <+4>:    subq   $0x120, %rsp
    0x10023bcdb <+11>:   leaq   0x9340e(%rip), %rax       ; globalinit_33_1BDF70FFC18749BAB495A73B459ED2F0_token6
    0x10023bce2 <+18>:   leaq   0x933ff(%rip), %rcx       ; static Swift.Process._argc : Swift.Int32
    0x10023bce9 <+25>:   movl   %edi, (%rcx)
    0x10023bceb <+27>:   cmpq   $-0x1, (%rax)
    0x10023bcf2 <+34>:   movq   %rsi, -0x60(%rbp)
    0x10023bcf6 <+38>:   je     0x10023bd0e               ; <+62> at main.swift
    0x10023bcf8 <+40>:   leaq   0x933f1(%rip), %rdi       ; globalinit_33_1BDF70FFC18749BAB495A73B459ED2F0_token6
    0x10023bcff <+47>:   leaq   -0x99d56(%rip), %rax      ; globalinit_33_1BDF70FFC18749BAB495A73B459ED2F0_func6
    0x10023bd06 <+54>:   movq   %rax, %rsi
    0x10023bd09 <+57>:   callq  0x100266870               ; swift_once
    0x10023bd0e <+62>:   leaq   0x933e3(%rip), %rax       ; static Swift.Process._unsafeArgv : Swift.UnsafeMutablePointer<Swift.UnsafeMutablePointer<Swift.Int8>>
    0x10023bd15 <+69>:   movq   -0x60(%rbp), %rcx
    0x10023bd19 <+73>:   movq   %rcx, (%rax)
    0x10023bd1c <+76>:   movq   $0x989680, 0x93499(%rip)  ; lazy cache variable for type metadata for Swift.VaListBuilder + 4
    0x10023bd27 <+87>:   movq   $0x0, 0x93496(%rip)       ; swiftTest.pointNumber : Swift.Int + 4
    0x10023bd32 <+98>:   movq   0x93487(%rip), %rax       ; swiftTest.pointNumber : Swift.Int
    0x10023bd39 <+105>:  movq   %rax, -0x68(%rbp)
    0x10023bd3d <+109>:  xorl   %eax, %eax
    0x10023bd3f <+111>:  movl   %eax, %ecx
    0x10023bd41 <+113>:  movq   -0x68(%rbp), %rdx
    0x10023bd45 <+117>:  cmpq   %rdx, %rcx
    0x10023bd48 <+120>:  setle  %sil
    0x10023bd4c <+124>:  testb  $0x1, %sil
    0x10023bd50 <+128>:  jne    0x10023bd54               ; <+132> at main.swift:17
    0x10023bd52 <+130>:  jmp    0x10023bdb3               ; <+227> at main.swift:17
    0x10023bd54 <+132>:  movq   -0x68(%rbp), %rax
    0x10023bd58 <+136>:  incq   %rax
    0x10023bd5b <+139>:  seto   %cl
    0x10023bd5e <+142>:  movq   -0x68(%rbp), %rdx
    0x10023bd62 <+146>:  cmpq   %rdx, %rax
    0x10023bd65 <+149>:  setg   %sil
    0x10023bd69 <+153>:  testb  $0x1, %sil
    0x10023bd6d <+157>:  movb   %cl, -0x69(%rbp)
    0x10023bd70 <+160>:  jne    0x10023bd74               ; <+164> at main.swift:17
    0x10023bd72 <+162>:  jmp    0x10023bd87               ; <+183> at main.swift:17
    0x10023bd74 <+164>:  movq   -0x68(%rbp), %rax
    0x10023bd78 <+168>:  incq   %rax
    0x10023bd7b <+171>:  seto   %cl
    0x10023bd7e <+174>:  movq   %rax, -0x78(%rbp)
    0x10023bd82 <+178>:  movb   %cl, -0x79(%rbp)
    0x10023bd85 <+181>:  jmp    0x10023bddf               ; <+271> at main.swift:17
    0x10023bd87 <+183>:  leaq   0x418a2(%rip), %rdi       ; "fatal error"
    0x10023bd8e <+190>:  movl   $0xb, %eax
    0x10023bd93 <+195>:  movl   %eax, %esi
    0x10023bd95 <+197>:  movl   $0x2, %eax
    0x10023bd9a <+202>:  leaq   0x487af(%rip), %rcx       ; "Range end index has no valid successor"
