Django - 您是否忘记注册或加载此标记?

时间:2016-01-28 06:26:05

标签: python django django-templates pygments templatetags


from pygments import highlight
from pygments.lexers import get_lexer_by_name
from django import template
from pygments.formatters.other import NullFormatter

register = template.Library()

def do_code(parser,token):
    code = token.split_contents()[-1]
    nodelist = parser.parse(('endcode',))
    return CodeNode(code,nodelist)

class CodeNode(template.Node):
    def __init__(self,lang,code):
        self.lang = lang
        self.nodelist = code

    def render(self,context):
        code = self.nodelist.render(context)
        lexer = get_lexer_by_name('python')
        return highlight(code,lexer,NullFormatter())



(% load pygmentize %}
{% block content %}
    <title>{% block title %} | {{ game.title }}{% endblock %}</title>
    <div id="gamecodecontainer">
        {% code %}
        {% endcode %}
{% endblock content %}



第23行的无效广告代码:&#39;代码&#39;,预期&#39; endblock&#39;。您是否忘记注册或加载此标记?

10 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:10)


{% load games_tags %} 


答案 1 :(得分:6)

错误在此行:(% load pygmentize %},无效标记。 将其更改为{% load pygmentize %}

答案 2 :(得分:2)

我有同样的问题,这是我如何解决它。在this very excellent Django tutorial的第一部分之后,我做了以下内容:

  1. 执行:python startapp new_app
  2. 创建一个新的Django应用
  3. 修改settings.py文件,将以下内容添加到INSTALLED_APPS列表中:'new_app',
  4. 将新模块添加到名为new_app的{​​{1}}包中。
  5. 在Django HTML模板中,将以下内容添加到文件顶部,但在new_app_tags之后:{% extends 'base_template_name.html' %}
  6. {% load new_app_tags %}模块文件中,创建自定义模板标记(见下文)。
  7. 在相同的Django HTML模板中,从上面的第4步开始,使用你的闪亮新自定义标记:new_app_tags
  8. 庆祝!
  9. 上述第5步的例子:

    {% multiply_by_two | "5.0" %}

答案 3 :(得分:2)

