
时间:2016-01-18 06:31:02

标签: javascript html javascript-events



<div class="SubColumn LeftCol grid_12 alpha">
    <div class="InfoBox grid_12 alpha omega">
        <h1>Side Detail</h1>
            <li data-detail-item="Detail item" data-detail-info="Info about the detail item!">Detail item</li>
            <li data-detail-item="Detail item 2" data-detail-info="Info about the second detail item!">Detail item 2</li>
            <li>Detail item</li>
            <li>Detail item</li>
                <li>Detail item</li>
                <li>Detail item</li>
                <li>Detail item</li>
                <li>Detail item</li>
            <li>Detail item</li>
            <li>Detail item</li>
            <li>Detail item</li>
            <li>Detail item</li>


function PrepareDefBoxes()
    // I'm using document.querySelectorAll() here as a generic swiss army knife
    // I use it multiple times throughout the script
    // Quite frankly its CSS-selector-syntax input is easier for me to read & maintain
    // CSS-style selectors even work on the custom data-* global attributes ^_^
    var AllDeets = document.querySelectorAll("li[data-detail-item][data-detail-info]");
    // An array of events to add to all the details list items
    // Declared here because I *might* need to add more events; you never know~
    var Events = ["mouseover", "mouseout", "click"];

    // This is a coding trick I've used in C++ and in php
    // If you have nested for loops and all your code is in the innermost loop,
    // you can actually put them all on the same line or on successive lines,
    // then have the scoping braces following the innermost for loop :3
    for(var i = 0; i < AllDeets.length; i++)
    for(var e = 0; e < Events.length; e++)
        AllDeets[i].addEventListener( Events[e], function(event) {
        console.log("Added " + Events[e] + " to " + AllDeets[i].innerHTML);

function DefBox(ListItem)
    console.log("It works!");

函数PrepareDefBoxes()由较早的Bootstrap()函数调用,该函数本身通过文档的主体标记la <body onload="Bootstrap()">上的onload内联事件侦听器调用。当我刷新页面时,我将这块输出记录到控制台,完全符合预期:

Added mouseover to Detail item
Added mouseout to Detail item
Added click to Detail item
Added mouseover to Detail item 2
Added mouseout to Detail item 2
Added click to Detail item 2

然而,当我从两个列表项中随机鼠标移除并将鼠标移出时,应该将 THREE 事件侦听器绑定到每个列表项,但函数DefBox()只被调用一次!并且它仅将输出记录到控制台一次。我也没有通过点击列表项来获得额外的输出。当我把光标移到这两个项目上时,我应该弄得一团糟“它有效!”打印到控制台。


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var counter = 0;
function DefBox(ListItem)
    document.getElementById('out').innerHTML = counter++;