Swift 2 - iOS - 发送回原始线程

时间:2016-01-15 19:57:33

标签: ios multithreading swift swift2 nsthread



let Session = NSURLSession.sharedSession()
let TheStack = [Structure]()
//This gets called asynchronously, e.g. in threads 3,4,5,6,7
func AddToStack(The Response) -> Void { 
   TheStack.insertAt(Structure(The Response), atIndex: 0))
   if output.hasSpaceAvailable == true {
      // This causes the stream event to be fired on mutliple threads
      // This is what I want to call back into the original thread, e.g. in thread 2
      self.stream(self.output, handleEvent: NSStreamEvent.hasSpaceAvailable) 

// This is in the main loop, e.g. thread 2
func stream(aStream: NSStream, handleEvent: NSStreamEvent) {

   switch(NSStreamEvent) {

      case NSStreamEvent.OpenCompleted:
          // Do some open stuff
      case NSStreamEvent.HasBytesAvailable:
          Session.dataTaskWithRequest(requestFromInput, completionHandler: AddToStack)
      case NSStreamEvent.HasSpaceAvailable:
          // Do stuff with the output
      case NSStreamEvent.CloseCompleted:
          // Close the stuff

问题是调用dataTaskWithRequest的线程在线程中,比如说3.完成处理程序在许多不同的线程中触发,导致case NSStreamEvent.HasSpaceAvailable:在线程3中运行,加上所有线程它们存在于。

我的问题是:如何在线程3中调用self.stream(self.output, handleEvent: NSStreamEvent.hasSpaceAvailable),或者原始线程是什么,以防止在输出阶段相互跳闸。



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:6)



final class ArbitraryConnection {

internal var streamThread: NSThread

let Session = NSURLSession.sharedSession()
let TheStack = [Structure]()
//This gets called asynchronously, e.g. in threads 3,4,5,6,7
func AddToStack(The Response) -> Void { 
   TheStack.insertAt(Structure(The Response), atIndex: 0))
   if output.hasSpaceAvailable == true {
      // This causes the stream event to be fired on multiple threads
      // This is what I want to call back into the original thread, e.g. in thread 2

      // Old way
      self.stream(self.output, handleEvent: NSStreamEvent.hasSpaceAvailable)
      // New way, that works
      if(streamThread != nil) {
          self.performSelector(Selector("startoutput"), onThread: streamThread!, withObject: nil, waitUntilDone: false)

func open -> Bool {
    // Some stuff
    streamThread = NSThread.currentThread()

final internal func startoutput -> Void {
   if(output.hasSpaceAvailable && outputIdle) {
        self.stream(self.output, handleEvent: NSStreamEvent.HasSpaceAvailable)
// This is in the main loop, e.g. thread 2
func stream(aStream: NSStream, handleEvent: NSStreamEvent) {

   switch(NSStreamEvent) {

      case NSStreamEvent.OpenCompleted:
          // Do some open stuff
      case NSStreamEvent.HasBytesAvailable:
          Session.dataTaskWithRequest(requestFromInput, completionHandler: AddToStack)
      case NSStreamEvent.HasSpaceAvailable:
          // Do stuff with the output
      case NSStreamEvent.CloseCompleted:
          // Close the stuff


答案 1 :(得分:1)