    0x10023bda1 <+209>:  movl   $0x26, %edx
    0x10023bda6 <+214>:  movl   %edx, %r8d
    0x10023bda9 <+217>:  movl   %eax, %edx
    0x10023bdab <+219>:  movl   %eax, %r9d
    0x10023bdae <+222>:  callq  0x1001a80f0               ; function signature specialization <Arg[0] = Exploded, Arg[1] = Exploded, Arg[2] = Dead, Arg[3] = Dead> of Swift._fatalErrorMessage (Swift.StaticString, Swift.StaticString, Swift.StaticString, Swift.UInt) -> ()
    0x10023bdb3 <+227>:  leaq   0x41876(%rip), %rdi       ; "fatal error"
    0x10023bdba <+234>:  movl   $0xb, %eax
    0x10023bdbf <+239>:  movl   %eax, %esi
    0x10023bdc1 <+241>:  movl   $0x2, %eax
    0x10023bdc6 <+246>:  leaq   0x48753(%rip), %rcx       ; "Can't form Range with end < start"
    0x10023bdcd <+253>:  movl   $0x21, %edx
    0x10023bdd2 <+258>:  movl   %edx, %r8d
    0x10023bdd5 <+261>:  movl   %eax, %edx
    0x10023bdd7 <+263>:  movl   %eax, %r9d
    0x10023bdda <+266>:  callq  0x1001a80f0               ; function signature specialization <Arg[0] = Exploded, Arg[1] = Exploded, Arg[2] = Dead, Arg[3] = Dead> of Swift._fatalErrorMessage (Swift.StaticString, Swift.StaticString, Swift.StaticString, Swift.UInt) -> ()
    0x10023bddf <+271>:  leaq   -0x30(%rbp), %rdi
    0x10023bde3 <+275>:  leaq   -0x20(%rbp), %rsi
    0x10023bde7 <+279>:  movq   $0x0, -0x20(%rbp)
    0x10023bdef <+287>:  movq   -0x78(%rbp), %rax
    0x10023bdf3 <+291>:  movq   %rax, -0x18(%rbp)
    0x10023bdf7 <+295>:  callq  0x1000362e0               ; generic specialization <Swift.Int with Swift.Int : Swift.ForwardIndexType in Swift, Swift.Int with Swift.Int : Swift._SignedIntegerType in Swift, Swift.Int with Swift.Int : Swift._BuiltinIntegerLiteralConvertible in Swift, Swift.Int> of Swift.Range.generate <A where A: Swift.ForwardIndexType> (Swift.Range<A>)() -> Swift.RangeGenerator<A>
    0x10023bdfc <+300>:  movq   -0x30(%rbp), %rax
    0x10023be00 <+304>:  movq   -0x28(%rbp), %rsi
    0x10023be04 <+308>:  movq   %rax, -0x10(%rbp)
    0x10023be08 <+312>:  movq   %rsi, -0x8(%rbp)
    0x10023be0c <+316>:  leaq   -0x40(%rbp), %rdi
    0x10023be10 <+320>:  leaq   -0x10(%rbp), %rsi
    0x10023be14 <+324>:  callq  0x100036960               ; generic specialization <Swift.Int with Swift.Int : Swift.ForwardIndexType in Swift, Swift.Int with Swift.Int : Swift._SignedIntegerType in Swift, Swift.Int with Swift.Int : Swift._BuiltinIntegerLiteralConvertible in Swift, Swift.Int> of Swift.RangeGenerator.next <A where A: Swift.ForwardIndexType> (inout Swift.RangeGenerator<A>)() -> Swift.Optional<A>
    0x10023be19 <+329>:  movq   -0x40(%rbp), %rsi
    0x10023be1d <+333>:  movb   -0x38(%rbp), %al
    0x10023be20 <+336>:  xorb   $0x1, %al
    0x10023be22 <+338>:  testb  $0x1, %al
    0x10023be24 <+340>:  movq   %rsi, -0x88(%rbp)
    0x10023be2b <+347>:  jne    0x10023be32               ; <+354> at main.swift:17
    0x10023be2d <+349>:  jmp    0x10023bed4               ; <+516> at main.swift:23