遇到了同样的问题,但我刚刚从我的扩展模板中添加了 #!/bin/sh # # A zenity-based .sh script (dash, bash, zsh - compatible) for # manually marking files and folders in a source directory (recursive) # and copying them to another directory (destination) GET_ROOT_FOLDER () { eval $1=\'$(zenity --file-selection --directory .)\' } GET_FILES_FOLDERS_OR_TEMPLATE () { eval $1=\'$(zenity --list --column Selection --column "Files/Folders" TRUE "Files or Folders" FALSE "TEMPLATE" --radiolist)\' } GET_FILES_OR_FOLDERS () { eval $1=\'$(zenity --list --column Selection --column "Files/Folders" TRUE "Files" FALSE "Folders" --radiolist)\' } GET_FILES () { eval ROOT_FOLDER="\"\$$1\"" eval $2=\'$(zenity --file-selection --multiple --filename "${ROOT_FOLDER}/" --separator "/////")\' } GET_FOLDERS () { eval ROOT_FOLDER="\"\$$1\"" eval $2=\'$(zenity --file-selection --multiple --directory --filename "${ROOT_FOLDER}/" --separator "/////")\' } GET_DESTINATION_FOLDER () { eval $1=\'$(zenity --file-selection --directory .)\' } ProcGenerateMarkedArray () { #Proceed to comparing files: for i in $(seq 1 $count2); do eval markings_$i="0" done for i in $(seq 1 $count2); do eval current_file_i="\"\$file_or_folder_to_copy2_$i\"" eval current_marking_i="\"\$markings_$i\"" if [ "$current_marking_i" = "0" ]; then for j in $(seq 1 $count2); do eval current_marking_j="\"\$markings_$j\"" if [ ! "$i" = "$j" -a "$current_marking_j" = "0" ]; then eval current_file_j="\"\$file_or_folder_to_copy2_$j\"" if [ ! "${current_file_i#$current_file_j"/"}" = "$current_file_i" ]; then eval markings_$i="1" break elif [ ! "${current_file_j#$current_file_i"/"}" = "$current_file_j" ]; then eval markings_$j="1" fi fi done fi done #Rebuild files array: count3=0 for i in $(seq 1 $count2); do eval current_marking="\"\$markings_$i\"" if [ "$current_marking" = "0" ]; then count3=$((count3 + 1)) eval file_or_folder_to_copy3_$count3="\"\$file_or_folder_to_copy2_$i\"" fi done } ProcExtractFoldersFromPath () { eval file_path="\"\$$1\"" file_path=${file_path#"/"} first_path_component="${file_path%%"/"*}" remaining_file_path="${file_path#*"/"}" folders_count=0 while [ ! "$first_path_component" = "$remaining_file_path" ]; do folders_count=$((folders_count + 1)) eval $2_$folders_count="\"\$first_path_component\"" first_path_component="${remaining_file_path%%"/"*}" remaining_file_path="${remaining_file_path#*"/"}" done #Treat last path component separately folders_count=$((folders_count + 1)) eval $2_$folders_count="\"\$first_path_component\"" eval $3=$folders_count } trap1 () { CleanUp printf "\nAborted.\n" } CleanUp () { #Restore "INTERRUPT" (CTRL-C) and "TERMINAL STOP" (CTRL-Z) signals: trap - INT trap - TSTP #Restore initial IFS: #IFS=$old_IFS unset IFS #Restore initial directory: cd "$initial_dir" } TEMPLATE_FILE_DIR_PATH='.' TEMPLATE_FILE_NAME='Template_zenity_select.txt' cd "$TEMPLATE_FILE_DIR_PATH" TEMPLATE_FILE_DIR_PATH="$PWD" #If default template file is in $HOME folder, then set its DIRECTORY PATH as: $HOME folder PATH: if [ ! "${TEMPLATE_FILE_DIR_PATH#$HOME}" = "$TEMPLATE_FILE_DIR_PATH" ]; then TEMPLATE_FILE_DIR_PATH="$HOME" fi TEMPLATE_FILE_PATH="$TEMPLATE_FILE_DIR_PATH/$TEMPLATE_FILE_NAME" initial_dir="$PWD" old_IFS="$IFS" #Store initial IFS value IFS=" " #Trap "INTERRUPT" (CTRL-C) and "TERMINAL STOP" (CTRL-Z) signals: trap 'trap1' INT trap 'trap1' TSTP main_count="1" error1="false" error2="false" error3="false" { zenity --help >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; } || { error1="true"; } { uniq --help >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; } || { error2="true"; } { cp --help >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; } || { error3="true"; } { find --help >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; } || { error4="true"; } if [ "$error1" = "true" -o "$error2" = "true" -o "$error3" = "true" ]; then { printf "\n" if [ "$error1" = "true" ]; then printf '%s\n' "ERROR: Could not run \"zenity\" (necessary in order for this script to function correctly)!"; fi if [ "$error2" = "true" ]; then printf '%s\n' "ERROR: Could not run \"uniq\" (necessary in order for this script to function correctly)"; fi if [ "$error3" = "true" ]; then printf '%s\n' "ERROR: Could not run \"cp\" (necessary in order for this script to function correctly)"; fi if [ "$error4" = "true" ]; then printf '%s\n' "ERROR: Could not run \"find\" (necessary in order for this script to function correctly)"; fi printf "\n" }>/dev/stderr CleanUp; exit 1 fi while [ ! "$main_count" = "2" ]; do GET_FILES_FOLDERS_OR_TEMPLATE files_folders_or_template if [ -z "$files_folders_or_template" ]; then CleanUp; exit 1; fi if [ "$files_folders_or_template" = "Files or Folders" ]; then SELECT_ROOT_FOLDER="$(zenity --list --column Selection --column "SELECT ROOT FOLDER" TRUE "Select ROOT folder" --radiolist)" if [ -z "$SELECT_ROOT_FOLDER" ]; then continue; fi GET_ROOT_FOLDER ROOT_FOLDER if [ -z "$ROOT_FOLDER" ]; then continue; fi if [ -z "$files_or_folders" ]; then GET_FILES_OR_FOLDERS files_or_folders if [ -z "$files_or_folders" ]; then exit; fi else GET_FILES_OR_FOLDERS files_or_folders if [ -z "$files_or_folders" ]; then continue; fi fi files_folders_selection="temp" current_file_or_folder="temp" count=0 error="false" while [ -n "$files_or_folders" -a -n "$files_folders_selection" ]; do if [ "$files_or_folders" = "Files" ]; then GET_FILES ROOT_FOLDER files_folders_selection elif [ "$files_or_folders" = "Folders" ]; then GET_FOLDERS ROOT_FOLDER files_folders_selection fi while [ ! "$current_file_or_folder" = "$files_folders_selection" ]; do current_file_or_folder="${files_folders_selection%%"/////"*}" files_folders_selection="${files_folders_selection#*"/////"}" current_file_or_folder_relative_path="${current_file_or_folder#$ROOT_FOLDER"/"}" if [ "$current_file_or_folder_relative_path" = "$current_file_or_folder" ]; then #If "$current_file_or_folder" does not start with "$ROOT_FOLDER": error="true" break else count=$((count+1)) eval file_or_folder_to_copy1_$count=\"\$current_file_or_folder_relative_path\" fi done if [ "$error" = "true" ]; then zenity --warning --width=400 --height=200 --text "ERROR: Last selection parent folder is not \"$ROOT_FOLDER\"! Please try again:" fi if [ -n "$files_folders_selection" ]; then GET_FILES_OR_FOLDERS files_or_folders if [ "$error" = "true" -a -z "$files_or_folders" ]; then CleanUp; exit 1; fi fi done count2=0 for line in $(\ for i in $(seq 1 $count); do\ eval current_file_or_folder="\"\$file_or_folder_to_copy1_$i\"" printf '%s\n' "$current_file_or_folder";\ done|uniq -u;\ ); do count2=$((count2+1)) #printf '%s\n' "$line" eval file_or_folder_to_copy2_$count2=\"\$line\" done ProcGenerateMarkedArray answer="" zenity --question --text "Save this selection to template file?" --no-wrap --ok-label "Yes" --cancel-label "No" error_code="$?"; if [ "$error_code" = "0" ]; then answer="Yes"; fi if [ "$answer" = "Yes" ]; then answer="" answer="$(zenity --list --column Selection --column "" TRUE "Use default template file path defined in the script" FALSE "Define a template file path" --radiolist --width 480 --height 180)" if [ "$answer" = "Define a template file