    0x10023be32 <+354>:  movsd  0x3bf66(%rip), %xmm0      ; witness table offset for Swift.VaListBuilder.__allocating_init (Swift.VaListBuilder.Type)() -> Swift.VaListBuilder + 344
    0x10023be3a <+362>:  movsd  0x3bf56(%rip), %xmm1      ; witness table offset for Swift.VaListBuilder.__allocating_init (Swift.VaListBuilder.Type)() -> Swift.VaListBuilder + 336
    0x10023be42 <+370>:  movq   -0x88(%rbp), %rax
    0x10023be49 <+377>:  movq   %rax, -0x48(%rbp)
    0x10023be4d <+381>:  callq  0x10023c160               ; swiftTest.randomNumber (Swift.Double, upperBound : Swift.Double) -> Swift.Double at main.swift:11
    0x10023be52 <+386>:  movsd  0x3bf46(%rip), %xmm1      ; witness table offset for Swift.VaListBuilder.__allocating_init (Swift.VaListBuilder.Type)() -> Swift.VaListBuilder + 344
    0x10023be5a <+394>:  movsd  0x3bf36(%rip), %xmm2      ; witness table offset for Swift.VaListBuilder.__allocating_init (Swift.VaListBuilder.Type)() -> Swift.VaListBuilder + 336
    0x10023be62 <+402>:  movsd  %xmm0, -0x50(%rbp)
    0x10023be67 <+407>:  movsd  %xmm0, -0x90(%rbp)
    0x10023be6f <+415>:  movaps %xmm1, %xmm0
    0x10023be72 <+418>:  movaps %xmm2, %xmm1
    0x10023be75 <+421>:  callq  0x10023c160               ; swiftTest.randomNumber (Swift.Double, upperBound : Swift.Double) -> Swift.Double at main.swift:11
    0x10023be7a <+426>:  movsd  0x3bf16(%rip), %xmm1      ; witness table offset for Swift.VaListBuilder.__allocating_init (Swift.VaListBuilder.Type)() -> Swift.VaListBuilder + 336
    0x10023be82 <+434>:  movsd  %xmm0, -0x58(%rbp)
    0x10023be87 <+439>:  movsd  -0x90(%rbp), %xmm2
    0x10023be8f <+447>:  mulsd  %xmm2, %xmm2
    0x10023be93 <+451>:  mulsd  %xmm0, %xmm0
    0x10023be97 <+455>:  addsd  %xmm0, %xmm2
    0x10023be9b <+459>:  ucomisd %xmm2, %xmm1
    0x10023be9f <+463>:  jb     0x10023becf               ; <+511> at main.swift:23
    0x10023bea1 <+465>:  movq   0x93320(%rip), %rax       ; swiftTest.pointInsideCount : Swift.Int
    0x10023bea8 <+472>:  incq   %rax
    0x10023beab <+475>:  seto   %cl
    0x10023beae <+478>:  movq   %rax, -0x98(%rbp)
    0x10023beb5 <+485>:  movb   %cl, -0x99(%rbp)
    0x10023bebb <+491>:  jo     0x10023c155               ; <+1157> at main.swift:21
    0x10023bec1 <+497>:  movq   -0x98(%rbp), %rax
    0x10023bec8 <+504>:  movq   %rax, 0x932f9(%rip)       ; swiftTest.pointInsideCount : Swift.Int
    0x10023becf <+511>:  jmp    0x10023be0c               ; <+316> at main.swift:17
    0x10023bed4 <+516>:  movsd  0x3beb4(%rip), %xmm0      ; witness table offset for Swift.VaListBuilder.__allocating_init (Swift.VaListBuilder.Type)() -> Swift.VaListBuilder + 328
    0x10023bedc <+524>:  cvtsi2sdq 0x932e3(%rip), %xmm1      ; swiftTest.pointInsideCount : Swift.Int
    0x10023bee5 <+533>:  cvtsi2sdq 0x932d2(%rip), %xmm2      ; swiftTest.pointNumber : Swift.Int
    0x10023beee <+542>:  divsd  %xmm2, %xmm1
    0x10023bef2 <+546>:  mulsd  %xmm0, %xmm1
    0x10023bef6 <+550>:  movsd  %xmm1, 0x932d2(%rip)      ; swiftTest.result : Swift.Double
    0x10023befe <+558>:  callq  0x10023c1b0               ; type metadata accessor for Swift.CVarArgType
    0x10023bf03 <+563>:  movl   $0x1, %ecx
    0x10023bf08 <+568>:  movl   %ecx, %edi
    0x10023bf0a <+570>:  movq   %rax, %rsi
    0x10023bf0d <+573>:  callq  0x100045770               ; Swift._allocateUninitializedArray <A> (Builtin.Word) -> (Swift.Array<A>, Builtin.RawPointer)
    0x10023bf12 <+578>:  leaq   0x4865e(%rip), %rdi       ; "%.50f"
    0x10023bf19 <+585>:  movl   $0x5, %ecx
    0x10023bf1e <+590>:  movl   %ecx, %esi
    0x10023bf20 <+592>:  movl   $0x1, %ecx
    0x10023bf25 <+597>:  movq   %rdx, -0xa8(%rbp)
    0x10023bf2c <+604>:  movl   %ecx, %edx
    0x10023bf2e <+606>:  movq   %rax, -0xb0(%rbp)
    0x10023bf35 <+613>:  callq  0x100001aa0               ; Swift.String.init (Swift.String.Type)(_builtinStringLiteral : Builtin.RawPointer, byteSize : Builtin.Word, isASCII : Builtin.Int1) -> Swift.String
    0x10023bf3a <+618>:  leaq   0x667b7(%rip), %rsi       ; protocol witness table for Swift.Double : Swift.CVarArgType in Swift
    0x10023bf41 <+625>:  leaq   0x6a258(%rip), %rdi       ; direct type metadata for Swift.Double
    0x10023bf48 <+632>:  addq   $0x8, %rdi
    0x10023bf4f <+639>:  movq   -0xa8(%rbp), %r8
    0x10023bf56 <+646>:  movq   %rdi, 0x18(%r8)
    0x10023bf5a <+650>:  movq   %rsi, 0x20(%r8)
    0x10023bf5e <+654>:  movsd  0x9326a(%rip), %xmm0      ; swiftTest.result : Swift.Double
    0x10023bf66 <+662>:  movsd  %xmm0, (%r8)
    0x10023bf6b <+667>:  movq   %rax, %rdi
    0x10023bf6e <+670>:  movq   %rdx, %rsi
    0x10023bf71 <+673>:  movq   %rcx, %rdx
    0x10023bf74 <+676>:  movq   -0xb0(%rbp), %rcx
    0x10023bf7b <+683>:  callq  0x10002dfa0               ; ext.Foundation.Swift.String.init (Swift.String.Type)(format : Swift.String, Swift.Array<Swift.CVarArgType>...) -> Swift.String
    0x10023bf80 <+688>:  movq   %rax, 0x93251(%rip)       ; swiftTest.piString : Swift.String
    0x10023bf87 <+695>:  movq   %rdx, 0x93252(%rip)       ; swiftTest.piString : Swift.String + 8
    0x10023bf8e <+702>:  movq   %rcx, 0x93253(%rip)       ; swiftTest.piString : Swift.String + 16
->  0x10023bf95 <+709>:  callq  0x10023c200               ; type metadata accessor for protocol<>
    0x10023bf9a <+714>:  movl   $0x1, %r9d
    0x10023bfa0 <+720>:  movl   %r9d, %edi
    0x10023bfa3 <+723>:  movq   %rax, %rsi
    0x10023bfa6 <+726>:  callq  0x100045770               ; Swift._allocateUninitializedArray <A> (Builtin.Word) -> (Swift.Array<A>, Builtin.RawPointer)
    0x10023bfab <+731>:  movl   $0x3, %r9d
    0x10023bfb1 <+737>:  movl   %r9d, %edi
    0x10023bfb4 <+740>:  leaq   0x6fe25(%rip), %rcx       ; direct type metadata for Swift.String
    0x10023bfbb <+747>:  addq   $0x8, %rcx
    0x10023bfc2 <+754>:  movq   %rcx, 0x18(%rdx)
    0x10023bfc6 <+758>:  movq   %rcx, %rsi
    0x10023bfc9 <+761>:  movq   %rax, -0xb8(%rbp)