path" ]; then zenity --info --width=400 --height=200 --text "Please provide the directory where you want to save the template file:" TEMPLATE_FILE_DIR_PATH="$(zenity --file-selection --directory ".")" if [ -z "$TEMPLATE_FILE_DIR_PATH" ]; then CleanUp; exit 1; fi TEMPLATE_FILE_PATH="$TEMPLATE_FILE_DIR_PATH/$TEMPLATE_FILE_NAME" answer="" if [ -n "$TEMPLATE_FILE_PATH" ]; then zenity --question --text "Are you sure you want to continue? If Yes:\n\nWARNING: $TEMPLATE_FILE_PATH will be overwritten!" --no-wrap --ok-label "Yes" --cancel-label "No" error_code="$?"; if [ "$error_code" = "0" ]; then answer="Yes"; fi fi elif [ "$answer" = "Use default template file path defined in the script" -o "$answer" = "Yes" ]; then cat "/dev/null">"$TEMPLATE_FILE_PATH" for i in $(seq 1 $count3); do eval current_file_or_folder="\"\$file_or_folder_to_copy3_$i\"" printf '%s\n' "$current_file_or_folder">>"$TEMPLATE_FILE_PATH" done else CleanUp; exit 1 fi fi SELECT_DESTINATION_FOLDER="$(zenity --list --column Selection --column "SELECT DESTINATION FOLDER" TRUE "Select DESTINATION folder" --radiolist --width 400 --height 200)" if [ -z "$SELECT_DESTINATION_FOLDER" ]; then CleanUp; exit 1; fi GET_DESTINATION_FOLDER DESTINATION_FOLDER if [ -z "$DESTINATION_FOLDER" ]; then CleanUp; exit 1; fi elif [ "$files_folders_or_template" = "TEMPLATE" ]; then answer="" answer="$(zenity --list --column Selection --column "" TRUE "Use the default template file path defined in the script" FALSE "Use a user defined template file path" --radiolist --width 510 --height 180)" if [ "$answer" = "Use a user defined template file path" ]; then zenity --info --width=400 --height=200 --text "Please provide the template file path:" TEMPLATE_FILE_PATH="$(zenity --file-selection --filename ".")" if [ -z "$TEMPLATE_FILE_PATH" ]; then continue; fi elif [ "$answer" = "Use the default template file path defined in the script" ]; then TEMPLATE_FILE_PATH="$TEMPLATE_FILE_DIR_PATH/$TEMPLATE_FILE_NAME" else continue fi if [ -e "$TEMPLATE_FILE_PATH" -a -f "$TEMPLATE_FILE_PATH" ]; then count2=0 for line in $(cat "$TEMPLATE_FILE_PATH"); do count2=$((count2+1)) eval file_or_folder_to_copy2_$count2=\"\$line\" done; ProcGenerateMarkedArray SELECT_ROOT_FOLDER="$(zenity --list --column Selection --column "SELECT ROOT FOLDER" TRUE "Select ROOT folder" --radiolist)" if [ -z "$SELECT_ROOT_FOLDER" ]; then continue; fi GET_ROOT_FOLDER ROOT_FOLDER if [ -z "$ROOT_FOLDER" ]; then continue; fi SELECT_DESTINATION_FOLDER="$(zenity --list --column Selection --column "SELECT DESTINATION FOLDER" TRUE "Select DESTINATION folder" --radiolist --width 400 --height 200)" if [ -z "$SELECT_DESTINATION_FOLDER" ]; then CleanUp; exit 1; fi GET_DESTINATION_FOLDER DESTINATION_FOLDER if [ -z "$DESTINATION_FOLDER" ]; then CleanUp; exit 1; fi else zenity --warning --width=400 --height=200 --text "ERROR: Default template defined in the script does not exist! Please create one, by not using a template, first." continue fi fi if [ -n "$count3" -a ! "$count3" = 0 ]; then #Proceed to copying files: error="false" count5=0 #Get ROOT_FOLDER_NAME ROOT_FOLDER_NAME="${ROOT_FOLDER##*"/"}" while [ ! -z "$DESTINATION_FOLDER" ]; do if [ -e "$DESTINATION_FOLDER/$ROOT_FOLDER_NAME" ]; then zenity --warning --width=400 --height=200 --text "ERROR: The destination folder name \"$ROOT_FOLDER_NAME\" already exists in "$DESTINATION_FOLDER"! Please try again:" SELECT_DESTINATION_FOLDER="$(zenity --list --column Selection --column "SELECT DESTINATION FOLDER" TRUE "Select DESTINATION folder" --radiolist --width 400 --height 200)" if [ -z "$SELECT_DESTINATION_FOLDER" ]; then CleanUp; exit 1; fi GET_DESTINATION_FOLDER DESTINATION_FOLDER if [ -z "$DESTINATION_FOLDER" ]; then CleanUp; exit 1; fi else cd "$DESTINATION_FOLDER" { mkdir "$ROOT_FOLDER_NAME" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; }||{ zenity --warning --width=400 --height=200 --text "ERROR: Cannot make root dir: \"$ROOT_FOLDER_NAME\" into destination folder: \"$DESTINATION_FOLDER\"!" CleanUp; exit 1 } #cd "$ROOT_FOLDER_NAME" for i in $(seq 1 $count3); do eval current_file_or_folder_to_copy="\"\$file_or_folder_to_copy3_$i\"" if [ ! -e "$ROOT_FOLDER/$current_file_or_folder_to_copy" ]; then error="true" current_error="ERROR: File \"$current_file_or_folder_to_copy\" does not exist in root (source) folder \"$ROOT_FOLDER\"!" count5=$((count5 + 1)) eval error_files_$count5=\"\$current_error\" fi done { for i in $(seq 1 $count3); do cd "$DESTINATION_FOLDER/$ROOT_FOLDER_NAME" eval current_file_or_folder_to_copy="\"\$file_or_folder_to_copy3_$i\"" ProcExtractFoldersFromPath current_file_or_folder_to_copy folders_array count4 for j in $(seq 1 $((count4 - 1))); do eval current_dir="\"\$folders_array_$j\"" { mkdir "$current_dir" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; }&&{ cd "$current_dir" }||{ error="true" current_error="ERROR: Cannot make dir: \"$current_dir\"!" count5=$((count5 + 1)) eval error_files_$count5=\"\$current_error\" break } done { cp -r "$ROOT_FOLDER/$current_file_or_folder_to_copy" "." 2>/dev/null }||{ error="true" current_error="ERROR: Cannot copy: \"$current_file_or_folder_to_copy\" from \"$ROOT_FOLDER/\" to \"$DESTINATION_FOLDER/\"!" count5=$((count5 + 1)) eval error_files_$count5=\"\$current_error\" } done #Remove hidden folders and files (that start with "."): cd "$DESTINATION_FOLDER/$ROOT_FOLDER_NAME" && { for i in $(seq 1 $count3); do eval current_file_or_folder_to_copy="\"\$file_or_folder_to_copy3_$i\"" if [ -d "$current_file_or_folder_to_copy" ]; then find "." -type d -a -path "*/.*" -a -not -path "." -exec rm -r "{}" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null \; else find "." -not -type d -a -path "*/.*" -a -not -path "." -exec rm -r "{}" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null \; fi done } printf "Done\n" }|zenity --progress --pulsate --auto-close --width=400 --height=200 --title="Copying files... " --text="Please wait..." if [ "$error" = "false" ]; then zenity --info --width=400 --height=200 --text "Files were successfully copied." elif [ "$error" = "true" ]; then zenity --warning --width=400 --height=200 --text "ERROR: Errors were encountered while trying to copy files!\nPlease see the next errors list:" errors_list="" zenity --list --width 1000 --height 500 --column "Errors" $(printf $(for i in $(seq 1 $count5); do eval printf '%s' "\"\$error_files_$i\" "; done)) fi break fi done fi main_count=$((main_count+1)) done #Restore previous settings: CleanUp 并且它起作用了。因此,在您的情况下,如果您尝试从基本模板加载 {% load static %},您只需要像这样添加它:


答案 4 :(得分:1)

对于Django 2.2及更高版本,您必须先在html模板中加载 staticfiles ,然后再使用 static 关键字

{% load staticfiles %}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'css/bootstrap.min.css' %}">




答案 5 :(得分:0)




包含自定义标记的应用必须位于INSTALLED_APPS,才能使{% load %}代码生效。这是一个安全功能:它允许您在单个主机上托管许多模板库的Python代码,而无需为每个Django安装启用所有模板库。

答案 6 :(得分:0)

gameprofile.html中,请将标签{% endblock content %}更改为{% endblock %},然后它将起作用,否则django将不会加载 endblock 并给出错误消息。

答案 7 :(得分:0)

{% load static %}


答案 8 :(得分:0)

{% load static %}
<img src="{% static "my_app/example.jpg" %}" alt="My image">


答案 9 :(得分:-1)


{% endblock content %}

{% endblock %}