    0x10023bfd0 <+768>:  movq   %rdx, -0xc0(%rbp)
    0x10023bfd7 <+775>:  callq  0x100045770               ; Swift._allocateUninitializedArray <A> (Builtin.Word) -> (Swift.Array<A>, Builtin.RawPointer)
    0x10023bfdc <+780>:  leaq   0x4859a(%rip), %rdi       ; "Pi is "
    0x10023bfe3 <+787>:  movl   $0x6, %r9d
    0x10023bfe9 <+793>:  movl   %r9d, %esi
    0x10023bfec <+796>:  movl   $0x1, %r9d
    0x10023bff2 <+802>:  movq   %rdx, -0xc8(%rbp)
    0x10023bff9 <+809>:  movl   %r9d, %edx
    0x10023bffc <+812>:  movq   %rax, -0xd0(%rbp)
    0x10023c003 <+819>:  callq  0x100001aa0               ; Swift.String.init (Swift.String.Type)(_builtinStringLiteral : Builtin.RawPointer, byteSize : Builtin.Word, isASCII : Builtin.Int1) -> Swift.String
    0x10023c008 <+824>:  movq   %rax, %rdi
    0x10023c00b <+827>:  movq   %rdx, %rsi
    0x10023c00e <+830>:  movq   %rcx, %rdx
    0x10023c011 <+833>:  callq  0x1000470d0               ; Swift.String.init (Swift.String.Type)(stringInterpolationSegment : Swift.String) -> Swift.String
    0x10023c016 <+838>:  movq   -0xc8(%rbp), %rsi
    0x10023c01d <+845>:  movq   %rax, (%rsi)
    0x10023c020 <+848>:  movq   %rdx, 0x8(%rsi)
    0x10023c024 <+852>:  movq   %rcx, 0x10(%rsi)
    0x10023c028 <+856>:  movq   0x931a9(%rip), %rdi       ; swiftTest.piString : Swift.String
    0x10023c02f <+863>:  movq   0x931aa(%rip), %rsi       ; swiftTest.piString : Swift.String + 8
    0x10023c036 <+870>:  movq   0x931ab(%rip), %rax       ; swiftTest.piString : Swift.String + 16
    0x10023c03d <+877>:  movq   %rdi, -0xd8(%rbp)
    0x10023c044 <+884>:  movq   %rax, %rdi
    0x10023c047 <+887>:  movq   %rsi, -0xe0(%rbp)
    0x10023c04e <+894>:  movq   %rax, -0xe8(%rbp)
    0x10023c055 <+901>:  callq  0x100268160               ; swift_unknownRetain
    0x10023c05a <+906>:  movq   -0xd8(%rbp), %rdi
    0x10023c061 <+913>:  movq   -0xe0(%rbp), %rsi
    0x10023c068 <+920>:  movq   -0xe8(%rbp), %rdx
    0x10023c06f <+927>:  callq  0x1000470d0               ; Swift.String.init (Swift.String.Type)(stringInterpolationSegment : Swift.String) -> Swift.String
    0x10023c074 <+932>:  leaq   0x40d15(%rip), %rdi       ; ""
    0x10023c07b <+939>:  xorl   %r9d, %r9d
    0x10023c07e <+942>:  movl   %r9d, %esi
    0x10023c081 <+945>:  movl   $0x1, %r9d
    0x10023c087 <+951>:  movq   -0xc8(%rbp), %r8
    0x10023c08e <+958>:  movq   %rax, 0x18(%r8)
    0x10023c092 <+962>:  movq   %rdx, 0x20(%r8)
    0x10023c096 <+966>:  movq   %rcx, 0x28(%r8)
    0x10023c09a <+970>:  movl   %r9d, %edx
    0x10023c09d <+973>:  callq  0x100001aa0               ; Swift.String.init (Swift.String.Type)(_builtinStringLiteral : Builtin.RawPointer, byteSize : Builtin.Word, isASCII : Builtin.Int1) -> Swift.String
    0x10023c0a2 <+978>:  movq   %rax, %rdi
    0x10023c0a5 <+981>:  movq   %rdx, %rsi
    0x10023c0a8 <+984>:  movq   %rcx, %rdx
    0x10023c0ab <+987>:  callq  0x1000470d0               ; Swift.String.init (Swift.String.Type)(stringInterpolationSegment : Swift.String) -> Swift.String
    0x10023c0b0 <+992>:  movq   -0xc8(%rbp), %rsi
    0x10023c0b7 <+999>:  movq   %rax, 0x30(%rsi)
    0x10023c0bb <+1003>: movq   %rdx, 0x38(%rsi)
    0x10023c0bf <+1007>: movq   %rcx, 0x40(%rsi)
    0x10023c0c3 <+1011>: movq   -0xd0(%rbp), %rdi
    0x10023c0ca <+1018>: callq  0x1000470c0               ; Swift.String.init (Swift.String.Type)(stringInterpolation : Swift.Array<Swift.String>...) -> Swift.String
    0x10023c0cf <+1023>: movq   -0xc0(%rbp), %rsi
    0x10023c0d6 <+1030>: movq   %rax, (%rsi)
    0x10023c0d9 <+1033>: movq   %rdx, 0x8(%rsi)
    0x10023c0dd <+1037>: movq   %rcx, 0x10(%rsi)
    0x10023c0e1 <+1041>: callq  0x10012aa70               ; Swift.(print (Swift.Array<protocol<>>, separator : Swift.String, terminator : Swift.String) -> ()).(default argument 1)
    0x10023c0e6 <+1046>: movq   %rax, -0xf0(%rbp)
    0x10023c0ed <+1053>: movq   %rdx, -0xf8(%rbp)
    0x10023c0f4 <+1060>: movq   %rcx, -0x100(%rbp)
    0x10023c0fb <+1067>: callq  0x10012aa90               ; Swift.(print (Swift.Array<protocol<>>, separator : Swift.String, terminator : Swift.String) -> ()).(default argument 2)
    0x10023c100 <+1072>: movq   -0xb8(%rbp), %rdi
    0x10023c107 <+1079>: movq   -0xf0(%rbp), %rsi
    0x10023c10e <+1086>: movq   -0xf8(%rbp), %r8
    0x10023c115 <+1093>: movq   %rdx, -0x108(%rbp)
    0x10023c11c <+1100>: movq   %r8, %rdx
    0x10023c11f <+1103>: movq   -0x100(%rbp), %r10
    0x10023c126 <+1110>: movq   %rcx, -0x110(%rbp)
    0x10023c12d <+1117>: movq   %r10, %rcx
    0x10023c130 <+1120>: movq   %rax, %r8
    0x10023c133 <+1123>: movq   -0x108(%rbp), %r9
    0x10023c13a <+1130>: movq   -0x110(%rbp), %rax
    0x10023c141 <+1137>: movq   %rax, (%rsp)
    0x10023c145 <+1141>: callq  0x10012aab0               ; Swift.print (Swift.Array<protocol<>>, separator : Swift.String, terminator : Swift.String) -> ()
    0x10023c14a <+1146>: xorl   %eax, %eax
    0x10023c14c <+1148>: addq   $0x120, %rsp
    0x10023c153 <+1155>: popq   %rbp
    0x10023c154 <+1156>: retq   
    0x10023c155 <+1157>: ud2    
    0x10023c157 <+1159>: nopw   (%rax,%rax)


randomNumber 函数由大约20条指令组成,因此x和y的计算由大约40条指令组成。添加pointInsideCount只执行几条指令,因此在for循环中大约有4~5打指令(假设它是50)。可以忽略for循环之外的时间消耗。

如果我假设4560U平均每循环运行2条指令,当循环计数为10 ^ 8时,空穴时间消耗约为50 * 10 ^ 8 /(1.7 * 10 ^ 9 * 2)

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

您不能为所有循环假设相同的IPC 。当然循环运行2个IPC,但是它并没有告诉你任何有关其他循环的信息。您必须仔细分析代码以找出瓶颈和并行度。

如果您可以安全地假设没有缓存未命中或分支错误预测,您可以通过英特尔静态代码分析器using IACA为特定的英特尔微体系结构获得小循环的合理循环计数估计值。它远不是对真实硬件的完全周期精确模拟,但它确实有自己的模型用于将uop分配到端口。它通常得到合理的数字。

您也可以使用Agner Fog's指令表和微体系结构指南手动进行相同类型的分析(包括IACA不了解的CPU)。


在高吞吐量的情况下,有许多微妙的影响可以阻止您希望每个时钟可以在4个融合域uop运行的代码。前端只能维持非常小的循环(~28或56 uop),因为即使uop缓存的吞吐量也有限,因为uop-cache-line boundary和uop不是4组。

Significant FMA performance anomaly experienced in the Intel Broadwell processor是如何让事情变得难以理解的一个很好的例子。您希望代码能够使所有三个矢量执行端口饱和,它在Haswell上完成,几乎在Skylake上,但在Broadwell上甚至没有。而且这甚至都不是前端瓶颈,因为循环足够小,适合循环缓冲区。

